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81. Amazon Alliance - Main Page Meeting Iquitos, peru June 9th11th For more information, contact Meghan at amazon@amazonalliance.org.April 19 is the National Day of the indigenous People in http://www.amazonalliance.org/ | |
82. MPRI - LIBRARY South American indigenous organizations, mainly peru, Bolivia, Ecuador to the developmentof alternative solutions and debates for their people. http://www.iipm-mpri.org/biblioteca/index.cfm?action=listar&by=descriptor&cod=56 |
83. Indigenous People Aboriginal Connections An indigenous peoples Web Directory - A comprehensive webdirectory presenting categorized information to Canadian Aboriginal, Native http://www.supercrawler.com/Society/Ethnicity/Indigenous_People/ | |
84. NativeWeb Home and peru. Our goal is to offer alternatives to traditional tourism that value localculture and tradition, working with and for indigenous people s economies http://www.nativeweb.org/resources.php?name=Quechua&type=1&nation=253 |
85. Latinamerica Press: Article Monday, May 17, 2004. Our most recent articles related to indigenous peoples. COLOMBIA.Printer friendly version. Conflict engulfs Bari. Mike Ceaser. Jun 24, 2003. http://www.noticiasaliadas.org/Article.asp?lanCode=1&actCode=5&actDesc=Indigenou |
86. Dehai Africa/World News Archive: Indigenous People In South America - A Politica are indigenous. In peru, mestizaje has gone much further than in Bolivia. There,rural Indians have tended to define themselves as campesinos (country people). http://dehai.org/archives/AW_news_archive/0320.html | |
87. ELAN: Feb99 : Seeking Photos: Indigenous People Vs Exxon/Mobil Can anyone recommend sources of photos illustrating conflict between indigenous peoplesand Exxon or Mobil, in peru (Mobil) and Venezuela (Exxon and El Cerrejon http://csf.colorado.edu/mail/elan/feb99/0067.html | |
88. Abraham Lama, Indigenous Peoples, The Invisible Victims Of War information NATIVEL@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU From native-l@gnosys.svle.ma.us SubjectIPSPeru/EcuadorInvisible indigenous peoples, the Invisible Victims of War. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/196.html | |
89. UNESCO's Actions For The Dialogue Among Civilizations The breaking down of the production and culture of peruÂs indigenous peoplesmeant the destruction of traditional production methods, which had been http://www.unesco.org/dialogue/delhi/toledo_karp.html | |
90. Goldman Prize: Recipient Profile Today peru s indigenous people face threats from oil exploration on their land.Ever in the public eye, Nugkuag plans to run for mayor of his municipality. http://www.goldmanprize.org/recipients/recipientProfile.cfm?recipientID=39 |
91. Indigenous Rights And The Destruction Of The Rainforest In Peru || My Travel Gui Within the next few decades peru s jungle tribes may cease to exist as The indigenouspeople of the peruvian jungles are being pushed off their land by an http://www.mytravelguide.com/city-guide/South-America/Peru/Indigenous-rights-and | |
92. BBC NEWS | Americas | Americas 'failing Native Peoples' study found that in Colombia indigenous people often find their rhetoric on multiculturalismand indigenous rights into http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/2318757.stm | |
93. (wto) No To TRIPS Of WTO Say Indigenous People's In Geneva, July 99 de Nacionalidades Amazonicos del peru (CONAP) peru 14. Simon Charles Hadza PeoplesTanzania 21. Nation Canada 22.Lucy Mulenkei African indigenous Womens Network http://lists.essential.org/mai-not/msg00160.html | |
94. "the People's Paths!" Articles - Indigenous People's Declaration Parshu Ram Tamang, Nepal International Alliance of indigenous and Tribal Peoplesof the Tropical Forests Alejandro Argumedo, peru indigenous Knowledge Program http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/Articles2000/IFOIP000913Declaration.htm | |
95. South America - Rainforest Portal Proyecto Serjali Land, Trees and People - Proyecto Serjali is working with theindigenous Yora people of the Amazon in SE peru to help secure their future http://www.rainforestweb.org/Rainforest_Information/Indigenous_Peoples/South_Ame | |
96. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand: Subjects: 274 Indians of South AmericaPeruPunishment torture15201530. Indiansof South AmericaWar1530-1540. indigenous peoples1890-1900. http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/cphSubjects274.html | |
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