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21. Reno News And Review Performing Arts News - June 13, 2002 performing arts news Battle on the dance floor A dance teacher worries overthe future of his studio and performing arts center at Park Lane Mall. http://www.newsreview.com/issues/reno/2002-06-13/performingarts.asp | |
22. USF Arts & Sciences - Visual And Performing Arts News 06/2004) Performing Arts and Social Justice program unveiled its first commissionedplay based on an ancient Greek play about the brutality of war. Search News http://artsci.usfca.edu/servlet/NewsList?deptID=11 |
23. Ferndale High School Performing Arts News Questions, Concerns, Comments about this site? Emailto Mr. Fayram. Voice Mail (360) 383-9267. http://www.ferndale.wednet.edu/fhs/departments/theaterarts/ | |
24. TWF: Searching: Performing Arts Sites performing arts news. Free information on new Australian plays films,ticket giveaways and local and global creative vision . http://www.twf.org.au/search/patasites.html | |
25. Damascus College Newsletters (Performing Arts) performing arts news. Issue 7 May 12, 2004. Download. Archives. Celebrating10 years In the spotlight. Welcome back for Term 2Â Â Towards http://www.damascus.vic.edu.au/Newsletters/PerformingArts/performing_arts.htm | |
26. A&L Performing Arts News Release - 2001-2002 Season Unfortunately the sheer weight of the current conflict upon the dayto-day lifeof the international performing arts world has been too heavy to permit us to http://www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu/archive/2001-2002/pr/ndour.htm | |
27. A&L Performing Arts News Release - Joshua Redman Quartet Presented by UCSB Arts Lectures, this performance is sponsored by Santa BarbaraMagazine, KCBX Public Radio 89.9 FM and is supported in part with funds from http://www.artsandlectures.ucsb.edu/archive/1999-2000/pr/redman.htm | |
28. News From Belmont Public Schools | Belmont, Massachusetts Department of Fine and performing arts news. News from Department ofFine and Performing Arts One Act Play Festival on May 2022. http://www.belmont.k12.ma.us/news/details.asp?NEWSID=142 |
29. Portland Metro Performing Arts: News Performances Hot Flashes Experience Hot Flashes at Portland Metro Performing ArtsCenter Over 2000 women experienced Hot Flashes last season, as well as a http://www.pdxmetroarts.org/news.htm | |
30. ArtsJournal: Daily Arts News Daily arts news from more than 200 newspapers, magazines and epublications. the New York City Ballet's summer residency at The Saratoga performing arts Center appears to be paying off streaming of arts features and headline arts news featuring some of the http://www.artsjournal.com/ | |
31. Western Arts Alliance WAA connects touring artists with performing arts presenters in the western US and Canada. Find information on the annual booking conference, professional development, news, publications, links, and member services. Members include performing arts presenters, artists, managers, consultants and vendors. http://www.westarts.org | |
32. Theater, Visual Arts, Performing Arts At World Wide Arts Resources browse the arts submit arts news media kit services art history. Main CategoryTheater, Theater arts provides information on all performance genres from http://wwar.com/categories/Theater/ | |
33. Performing Arts In Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783 The performing arts in Colonial American newspapers. An important resource of information on early dance, music, song, theatre and performers, as published in colonial American newspapers. THE performing arts. IN COLONIAL AMERICAN newsPAPERS, 16901783 Their hunger for news of the latest plays, ceremonials surrounding important announcements and celebrations, and http://www.universitymusicedition.com/Performing_Arts | |
34. Entertainment : Performing Arts -- Charlotte.com RECENT arts news, ( LAWRENCE TOPPMAN, 05/23/2004 0301 AM EDT). arts resources justa click away Internet is changing the way performing artists manage their http://www.charlotte.com/mld/charlotte/entertainment/performing_arts/ | |
35. Entertainment : Performing Arts -- MercuryNews.com Karen D Souza / Mercury news RELATED LINKS Q A Hollywood knocks on playwright sdoor. performing arts SEARCH. Title, performing Group, Venue, http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/entertainment/performing_arts/ | |
36. Performing Arts Career Guides And Web Resources performing arts Links Digital Librarian performing arts Directory - Collectionsand Institutions performing arts Magazines - news Directory performing arts http://www.khake.com/page48.html | |
37. Backstage.com news, East February 13, 2004, PARC Shows Audiences Value performingarts By Leonard Jacobs, The performing arts Research Coalition http://www.backstage.com/backstage/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=20911 |
38. USF College Of Visual And Performing Arts - News as part of the effort of University of South FloridaÂs colleges of engineeringand visual and performing arts to integrate the arts In The news Articles http://www.arts.usf.edu/cvpa/news.html | |
39. USF College Of Visual And Performing Arts - News College of Visual performing arts Past arts In The news ArticlesMusic Review Voice Coach Tampa Bay Illustrated 11/03. Music http://www.arts.usf.edu/cvpa/pastnews.html | |
40. School Of Fine & Performing Arts - News & Events news Archives a different mix of professional and student dancers performing and choreographing Bachelorof Fine arts Thesis Exhibitions (Show II) At the end of http://www.newpaltz.edu/artsnews/index.cfm | |
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