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61. Perl Programming Learn to create and modify your applications using the latest perl programmingtips and tricks. perl programming. Socket Programming in PERL, http://www.devarticles.com/c/b/Perl/ | |
62. A Printable Perl Tutorial - Good For A Quick Start To PERL HOME. Fast start to perl programming. One can read about 5 pages worthfrom a good PERL book and be on the road to perl programming. http://www.gradcenter.marlboro.edu/~rchari/perlt.htm | |
63. TheScripts.com >> Advanced Perl Programming Review >> Read The Review Saturday 26th January, 2002. Home Advanced perl programming Review Read TheReview. Advanced perl programming Review Read The Review http://www.thescripts.com/serversidescripting/perl/reviews/advancedperlprogrammi | |
64. Computer Science And Perl Programming The first of three volumes, Computer Science and perl programming includes71 updated articles originally published in The Perl Journal. http://perl.about.com/cs/advancedperl/gr/aa123002a.htm | |
65. Perl Programming Books perl programming books will guide your programming, whether you are interestedin graphics, CGI, or advanced perl programming. perl programming Books. http://perl.about.com/od/perlprogrammingbooks/ | |
66. Perl Programming perl programming. If I had your brain on tap, I d burn my Camel book. Mark Coletti. Please note for completeness, I ve included http://www.ooblick.com/text/perl/ | |
67. Moerman: De Perl Programming Language Programming Republic of Perl LogoPerl. De programmeertaal Perl. Waarom?Het is een combinatietang onder de programmeertalen (nee, niet http://home.hccnet.nl/kees.moerman/perl.html | |
68. Perl Quickly find perl programming help, information, and assistance from other expert members. http://www.experts-exchange.com/Programming/Programming_Languages/Perl/ | |
69. PERL--Programming - Prentice Hall Catalog Advanced perl programmingAdvanced perl programming. Advanced perl programming by Sriram Srinivasam.ISBN 156592-220-4. I ve read the CamelBook and EffectivePerlProgramming http://vig.prenhall.com/catalog/academic/course/1,4095,793,00.html | |
70. PCMag.com Shareware Library: Programming  Perl Programming Language Direction Ascending. perl programming language. Found 9. Displaying19 1. http://shareware.pcmag.com/category.php[id]219[SiteID]pcmag | |
71. Matt's Perl Links Links to perl programming sites that concentrate on bioinformatics,proteomics and genomics. perl programming Links by Matt Sweeney. http://www.ionsource.com/links/perl.htm | |
72. Advanced Perl Programming : Learn How To Fully Utilize The Perl Programming Lang In this course, you will learn how to fully utilize the perl programming language. Prerequisitesperl programming and Perl application development experience. http://www.bigwebmaster.com/633.html | |
73. Advanced Perl Programming : Cover Complex Perl Techniques Such As Packages And C Visit Advanced perl programming, This book covers complex techniques for managingproductionready Perl programs and explains methods for manipulating data and http://www.bigwebmaster.com/11.html | |
74. WebClass.ru: Tutorials: Perl WEBCLASS . R U THEMES. perl programming The most popular CGI language.Language basics (36) How to write a CGI script. Contacting http://webclass.ru/eng/Tutorials/Perl/ | |
75. Cultured Perl: A Programmer's Linux-oriented Setup It is optimized for a Java and perl programming setup, but doubtless other programmerswill find many useful tips. Cultured Perl A programmer s Linuxoriented http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-plset/ | |
76. The Perl Programming Language The perl programming Language. The perl programming Language. At the minimal level,a Perl program consists of one or more statements in the Perl language. http://www.antipope.org/charlie/attic/tkperl/ptk-4.html | |
77. All I Need To Know About Perl Programming I Learned From Fairy Tales - Y::E 2003 All I Need to know about perl programming I learned from Fairy Tales.By Stray Toaster from belfast.pm Date 200307-24 121000 http://yapc.mongueurs.net/yapc/talk/?tid=34 |
78. The Career Center - Perl Programming For CGI In this course, you will learn about the specifications of the CGI protocol, detailsregarding its operation, and how to use the perl programming language to http://www.careercenters.com/cg.html | |
79. Perl Programming Messageboard Current area HOME Messageboard Home - perl programming, Addsthis page to your personal favorites. perl programming, There are http://www.programmersheaven.com/c/MsgBoard/wwwboard.asp?Board=12 |
80. Perl Programming On Mpe/ix 12Apr-02 http://jazz.external.hp.com/papers/SolSymposium_02/perl-programming-004.htm | |
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