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81. Perl Programming For Biologists (PPB) perl programming for Biologists (PPB). Contents. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~jc/teaching/ppb/ | |
82. Perlmonk.org perl programming subsidiary of M Systems International. http://agentm.perlmonk.org/ | |
83. Modern Perl Programming Request a Review Copy. Request an Instructor or Media review copy. Modern PerlProgramming. Index. Preface. Preface. Welcome to the world of perl programming. http://www.informit.com/title/0130089656 | |
84. Perl Programming Classes, CGI Scripting Training Courses, Learn Perl This hands on perl programming course provides a thorough introduction to theperl programming language, teaching attendees how to develop and maintain http://www.traininghott.com/Courses/Perl-Programming-Hands-On-Training-Course-Pe | |
85. UW Extension - Perl Programming Certificate Program Certificate Program in perl programming Because it runs nearly everywhere, Perlis one of the most portable programming environments available today. http://www.extension.washington.edu/ext/certificates/per/per_gen.asp | |
86. Bob Nelson's C, Java And Perl Programming Resources C, Java and perl programming related resources. The astute programmer prefersthe Unix platform for development. The perl programming Language. http://www.oldradio.com/archives/nelson/programming.html | |
87. Gossamer Forum: General: Perl Programming Home General perl programming (20621 posts in 3977 threads) ModeratorsAki, Andy, GClemmons, Wil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 160 Next page Last page, http://www.gossamer-threads.com/forum/General_C8/Perl_Programming_F14/ | |
88. Site Closed Tips for running Linux on a Compaq Armada E500, C and perl programming tips. http://home-3.12move.nl/~sh249966/ | |
89. Chicago Sun-Times - Programming  Perl Programming Language Main  Programming  perl programming language. Filter by Ascending,perl programming language. Found 9. Displaying 19 1. http://downloads.suntimes.com/category.php[id]219[SiteID]suntimes | |
90. HTML Menu, HTML FIX IT . COM Tutorial Index. A series of beginner Perl tutorials that cover all the basics of perl programming from a web designers perspective using easy to understand language and easy to follow examples. http://htmlfixit.com/tutes/tute_menu.shtml | |
91. Perl.com: Perl Design Patterns [Jun. 13, 2003] The Gangof-Four Design Patterns book had a huge impact on programming methodologies in the Java and C++ communities, but what do Design Patterns have to say to Perl programmers? Phil Crow examines how some popular patterns fit in to perl programming. http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2003/06/13/design1.html | |
92. Webmonkey | Programming : Perl_cgi programming perl/CGI. CGI Scripts for Fun and Profit Colin introduces the essentials of perl, then shows how perl scripts can be made to work with a Web page http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/programming/perl_cgi | |
93. ActiveState ActiveState Open Source programming tools for perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, XML and XSLT. Quality development tools for programmers, systems administrators, database administrators, network Komodo. perlASPX. perl Dev Kit. perlEx. Tcl Dev Kit. Visual perl. Visual Python 10 tools of the trade. perl most valuable IT tool; Activeperl best Windows version http://www.activestate.com/ | |
94. Perl.com: [2004 11, June] perl 6 Parrot Essentials, 2nd Edition. perl Debugger Pocket Reference. perl CD Pocket Reference. perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition. Extreme programming Pocket Guide. perl 6 Essentials http://language.perl.com/ | |
95. CGI Programming 101 - Learn CGI Today! Learn CGI today with this easyto-follow online tutorial. Lots of helpful examples. No programming experience needed! Chapter 16 Database programming with perl - an introduction to MySQL and DBI; SQL catalog; SQL page counter http://www.cgi101.com/class | |
96. Perl.com The Source For Perl Perl Development, Perl Conferences The official perl home page, run by O'Reilly. Contains documentation, news, and links to a variety of resources, including the Open Source perl conference. perl 6 and Parrot Essentials, 2nd Edition. perl Debugger Pocket Reference Expression Pocket Reference. perl Cookbook, 2nd Edition. Extreme programming Pocket Guide. perl 6 Essentials http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.perl.com/&y=028F86A2985A26E3& |
97. Perl.com: [2004 11, June] More results from www.perl.com The perl Directory perl.orgLinks and other helpful resources for new and experienced perl programmers. Whatis perl? perl is a stable, cross platform programming language. http://www.perl.com/perl/ | |
98. WT Columns By Randal See past columns written by Randal Schwartz (of programming perl and Learning perl fame) related to all aspects of perl and the web. http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/WebTechniques/ | |
99. Web Client Programming With Perl Full text of the outof-print book by Clinton Wong. http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/webclient/ | |
100. Perl Books And Perl Programming :: Perlcity.com Custom cgi scripts, web programming services and software sales. http://www.perlcity.com/ | |
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