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41. Effective Perl Programming (Joseph Hall) - Review Effective perl programming Writing Better Programs With Perl. It assumes botha basic knowledge of Perl and a general understanding of programming. http://dannyreviews.com/h/Effective_Perl.html | |
42. Wiley::Perl Programming For Biologists By Keyword, Wiley Life Medical Sciences Bioinformatics PerlProgramming for Biologists. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471430595.html | |
43. Onsight Inc. | Training | Perl Programming perl programming -. Course Benefits. For more information or to schedule a PerlProgramming training delivery at your site, contact training@onsight.com. http://www.onsight.com/training/perl/ | |
44. Onsight Inc. | Training | Perl Programming Advanced perl programming Advanced -. Course Benefits. a copy of O Reilly and Associates Advanced perl programming , aka The Panther Book. Customize This Course. http://www.onsight.com/training/advperl/ | |
45. Web / Programming / Perl - WebReference.com Graphics Programming While often relegated strictly to text handling tasks, theperl programming language can also be used to create and manipulate graphics. http://webreference.com/programming/perl/ | |
46. ATI's Perl Programming Course perl programming Course. Perl is a scripting language which allows for rapid prototypingof projects formerly done with a programming language or a shell. http://www.aticourses.com/perl.htm | |
47. ATI's Advanced Perl Programming Course Advanced perl programming Course. Prerequisites Students should have attended theperl programming course or have equivalent knowledge. Who Should Attend http://www.aticourses.com/advanced_perl_programming.htm | |
48. Dynamic Choropleth Maps offers a Win32 turbocharged perl programming environment. http://users.erols.com/turboperl/ | |
49. Perl Programming perl programming. Perl is a developers programme unlike html in whichmost web pages are written, and like all proper programme http://www.ldb.co.uk/ldb/perl.htm | |
50. Prime Web Design A full service web design firm; includes Java and perl programming, Java applet or CGI script. http://www.primewebdesign.com/ | |
51. Web-based Forms; Surveys; Shopping Carts; Online Quotes; Database Design; Custom We provide custom perl programming for your CGI needs and modifications to existing Perl code. http://www.softouch.on.ca/ | |
52. Public Advanced Perl Programming Courses At ScriptSearch.com [ID# 3834] Public Advanced perl programming Courses ID 3834 ADVANCED perl programmingThe course gives a thorough treatment of packages, modules, libraries, and http://www.scriptsearch.com/details/3834.html | |
53. E-commerce, PERL Programmer, HTML Programming And Website Design, UNIX And LINUX Contract work in the areas of ecommerce development, shopping carts, html, css, and perl programming, website design. http://www.gethits.com/Darryl_Dyck_Resume.html | |
54. Public Perl Programming Courses At ScriptSearch.com [ID# 3833] Public perl programming Courses ID 3833 PROGRAMMING IN PERL The topics inthe course will aid all computer users from end user to programmer to http://www.scriptsearch.com/details/3833.html | |
55. Perl Programming Introduction - Course 431 1800-THE-TREE (1-800-843-8733), Introduction to perl programmingHands-On Writing Perl Scripts for UNIX, Linux, Win32 and Networks. http://www.learningtree.com/courses/431.htm | |
56. Win32 Perl Programming: The Standard Extensions, 2nd Edition Roth Consulting. Win32 perl programming The Standard Extensions, Second Edition. Win32perl programming The Standard Extensions Second Edition. Introduction. http://www.roth.net/books/extensions2/ | |
57. Welcome To Roth Consulting The 2nd edition of our Win32 perl programming Standard Extensions is available. Win32perl programming The Standard Extensions Second Edition is HERE!!! http://www.roth.net/ | |
58. ! Aware: Perl Advanced Search. Categories Map for perl programming. (The extensiveRocketAware categories map may have more categories.) Activity http://www.rocketaware.com/perl/ | |
59. Emacs Modules For Perl Programming Emacs modules for perl programming. MessageID perl-faq/emacs-lisp-modules_1083675484@rtfm.mit.edu X-Last-Updated 2002/08/31 http://www.faqs.org/faqs/perl-faq/emacs-lisp-modules/ | |
60. SAGE ;login: - Effective Perl Programming Effective perl programming Without a map You Can Only grep Your WayAround. by Welcome to Effective perl programming, the column. In http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/1998-6/perl.html | |
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