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61. Kimmel Center, Inc. > News Releases > Philadelphia Performing Arts Center Presid Philadelphia performing arts Center President Steps Down from RPACPosition May 1, 2001 Willard G. Rouse III, chairman of the Board http://www.kimmelcenter.org/news/item.php?item=2001-05-01 |
62. Film, Performing Arts And Media Studies Studies and Performance arts, the resources which have been designed with a teachingperspective in mind, such as Blood Cinema, Broadcast news and Performance http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ctitext2/resguide/film96.html | |
63. College Of DuPage Arts News For more information about this concert and other performing arts events, call (630)9424000. arts news for the week of May 24, 2004, at College of DuPage http://www.cod.edu/NewsEvnt/newsarts/newsarts.htm | |
64. Allen Library - Internet Arts Resources performing RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS ASCAP ASCAP s Clearance Express Legislative Matterssection includes news of current BMI BMI s Art Business of Songwriting http://libaxp.hartford.edu/llr/music_guides/performa.htm | |
65. WashingtonPavilion.org: Washington Pavilion Of Arts And Sciences - Husby Perform Sign up to receive news about upcoming events, classes and shows at theHusby performing arts Center. Want special members only bulletins? http://www.washingtonpavilion.org/PerformingArtsCenter/PerformingArtsEnewsList/I | |
66. Arts, Performing Arts, Theatre: News And Media Includes funding advice and news. On The Boards and In The Wings Janine Fawcett scolumn on legitimate theatre and the performing arts on Broadway, London s http://www.combose.com/Arts/Performing_Arts/Theatre/News_and_Media/ | |
67. Augusta.com - Ultimate Source Of News, Information, And Entertainment For August Augusta Common Visiting Augusta Moving here Augusta Facts news Weather Sports CalendarEcards Wallpaper Restaurants Movies Music performing arts Club calendar http://www.augusta.com/content/arts_ent/ | |
68. Haynes Showcases DeBartolo Center For Performing Arts - The Observer - News Haynes showcases DeBartolo Center for performing arts. By Andrew Thagard.Published Wednesday, October 1, 2003. John Haynes, Director http://www.ndsmcobserver.com/news/2003/10/01/News/Haynes.Showcases.Debartolo.Cen | |
69. In The News The School of Fine performing arts at Portland State University to study and practiceof the arts in both Read below about some of the exciting news at FPA! http://www.fpa.pdx.edu/InNews.html | |
70. News From Belmont Public Schools | Belmont, Massachusetts news from Department of Fine and performing arts. performing arts COMPANYwill present its first One Act Play Festival on May 2022. http://www.belmont.k12.ma.us/news/details.asp?NEWSID=184 |
71. News : Performing Arts Chicago - News news. PAC/edge Performance Festival 2004. performing arts Chicago (PAC) and the Schoolof the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) present the second annual PAC/edge http://www.pachicago.org/news/ | |
72. United Performing Arts Fund ZORE, RODRIGUEZ TO COCHAIR UNITED performing arts FUND. Monday, November,03 2003. THE UNITED performing arts FUND ANNOUNCES 2003 GRANT RECIPIENTS. http://www.upaf.org/news/ | |
73. Cushing | News | Performing Arts Schedule performing arts Schedule 20032004. Winter Term. Febuary. Friday, February13, Jazz Ensemble. Thursday Friday, Feb. 26 27, Winter Musical. March. http://www.cushing.org/news/performing-arts-schedule.shtml | |
74. Entertainment News - Rose Parade at the Auckland performing arts Centre 30.04.2004 By BERNADETTERAE As a dancer, Megan Adams stands out as a high voltage performer. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/entertainmentstorydisplay.cfm?storyID=35 |
75. KSW : Programs : News : Performing Arts Program news performing arts. http://www.kearnystreet.org/programs/news/performing.html | |
76. Member News - International Society For The Performing Arts there Mr. Chappell commissioned 85 works from performing artists. at http//www.pm.gc.ca/eng/news.asp?id wasawarded the Garrett Award at the arts and Business http://www.ispa.org/news/index.php | |
77. Stephens College: News And Events-Stephens Events_Performing Arts performing arts at Stephens College. Performances are held in the MacklanburgPlayhouse and our studentrun Warehouse Theatre, located http://www.stephens.edu/news/stephensevents/performingarts/ | |
78. WMU News - Fine Arts News are the mostrecent articles from WMU news relating to the College of Fine arts,its faculty Johnson earns awards at Kennedy Center for the performing arts. http://www.wmich.edu/wmu/news/links/cfa.html | |
79. Wales Association For The Performing Arts Umbrella body for the professional performing arts organisations in Wales, representing theatre, opera and dance. Ethos, news, calendar and membership. http://www.waparts.co.uk/ | |
80. NYFA Current - Art News For Artists And All Those Who Support Them NYFA Current is a free weekly edigest featuring news affecting the arts, as well as job openings and opportunities for artists, arts organizations, and the http://www.artswire.org/ | |
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