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61. Peruvian Farmers And Indigenous People Denounce Maca Patents Extract Of Andean R danger of losing maca  not to extinction  but to predatory US patents. ÂAlejandro Argumedo, indigenous peoples Biodiversity Network, peru Argumedo is http://www.mindfully.org/GE/GE4/Maca-Patents-Peruvian-Farmers3jul02.htm | |
62. GRAIN | BIO-IPR | 14 September 1999 indigenous peoples? for the Survival of IlLaikipiak indigenous Group Initiative ComisionJuridica de los Pueblos de Integracion Tahuantinsuyana (COJPITA) peru. http://www.grain.org/bio-ipr/?id=143 |
63. Texaco Suit Reinstated By Indigenous Peoples Of Ecuador And Peru Texaco Suit Reinstated by indigenous peoples of Ecuador and peru 10/6/98 *****RELAYED TEXT STARTS HERE Title Texaco Suit http://forests.org/archive/samerica/ecreinst.htm | |
64. Secretary-General Hails Contributions Of Indigenous Peoples To Human Civilizatio Here, amidst the peaks of the Andes in peru, the enormous contributions of indigenouspeoples to human civilization are everywhere on display from the http://www.unis.unvienna.org/unis/pressrels/2003/sgsm9005.html | |
65. Canadian Dimension: Indigenous Peoples Declaration Against United States Invasio Brazil InforCauca . Colombia Information Network of the indigenous peoples of theAmericas. INIPA. México Movimiento Chirapaq. peru Mujeres Mayas de Jovel. http://www.canadiandimension.mb.ca/extra/d0408ip.htm | |
66. Andean Links Pintores de Tigua indigenous Artists of Ecuador; indigenous peoples in the Andes;Photographs of Ayamara and Quechua Indians, in Bolivia peru; Equateur (in http://www.andes.org/bookmark.html | |
67. Protecting Indigenous Peoples Privacy From Eyes In The Sky from the following indigenous peoples Aboriginal Nations United States) ChirapaqPeople (peru) Chukchi People Russia) Cordillera peoples Alliance (Philippines http://www.spatial.maine.edu/tempe/madsen.html | |
68. Bill's Aboriginal Links: International Native peoples in South America) indigenous Literature (South America) Culturesof the Andes indigenous peoples of Ecuador Machu Picchu (peru) World Heritage http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborintl.htm | |
69. Indigenous Peoples Of Latin America 40 million of indigenous peoples in Latin America (10% of the total population;27% of the rural population). Bolivia 4.4 million (55%). peru 10 million (45 http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~caguirre/210_15.html | |
70. PeruIndigenous Confront Mahogany Loggers Via NY Transfer News of some of the world s last indigenous tribes still confront illegal mahogany loggersin peru s southeastern jungle The head of a native peoples federation in http://www.blythe.org/nytransfer-subs/South_America/Peru:Indigenous_Confront_Mah |
71. New Page 1 Amazon Watch, environment, indigenous peoples, USA. AIDESEP, indigenous peoples,peru. Abya Yala Fund, Acción Ecológica, Ecuador. Amanaka a Amazon Network, http://www.bsos.umd.edu/socy/redes/redes/rscen33.htm | |
72. Klima-Bündnis - Alianza Del Clima, Climate Alliance, Indigenous Partners, The C Coordinating Body for the indigenous peoples Organizations of founded in 1984 byindigenous organizations from Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and peru. http://www.klimabuendnis.org/english/indigenous/31situe.htm | |
73. Climate Alliance, Indigenous Peoples Project Cooperation, Examples In the Putumayo region in peru, along the river of the same name that forms theborder between peru and Colombia, some indigenous people have to spend up to http://www.klimabuendnis.org/english/indigenous/322i_en.htm | |
74. GTZ - Indigenous Peoples - Approaches Of Development Cooperation This applies, for example, to Bolivia, Ecuador and peru amongst the support is givento specific individual measures involving indigenous peoples that have a http://www.gtz.de/indigenas/english/dc-approaches/ | |
75. Cultural Survival MartinÂs October 1 article is in large part based on a document entitled A PublicDeclaration of peruÂs indigenous peoples facing the Institutional Crisis http://www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/news/editor4.cfm | |
76. Indigenous Peoples Of North & Central America Videotapes In The Media Resources these new settlers and the indigenous peoples. Focuses on the First Continental Conference of indigenous peoples held in Ecuador in and the Future of indigenous peoples. Looks at how http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/IndigenousVid.html | |
77. Emily Weidhaas Cultural Tradition. Economic Status. Political Power. Social Structure. Bibliography. Links. Race and Ethnicity in Latin America. The indigenous People of peru status of the indigenous people of http://www2.truman.edu/~b1257 | |
78. World Trade Organization And Indigenous Peoples No to patenting of life! indigenous peoples' statement on the traderelated aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) of the WTO agreement World Trade Organization. and. indigenous peoples . http://www.ienearth.org/intellectual_property.html | |
79. Planet Ark : 'Naked' Natives Block Illegal Loggers In Peru At this time of year, the indigenous people head to Experts say the uncontacted peopleslive in voluntary isolation peru established a reserve in Madre de Dios http://www.planetark.org/dailynewsstory.cfm/newsid/17158/story.htm | |
80. Rights Groups Urge Peru To Protect Isolated Peoples of the Native Federation of Madre de Dios River and Territories, a perubased indigenousrights group that works for the protection of the peoples living in http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/03/0314_030314_invisible5.html | |
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