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41. Ncnl1216 Telephone 1 780 415 2311 Facsimile 1 780 422 6096 Web site http//www.agric.gov.ab Barking Frogs permaculture Center is located in NorthCentral Florida, USA http://www.newcrops.uq.edu.au/newslett/ncnl1216.htm | |
42. Green Party - Real Progress AG204 Various methods of growing more sustainably and organically are being pioneered; in particular permaculture, agroforestry, forest gardening and perennial http://policy.greenparty.org.uk/mfss/agric.html | |
43. Wauu.DE: Science: Agriculture: Sustainable Agriculture: Organic Farming: Resourc teaching sustainability through organic and biodynamic gardening, permaculture, village building http//mechlinx.com/agric.html. OPAM Producer s Bulletin Board http://www.wauu.de/Science/Agriculture/Sustainable_Agriculture/Organic_Farming/R | |
44. Bachelor Of Horticultural Science units, and include Fruit and Nut Production, Organic Production, permaculture, Biodynamic agriculture Food and Natural Resources URL http//www.agric.usyd.edu http://www.agric.usyd.edu.au/courses/ug/c21_hort.htm | |
45. This Document (GUIDE) Is The Februrary 11, 1995 Update Of A Href permaculturemg (permaculture) Server almanac@ces.ncsu.edu Post articles to permaculture-mg@ces on many of these lists wetnet soils-l agmodels-l agric-l envst http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/environment/environmental-resources/GUIDE |
46. For Rec.gardeners Newsgroups Rec.gardens Subject How To Get permaculture) Server almanac@twosocks.ces.ncsu.edu Post articles to permaculturemg@twosocks on many of these lists wetnet soils-l agmodels-l agric-l envst-l http://sunsite.tus.ac.jp/pub/academic/environment/pesticide-education/general/GU | |
47. NECC Website - Catchment Care And Education Able to provide trained personnel to help schools develop permaculture gardens, composting Sandy Lloyd 9368 3760 www.weedbustersweek.info.au slloyd@agric.wa.gov http://members.westnet.com.au/bbcg/CCedu.htm | |
48. AGRICULTURE 121 Mollison, B. 1989. permaculture. A Designers Manual. Tagami Publications. Tyalgum, Australia. 1977. China Organic Waste Recycling. In agric. Soil Bull. No. http://www.uplb.edu.ph/academics/schools/ca/agronomy/course_outlines/agri121.htm | |
49. AGRICULTURE 221 No. of hours 3 hours. Prerequisite Crop Science 2, agric. 121 or Consent of the Instructor. No. Natural farming. permaculture. Organic agriculture. http://www.uplb.edu.ph/academics/schools/ca/agronomy/course_outlines/agri221.htm | |
50. ET-CONF Archives -- 1999 (#8) List envtecsoc@csf.colorado.edu , list compost compost@listproc.wsu.edu , list agricl agric-l@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU , list UNC Perm List permaculture@listserv.unc http://segate.sunet.se/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind99&L=et-conf&F=&S=&P=810 |
51. Environmental Management Systems In Agriculture Newsletter Ph (02) 66261137 Fax (02) 66283264 Email gavin.tinning@ agric.nsw.gov of systems approaches to agricultural management, having managed a permaculture centre in http://www.rirdc.gov.au/ems/issue1.html | |
52. Network Participants Country A of agric., Fisheries, Lands Housing Nevis Street St. Mr. EF Copley Cannon Park Lawns 72 Toogood Road Woree Cairns Australia The permaculture Institute PO http://www.vetiver.com/TVN_directa.htm | |
53. [permaculture] New Rule To Ensure Integrity Of Organic Vegetables Walled Communities; Next message permaculture (fwd) Calling all permaculture Designers Opportunity to robyn.neeson at agric.nsw.gov.au Issued by Bernadette http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/permaculture/2003-July/018279.html | |
54. FW: New Ecol-agric List On Mailbase (fwd) Previous message IBS 95 (fwd); Next message permaculture definition. recipients of list SUSTAGL SUSTAG-L@WSUVM1.BITNET Subject FW New ecol-agric list on http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/permaculture/1994-December/007914.html | |
55. Freelance Book Services Rural And Reference Books permaculture, biodynamics, organic farming, agroforestry, conservation tillage and intergrated hydroponics. Comp.by NSW agric. http://www.ozrural.com/agmedia.htm | |
56. Annuaire Web Agriculture,Agritourisme,Agro-alimentaire: Agriculture-Generale Translate this page et réflexions sur la permaculture. http//cf.geocities.com/kark45be/permaculture.html Tractor car truck buses agric. Adresseoto parcacilar sitesi koza sk no http://www.agrimondial.com/annuaire/Agriculture-Generale/more4.html | |
57. Resources - Building Materials Suppliers And Manufacturers url public.gov.nf.ca/agric/Lawn1.htm. url www.oklahomagardening.okstate.edu/. Permaweb Information and links concerning permaculture, with a UK focus. http://www.planshouse.com/dir/Home/Gardens/Resources/index.shtml | |
58. University Of The Free State : Intranet article comes from The permaculture booklet South AfricaÂs first grassroots permaculture manual 51 401 2745 Fax +27 51 430 - 6423 E-mail agric@hbib.uovs http://www.uovs.ac.za/support/library/prais/news24.php | |
59. Kubatana - Kufunda Learning Village Sailesi Lusias, Facilitator teaching permaculture - (0)23-411102. Sectors. Adult Education; Agriculture; Education/Training; Environment; permaculture. TOP. http://www.kubatana.net/html/sectors/kuf001.asp?sector=AGRIC&details=Tel&orgcode |
60. The Kerr Center For Sustainable Agriculture: Agroforestry Practices Oklahoma Dept. of agric. Forestry Serv., Oklahoma City, OK. Mollison, B. 1990. permaculture A Practical Guide for a Sustainable Future. http://www.kerrcenter.com/publications/Agroforestry.htm | |
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