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21. Peru - Indigenous Peoples indigenous peoples peru. Share travel photos on the Exploitz.com website, theleading travel photography site on the Internet! peru - indigenous peoples. http://www.exploitz.com/Peru-Indigenous-Peoples-cg.php | |
22. Peru - Indigenous Peoples Country Listing. peru Table of Contents. peru. indigenous peoples.The word indio, as applied to native highland people of Quechua and http://www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-10243.html | |
23. Economist.com | Indigenous People In South America Rights Watch reports on Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and peru. org has Spanishlanguagecampaigning material about Latin American indigenous peoples. http://www.economist.com/world/la/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2446861 |
24. Indigenous Peoples Training Program indigenous peoples Training Program, Inicia el Programa Piloto de Formación. 150indigenous leaders from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, peru and Venezuela http://www.developmentgateway.org/ipp |
25. Preview Document - SDM recently discussed at The indigenous peoples Leadership Capacity Building Programfor the Andean Countries, which took place June 2427 in Ecuador and peru. http://www.developmentgateway.org/node/133831/sdm/docview?docid=627584 |
26. Peru - Amazon Watch peru. peru oil concessions view enlarged map. indigenous titled territories andreserves including the last refuges of indigenous peoples living in voluntary http://www.amazonwatch.org/amazon/PE/ | |
27. Camisea Natural Gas Project - Amazon Watch of peru over a decade ago to protect these vulnerable peoples from outside intrusion.However, in violation of internationally recognized indigenous rights http://www.amazonwatch.org/amazon/PE/camisea/index.php?page_number=5 |
28. Facts And Figures - Water And Indigenous Peoples: International Year Of Freshwat Around 30 million indigenous peoples live in Latin America. In Bolivia, Guatemalaand peru, indigenous peoples make up over half the population. http://www.wateryear2003.org/en/ev.php@URL_ID=5550&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=2 | |
29. MADRE: An International Women's Human Rights Organization CHIRAPAQ has also done important work on the international level, bringingthe perspective of indigenous peoples of peru to key UN conferences and http://www.madre.org/sisterorg_peru.html | |
30. Ashaninka Studies Indigenous People indigenous peoples in Brazil ISA The Ashaninka (or Kampa) indigenous Land ofthe Amônia River is located in the State of Acre, on the border with peru. http://www.archaeolink.com/ashaninka_studies_indigenous_peo.htm | |
31. International Workshop On Indigenous Peoples And Development We, the participant of the International Workshop on indigenous peoples andDevelopment held at Ollantaytambo, Qosqo, peru, from 21 to 26 April 1997 http://users.ox.ac.uk/~wgtrr/ollan.htm | |
32. Peru Debates Law On Indigenous Peoples Intellectual Property Rights APA..Newsletter 3 International News..peru Debates Law on IndigenousPeoples Intellectual Property Rights (IPS, Lima, Jan 12, 2000). http://www.sdnp.org.gy/apa/peru_debates_law.htm | |
33. Bank Information Center USA: Indigenous Peoples Letter To IDB Requesting Adoptio Diaz peru Federacion de Pueblos Cacataibo Ucayali peru ibardales@latinmail.com. LuciaCaribbean Antilles indigenous peoples Caucus caipc_Caribbean@hotmail.com. http://www.bicusa.org/bicusa/issues/misc_resources/1205.php | |
34. Indigenous Peoples Declaration Against Of United States Invasion Of Iraq InforCauca . Colombia. Information Network of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.INIPA. Canada. Movimiento Chirapaq. peru. Mujeres Mayas de Jovel. México. http://www.freepeltier.org/indigenous_declaration.htm | |
35. IISD Youth Source Book On Sustainable Development indigenous confederations from peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia. Theorganization works to defend the rights of indigenous peoples, their self http://www.iisd.org/youth/ysbk146.htm | |
36. Peruvian Farmers And Indigenous People Denounce Maca Patents highaltitude Andean plant (of the Cruciferae mustard family) that has been grownfor centuries by indigenous peoples in the Puna highlands of peru, both as http://www.etcgroup.org/article.asp?newsid=353 |
37. Indigenous Peoples Council On Biocolonialism Alejandro Argumedo, Quechua from peru, of the indigenous peoples BiodiversityNetwork, likened the regime to Âburglers who break into our house calling http://www.ipcb.org/issues/agriculture/htmls/2004/pr_cop7.html | |
38. Boston.com Destination Guides - South America - Peru to the indigenous peoples of the peruvian rainforest are oil exploration and goldmining , which are an enormous potential threat to the rainforest in peru. http://dg.ian.com/index.jsp?cid=54608&action=viewLocation&formId=63444 |
39. Comments On Indigenous Data Availability es indÃgena?Â) may underestimate the indigenous peoples, by as 78 percent claimedto have an indigenous mother tongue In peru , in 2001, while 32 percent of http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/pfii/Datacoll (World Bank) english.htm | |
40. SECRETARY-GENERAL HAILS CONTRIBUTIONS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES TO HUMAN CIVILIZATIO Here, amidst the peaks of the Andes in peru, the enormous contributions of indigenouspeoples to human civilization are everywhere on display  from the http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2003/sgsm9005.doc.htm | |
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