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1. Dow AgroSciences Canada Crop protection company with diverse interests, including weed, insect and disease management for agricultural crops, forestry and urban pest management. http://www.dowagro.ca | |
2. Omniseek /Recreation /Gardens /Pest And Disease Control /Science state.edu/lines/patc.html) Integrated pest and disease management. Plant protection involves the timely identification and http//www.forestry.ac.cn/zglyjs/4y.htm http://www.omniseek.com/srch/{35850} |
3. Ionia County MSU Extension | Agriculture | Pest Management pest management information from Ionia County Extension Fisheries Wildlife. forestry. Government. Great Lakes pest management programming provides researchbased educational programs, information and materials on managing insects, disease http://web4.msue.msu.edu/msuewc/ionia/category.cfm?categoryID=149 |
4. Crop Pest And Disease Management Challenges For The Crop pest and disease management Challenges for the Millennium/edited by D. Prasad and S.N. Puri. New Delhi, Jyoti Publishers, 2002, 454 p., tables, ISBN 81901384-0-5. Contents I. Insect management options 1. and deployment of bioherbicides for weed management in forestry/Raj Prasad and Sanjay Kushwaha http://www.vedamsbooks.com/no26142.htm |
5. Ecologically Based Pest Management ecosystems; nevertheless, pest outbreaks and crop and animal disease epidemics did agricultural and forestry ecosystem processes and to develop effective pestmanagement tools. http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/pest/summary.html | |
6. Newaygo County MSU Extension | Agriculture | Pest Management pest management information from Newaygo County Extension Fisheries Wildlife. forestry. Government. Great Lakes pest management programs provide researchbased education, information and materials on managing insects, disease, weed http://web4.msue.msu.edu/msuewc/newaygo/category.cfm?categoryID=157 |
7. Forestry Research - Forest Protection and subtropical forest entomology and pathology; Forest pest and disease surveillance systems forestry quarantine and exotic pest incursion management. http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/forestryresearch/8176.html | |
8. IPM Commodities - Forestry, Greenhouse/Ornamental, Household Identify and promote environmentally friendly methods of pest and disease control Continue developing resistance management strategies for pests http://paipm.cas.psu.edu/commod2.html |
9. Pest Control In Forestry: MPRC Gateway. pest management in forestry. 6 October 2003. CONTENTS. OVERVIEW OF pest management IN forestry. INSECTS AND disease management. MN Organizations and Resources. Regional or National. VEGETATION / WEED management http://www.sustain.org/mnpesticide/pages/forestpest.html | |
10. Disease : TreeLink : The Community Forestry Resource June 9, 1995 issue of Horticulture and Home pest News, presented 160 Armillaria Root disease A guide and diagnosis, infection patterns, and management of this http://www.treelink.org/linx/?navSubCatRef=10 |
11. Pests : TreeLink : The Community Forestry Resource management. 341 Insect and disease Problems An illustrated guide provided by the International Society of Arboriculture. 1197 Integrated pest management http://www.treelink.org/linx/?navSubCatRef=31 |
12. Pest Control In Forestry: Provenance. CONTENTS. OVERVIEW OF pest management IN forestry. INSECTS AND disease management. · MN Organizations and Resources. · Regional or National. http://www.mnpesticide.org/pages/forestpest.html | |
13. Science, Agriculture, Forestry: Pests And Diseases Information sheets on forest pests management (many in information about Dutch elm disease and ELMguard Exotic Forest pest Information System for North America http://www.combose.com/Science/Agriculture/Forestry/Pests_and_Diseases/ | |
14. Turfgrass Washington State University Extension, text on pest and disease management for plants from Extension, includes lists of resources for forestry for urban http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/iac/turfturf.html | |
15. Pests And Diseases practical information on this disease including history ecology, control and management, recent publications and html US forestry Service pest Alerts Collection http://www.zookle.com/Science/Agriculture/Forestry/Pests_and_Diseases/ | |
16. Key Research Portfolios plantations, farm and urban forestry;; Silvicultural regimes to produce high quality timber products;; Integrated pest and disease management regimes for http://www.forestsciencecentre.vic.gov.au/research.html | |
17. City Of Toronto Urban Forestry Services - TorontoÂs Urban Urban forestry Services promotes insect pest and disease management programs that are environmentally, socially and economically sound. back to home page. http://www.toronto.ca/trees/urban_foresty_what_we_do.htm |
18. Wauu.DE: Science: Agriculture: Forestry: Pests And Diseases Death Provides practical information on this disease. symptoms, ecology, control and management, recent publications US forestry Service pest Alerts Collection http://www.wauu.de/Science/Agriculture/Forestry/Pests_and_Diseases/ | |
19. UC Berkeley Center For Forestry: Pitch Canker for forestry at UC Berkeley presented a series of educational venues for the members of the pest control industry on various disease management strategies for http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/forestry/comp_proj/pitch_pest.html | |
20. List Of Audit Reports By Agency Audit Reports by Agency. (Agriculture Fisheries and forestry Australia). 6 Items. pest and disease Emergency management Follow-up-Audit No. http://www.anao.gov.au/WebSite.nsf/ViewPubs?ReadForm&Start=1&Count=1000&ExpandVi |
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