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181. Titicaca - Puno - Peru H´tel trois ©toiles situ© au coeur de la ville de Puno sur les rives du Lac Titikaka. R©servations en ligne. http://www.titicaca-peru.com/indexf.htm |
182. Landenweb Peru Informatie over peru, aangevuld met nuttige links. http://www.landenweb.com/l.cfm?LandID=156&PERU |
183. Men's Basketball Bobcats 2 official web site. http://www.hpcnet.org/peru/athletics/menbasketball | |
184. SOPKA.CZ - Peru ZemÃÂpisn© a historick© informace o zemi, hospod¡à ÂstvÂ, kultuà Âe a zvycÂch, pà ÂÂrodàa mÂstn kuchyni. http://zeme.sopka.cz/zeme_detail.php?idZeme=185 |
185. Regenwald-Peru Âkologischer Landbau als Regenwaldschutz in peruanischAmazonien. Ein Projekt in Puerto Maldonado, Provinz Madre de Dios, peru. http://www.regenwald-peru.de/ | |
186. Paginaviajes Programa y descripci³n de un viaje por tres regiones geogr¡ficas que incluye la Cordillera Blanca, Trujillo, Lima, Puno, lago Titicaca, Cusco y Machu Picchu. Contiene informaci³n general, fotografÂas, mapas, artÂculos, documentaci³n y datos de inter©s. http://www.andarines.com/viajesyviajeros/peru.htm | |
187. Peru's Royal Inca Trail Information of places to trek and visit in peru, with emphasis on information on trekking in the Incatrail system, Cordillera Blanca, Huayhuash and other new routes in the Andes. http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/incatrails | |
188. Peru Truth Commission Hears Testimony CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/americas/04/08/peru.seekingtruth.ap/index.html |
189. Thousands Demand Jobs Back Under New Peru Law CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/americas/08/07/peru.jobs.reut/index.html |
190. American Berenson Married In Peru Prison CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/americas/10/02/peru.berenson.ap/index.html |
191. Sendero Luminoso, Bibliography Translate this page Sendero Luminoso - PeruResistance to GovernmentPeruHistory - PeruPolitics and Government, 1968-1980 - PeruEconomic Conditions - PeruSocial http://users.skynet.be/terrorism/html/peru_sl.htm | |
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