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21. Permaculture-mg.1 By Thread Last message dateTue 10 Dec 1996 0000-4080 EDT. Archived onWed Jun 19 1996 - 164608 EDT. This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02. -. Re QUERY permaculture training course (fwd)Larry London FW New ecol-agric list on Mailbase (fwd)Lawrence F. London, Jr. permaculture definition.Lawrence F http://www.ibiblio.org/london/permaculture/mailarchives/permaculture-mg.1 | |
22. Ecological Agriculture (Links) nt1.ids.ac.uk/eldis/agric/agric.htm. Flora_and_Fauna/Human_Activities/agriculture Directory Organic agriculture, permaculture, Sustainable agriculture, etc. http://peopleinaction.gn.apc.org/agriculture.html | |
23. A.C.S. Distance Education Calf Rearing, Dairy Cattle. Irrigation Management (agric), Pasture Management. Self Sufficiency and Organics. Advanced permaculture, Organic Plant Culture. http://www.acsedu.co.uk/Outlines/ |
24. Permaculture Villager 7 In South Africa, it has been recognised that systems such as permaculture can go a Elise LundallMagnuson on (012) 329 3275 or email rietem@plant2.agric.za to http://www.junex.co.za/tfa/pv/7/pv7.html | |
25. Mbox-36: Alternative Agric News Aug 1999 Alternative agric News Aug 1999. August 28September 12, permaculture design course will be held at the Black Foot Nation Indian reservation, Montana; contact http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/36-html/0167.html | |
26. SANET-MG Archives aol.com; Re permaculture International (fwd) (fwd) Larry London; john henning? lischeron; Garage; Smallfarmer Sust. agric. Economics Inter http://www.sare.org/sanet-mg/archives/html-home/13-html/ | |
27. Blackwood Basin Group you are interested in attending then please contact Henry Brockman, Department of agriculture via email hbrockman@agric.wa.gov permaculture Certificate Course. http://rye.harvestroad.com.au/~wcbnbbg/page12.html | |
28. Straw Bale Resources 2000: Key Articles & Older Material Bainbridege, DA 1988. Better homes with gardens. Amandla 18 (reprinted permaculture Activist) Bainbridge, DA and Myhrman, M. 1991. North Dakota agric. Exp. http://www.ecocomposite.org/building/articles.htm | |
29. Food Security, Organic Gardening, Sustainable Agriculture - Events & Resources http//sgc.sa.utoronto.ca starvingardeners@hotmail.com related www.permaculture.net industry dev t; buyer seller marketplace / networking (www.agric.gov.ab http://www.planetfriendly.net/food.html | |
30. People- & Planet-Friendly Events, Resources, Jobs & Fun Http://www.planetfriendl Annual Conf. of the agric. Inst. of Canada. $50$315. Univ. of Guelph. permaculture DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS, Thurs July 12 - Fri July 20, near Orangeville. http://www.planetfriendly.net/events.html | |
31. Eco.com.au :- Eco Networkers -: Eco Network, Enthusiasts And Events - Join Today For resource information from the NSW government department http//www.agric.nsw.gov For a video on the Crystal Waters permaculture Village see our Bookshop or http://www.eco.com.au/livNet/living/resources.htm | |
32. [permaculture] Re: Visit To Ozarks permaculture Re visit to Ozarks by Steve Diver 22 April 2004 2032 UTC, Feel free to contact ATTRA National Sustainable agric Info Service, located in http://csf.colorado.edu/archive/2004/permaculture/msg00509.html | |
33. Permaculture By Author Re Australia Felix permaculture Update, 29 August 2001. Ben Emerick, Re Building Better Rural Places, resource guide to agric Forestry, 25 February 2001. http://csf.colorado.edu/archive/2001/permaculture/author.html |
34. Agric. Sem. Spr. 1995 Newsl. principles of sustainable agriculture, run by a Baha i (me); agricl - all Carolina, worked at Sustenance Farm, an intensive 3-acre permaculture/biodynamic farm http://www.bcca.org/services/lists/noble-creation/abs1.html | |
35. Agric. Sem. Jan. 1996 Newsl. Eileen and Mike Sitito, new Baha is, are drawing on Mike s experience as a forester and their work on other permaculture projects to start a project of http://www.bcca.org/services/lists/noble-creation/abs2.html | |
36. Extension Publications -- Introduction To Database Management Systems For Agric. Introduction to Database Management Systems for agric. Record Keeping. Our Price $30.00. Gaia s Garden A Guide to Home-Scale permaculture. http://cru84.cahe.wsu.edu/cgi-bin/pubs/WREP0107.html?mv_tmp_session=1&explode=1 |
37. Web Links NSW Asian and exotic produce prices, www.agric.nsw.gov.au/hort/fmrs/asian. Antivirus information, www.vet.com.au. permaculture institute, www.permaculture.org.au. http://www.kimberleyagriculture.com/html/web_links.htm | |
38. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results permaculturebased cultivation is in use in India, Nepal, and at a agric Webster s NewWorld Dictionary; January 1, 1988 agric 1. agricultural 2. agriculture http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_dictiona |
39. GRNSCH-L Archives -- March 1995, Week 4 (#7) Community Forestry Bioregionalism LETS Organics Healthy Cities Alternative Economics Enviro Ethics agric. permaculture - What is it http://listserv.brown.edu/archives/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind9503d&L=grnsch-l&F=&S=&P=676 |
40. Organics - Research Tools - Links And Downloads http//www.agric.nsw.gov.au/reader/4859. Organic farming The permaculture approach, an AgNote produced by the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/business/1541.html | |
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