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101. Governor General Performing Arts Awards Gala - World Congress Of Arts Producers governor general performing arts awards gala information for the first annual artsand Performance 2003 will bring together arts professional from around the http://www.banffmedia.com/arts/registration/awardsgala.html | |
102. INDONESIA TOURISM : GENERAL INFORMATION, THE PERFORMING ART Minangkabau traditional House, From graceful court and temple dances to charmingfolk dances and boisterous play, the performing arts of Indonesia offer an http://www.indonesia-tourism.com/general/perform.html | |
103. Performing Arts: Project Guidelines For Professional Artists And Arts And Cultur Summary of general Conditions for all performing arts applications.Grants will be awarded subject to the availability of funds. http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/arts/perf-en.asp | |
104. NSW Ministry For The Arts - Performing Arts Touring Program meet the Ministry for the arts general eligibility criteria touring agencies (suchas arts on Tour), professional performing arts organisations, presenters http://www.arts.nsw.gov.au/Guidelines/Grants/PAT/pat.htm | |
105. Entertainment And Performing Arts - General - Search Books @ ZooScape.com - Whit Search for Entertainment and performing arts general None. Shipping, Your searchfor Entertainment and performing arts - general did not match any products. http://www.zooscape.com/cgi-bin/maitred/ZooRide/jornada/specieUS/visa/partner/fo | |
106. Category 50: VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS Violin, Viola, Guitar and Other Stringed Instruments (NEW). 50.0911. Visual andperforming arts, general. 50.0101. Visual and performing arts, Other. 50.9999. http://www.isss.umn.edu/J/jFieldCode/Sub_50.html | |
107. Performing Arts & Artists Worldwide A worldwide directory of official web sites of Organizations of the performing arts, Film and Music Industry and production and their Professionals thereof. Welcome to performing arts Artists http://www.paaw.com/ | |
108. Performing Arts Reading Room (Library Of Congress) The performing arts Reading Room is the service point for the broad and diverse collections of the Music Division at the Library of Congress. Numbering approximately 12 million items and spanning http://lcweb.loc.gov/rr/perform | |
109. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Performing Arts A categorized, annotated list of over 2500 sites to help educators, teachers, and parents enhance instruction and support the curriculum. on musical works, composers and performing artists in the http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/arts/artp.html | |
110. Education World® - *Arts & Humanities : Performance Arts : General Resources Indiana Academy of Fine performing arts School Offering all aspects of the fineand performing arts (dance, art, music, drama, etiquette) as well as a well http://db.educationworld.com/perl/browse?cat_id=2476 |
111. Jerusalem Theater The Jerusalem Centre for the performing arts The Jerusalem Centre for the performingarts, located in one of the most beautiful residential neighborhoods in http://www.jerusalem-theatre.co.il/about_en.asp | |
112. Internships: Vilar Institute For Arts Management At The Kennedy Center general CounselÂs Office Through the general CounselÂs office interns will learnperforming arts law (including dealing with standard artist and production http://www.kennedy-center.org/education/vilarinstitute/internships/ | |
113. Target : Entertainment : VHS Movies : Musicals & Performing Arts : General Sort by Featured Items. http://www.target.com/gp/browse.html?node=169340 |
114. Books Subjects Music, Stage Screen Performing Arts Priceclash, http://www.priceclash.co.uk/books/7218 |
115. Contemporary Art - World Wide Arts Resources - Absolutearts.com Contemporary art, fine art, artist online portfolios and international art news. The largest marketplace for contemporary art online. http://www.world-arts-resources.com/ | |
116. The Buy Australian Book Store, The Empty Space By Peter Brook ISBN 0684829576 CATEGORY PerformingArts general. Normal Price $11.00 Sale Price $5.50. Buy Now ! http://books.buyaustralian.com/remainder.asp?CatMain=PER&StoreURL=buyaustralian |
117. ? ? The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.ypbooks.co.kr/ypbooks/WebHome/subj/bybtsearch.jsp?p_code=JNF039000&cu |
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