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81. Target : Entertainment : Books : Cooking, Food & Wine : Regional & International persian cooking A Table of Exotic Delights by Nesta Ramazani Avg. persian cooking for a Healthy Kitchen by Najmieh Khalili Batmanglij, Najmieh Batmanglij Avg. http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html?node=691990 |
82. Wauu.DE: Home: Cooking: World Cuisines: Middle Eastern: Persian gathered by Lloyd. http//lloyd2.home.mindspring.com/iran.htm. persian cooking Eight traditional Persian recipes. http//internetserver http://www.wauu.de/Home/Cooking/World_Cuisines/Middle_Eastern/Persian/ | |
83. Asian Cooking: A Taste Of Persia: An Introduction To Persian Cooking asian cooking A Taste of Persia An Introduction to persian cooking. A Taste of Persia An Introduction to persian cooking by Najmieh http://cookingbooks.org/n_093421154X.htm | |
84. ..:: Welcome To Ketab Web Store ::.. persian cooking for a healthy kitchen. ISBN 0934211-67-1. Author batmanghlich, najmieh. Publisher mage. ? ? ?. http://shopping.ketab.com/addprod.asp?id=475&cat=1&sut=art(cooking)&pgs=1 |
85. ..:: Welcome To Ketab Web Store ::.. persian cooking, a table of exotic delights. ISBN 0936347-77-5. Author ramazani, nesta. Publisher ibex. ? ? . http://shopping.ketab.com/addprod.asp?id=473&cat=1&sut=art(cooking)&pgs=1 |
86. Powell's Books - New Food Of Life: Ancient Persian & Modern Iranian Cooking & Ce marvelously easy to follow. You will learn how to cook rice, the jewel of persian cooking, simply yet deliciously. And by combining it http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=6-0934211345-3 |
87. Iranian/Persian Recipes Welcome to the largest collection of Iranian/persian recipes on the internet. comprehensive cookbook Honare Aashpazi or Art of cooking (published over 30 http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/F.Mokhtarian/recipes/ | |
88. Recipes By Najmieh Batmanglij Eleven recipes from the persian cookbooks by Najmieh Batmanglij. http://www.mage.com/cooking/recipesbody.html | |
89. New Food Of Life: Ancient Persian And Modern Iranian Cooking And Ceremonies New Food of Life Ancient persian and Modern Iranian cooking and Ceremonies. New Food of Life Ancient persian and Modern Iranian http://www.cookingreviews.com/New_Food_of_Life_Ancient_Persian_and_Modern_Irania | |
90. Persian Melon : Kitchen & Cooking Tips persian Melon Food Reference, Food Trivia, Food Facts, Culinary and cooking History, Trivia, Kitchen cooking Tips Facts, Recipes, Quotes, Humor, Poetry http://www.foodreference.com/html/tpersianmelon.html | |
91. Cooking Book Persian (Healthy Kitchen) cooking Book persian (Healthy Kitchen). $23.99 The French would say Bon Appetit , but in persian we say Nushe jan Enjoy this food of life. http://sadaf.com/store/product424.html | |
92. Int'l Week 2003: Persian Demo Cooking persian Demonstration cooking. (Part of the International Demonstration cooking Series). Date Tuesday September 30, 2003. Time 1200 130 PM. http://www.ucis.pitt.edu/internationalweek/Persian_Demo.html | |
93. Secrets Of Cooking: Armenian Lebanese Persian Linda Chirinian Secrets of cooking Armenian Lebanese persian Linda Chirinian. Author or Artist Linda Chirinian. Title Secrets of cooking Armenian http://www.hotlights.co.uk/Linda-Chirinian-Secrets-of-Cooking-Armen-903-669-259- | |
94. The Elegant Chef Persian Recipes Dried Fruit Soup persian Recipes Ashe Torsh. A traditional dried fruit soup. Ingredients. 3, Put water in a 3 quart pot. Add salt and rice and cook for 15 minutes. 4, http://www.theelegantchef.com/persian_soup.html | |
95. Persian Cuisine Recipes. persian Cuisine. Appetizers. Haleem. Main Course http://tehran.stanford.edu/Recipes/recipes.html | |
96. P A R S E B O O K C E N T E R - The Persian Ebook Center - éêçèÃÂà ebook. ebook . . . . . . . http://www.ebookpars.com/ | |
97. Persian Cookins: New Food For Life Poultry and Fish Rice Khoresh Pastries and Bread Desserts. recipes ceremonies persian tales about the author back to asiafood. http://www.asiafood.org/persiancooking/recipes.cfm | |
98. International House Website - University Of Tennessee The University of Tennessee, University Links. University Links, http://web.utk.edu/~ihouse/pictures/index.php/SPRING_2004/Cooking_Demo/Persian_C | |
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