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121. Moving Academy For Performing Arts - MAPA Providing postgraduate education, workshops, production, and touring experience in the field of theatre. Located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. http://www.mapaworld.net/ | |
122. Peter Albrecht Company, Inc. - Theatrical Rigging And Custom Stage Equipment Des Custom theatrical rigging, stage equipment design, manufacturing and installation including motorized rigging, stage curtains, and scoreboard hoists for theatres, studios, arenas, and performing arts centers. http://www.peteralbrecht.com/ | |
123. Day Dream Writing Forums - Index A selection of discussion boards for anyone with an interest in acting, script writing or other fields in the performing arts. http://www.daydreamwriting.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl | |
124. GermanDepartmentHeimat Department, staff and course information, plus happenings in the German Department. Also has postgraduate studies, opportunities to study abroad information and staff member teaching and research interests. http://www.otago.ac.nz/German/HeimatFrame.html | |
125. National Arts And Disability Center Dedicated to promoting the full inclusion of children and adults with disabilities into the visual, performing-, media-, and literary- arts communities. http://nadc.ucla.edu/ | |
126. Circus Juventas: Home A performing arts youth circus in Minnesota. Offering shows, classes and summer camp for ages 3 to 21. http://www.circusjuventas.com | |
127. Guidelines For Grantseekers In The Performing Arts Home For Grantseekers Guidelines for Grantseekers in the performing arts.Guidelines for Grantseekers in the performing arts. Dear Applicant http://www.hewlett.org/Grantseekers/howToApply.htm | |
128. International Index To The Performing Arts Subscriptionbased content from more than 200 international periodicals, articles and obituaries appearing in The New York Times and The Washington Post. http://iipa.chadwyck.com/ |
129. Welcome To Performing Arts Supply Houston, Texas, USA. Stock and custom wardrobes for stage productions; index of available productions. Catalog PDF format of makeup, props, lighting, scenic supplies, and special effects. Ships worldwide. http://www.performingartssupply.com/ | |
130. WashingtonPavilion.org: Washington Pavilion Of Arts And Sciences - Sioux Falls, Features exhibits in visual arts, performing arts and science. Includes hours, descriptions of exhibits, photographs, educational programs, events and directions. Located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. http://www.washingtonpavilion.org/ | |
131. Welcome To Artsadvise Program consulting for performing arts nonprofit organizations. http://www.artsadvise.net | |
132. Guelph Arts Council - Home Umbrella organization, working to stimulate and coordinate the development of the visual, heritage, literary and performing arts in Guelph, Ontario. http://www.guelphartscouncil.org/ | |
133. KATS - Keystone Arts And Theatre School Location, class details and contacts for this nonprofit organization offering performing arts workshops to young people. Based in Pennsylvania. http://www.katsinc.org/ |
134. Index Located on Martha's Vineyard, this notfor-profit organization strives to promote growth and experimentation in theatre arts to professional artists. http://www.dancetheyard.org/ | |
135. KDKA State News PITTSBURGH (AP) For the first time, professional associations representing variousperforming arts including dance, theater and opera, will hold a convention http://kdka.com/panews/PA--ArtsConvention-dn/resources_news_html |
136. Lively Arts History Association Based in Southern California, LAHA fosters an understanding of history through the performing arts; programs include living history, lectures, concerts and vintage dance. http://www.lahacal.org/ | |
137. San Francisco Performing Arts Library & Museum Preserves and makes accessible materials about the performing arts, with an emphasis on the San Francisco Bay area. Contains more than two million items, including books, periodicals, photographs, programs, playbills, newspaper clippings, audio and video tapes, costume and set designs, and other artifacts. Online catalog; materials accessible only in the library in San Francisco, California. http://www.sfpalm.org/ | |
138. Actors - Theatre History Index of Internet resources related to the history and practice of acting in theater. http://www.theatrelibrary.org/links/ActorsHistory.html | |
139. StarQuest International Performing Arts Competition StarQuest is, undisputedly, the most rapidly expanding ontime, fun performing arts competition in the world. Like a well- choreographed dance routine, every StarQuest event moves effortlessly forward, totally engaging happy students, parents and teachers from the moment they enter the theater. http://www.starquestdance.com/ | |
140. Centrestage Performing Arts School For Musical Theatre, Musicals, Drama, Singing Musical theatre school based in Bolton. Child and adult classes, schedule of performances, information about teachers. http://www.centrestage.biz/ | |
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