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Peoples Temple & Jonestown Mass Suicide: more detail | ||||||||
81. Jonestown - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia jonestown mass suicide. On November 18, 1978, 914 (or 911) members of the People sTemple (including 276 children), led by the Reverend Jim Jones, committed http://www.phatnav.com/wiki/wiki.phtml?title=Jonestown_mass_suicide |
82. EPALS Classroom Exchange The cultists reportedly had long considered mass suicide if they The People s Templein San Francisco was quiet Monday Lane said the jonestown meeting began at http://www.epals.com/20thcentury/78jimjones.tpl | |
83. Prehistoric: Jonestown `diary Of The Dead' Resurfaces [09-18-88] boxes of records deposited in the peoples temple archives at two NBC reporters anda temple defector were killed during a factfinding visit to jonestown. http://www.subgenius.com/subg-digest/ancient/0505.html | |
84. Remembering Jonestown time to return to the jungles of jonestown to try led more than 900 of his PeoplesTemple followersÂincluding their sonÂin a mass murderÂsuicide http://www.connectionmagazine.org/archives_old/archives/1999/may/Remembering_Jon | |
85. Create An Account of events leading up to the mass murdersuicide that was a scary side to the PeoplesTemple beatings of and her mother, Lisa, arrived at jonestown, a jungle http://www.cjonline.com/stories/111598/new_jonestown.shtml | |
86. THE PEOPLE'S TEMPLE (JIM JONES) Some people believe that the People s temple was an experimental hopes of eventuallymoving the temple to the is often claimed that the jonestown disaster was http://www.religioustolerance.org/dc_jones.htm | |
87. The Jonestown Massacre which included claims that the community at Âjonestown had, on a number of concernedrelatives, RyanÂs interest in the PeopleÂs temple became widely http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial4/jonestown/ | |
88. Religion News Blog : In Guyana, Jonestown Massacre Distant U.S. Tragedy site would serve as a reminder to people about the a veil of secrecy tight aroundJonestown and allowed was preparing to return home with 18 temple members, he http://www.religionnewsblog.com/5114-In_Guyana,_Jonestown_massacre_distant_U.S._ | |
89. Jonestown Massacre allegedly passed between Jones and People s temple lawyer Mark pondering the relocationof Grace Walden to jonestown. Walden.) Most of the People s Tempe rank http://www.carpenoctem.tv/cons/jones.html | |
90. Jonestown Survivor Speaks At Fresno State Layton is the author of the book, ÂSeductive Poison A jonestown Whistle BlowerÂsStory of Life and Death in the PeopleÂs temple.Â. http://www.fresnostatenews.com/2003/April/Jonestown.html | |
91. 1978 Massacre step was the gathering at central pavilion in jonestown. The choice that peoples Templemembers saw on that final In the end, people believed they had nothing http://camel2.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/relstudies/290/newage/1978.html | |
92. ABCNEWS.com : Losses Linger 25 Years After Jonestown jonestown survivors say the years since the Nov. 18, 1978, massacre have donelittle to ease the senselessness of the tragedy. PeopleÂs temple. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/GMA/US/Jonestown_Jones_Anniversary_031118-1.html | |
93. ABCNEWS.com warnings and Ryan s trip didn t help most members of the People s temple. about thepower a single hypnotic leader can have over his people. jonestown Memorial. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/GMA/US/Jonestown_Jones_Anniversary_031118.html | |
94. WashingtonPost.com: Overview: The 1970s Ryan had been investigating the strange group called People s temple. The massdeaths in jonestown, Guyana, helped stigmatize cults by dramatizing the http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/cult/overview70s.htm | |
95. Chapter 7 that the killers had been planted in the People s temple. the beliefs are, the majorityof people want to is true however, is that the jonestown massacre was http://www.cultawarenessnetwork.org/AUM/SECTION_2/07.html | |
96. Godlike Productions -- News didn´t help most members of the People´s temple. hypnotic leader can have overhis people Jones was jonestown Memorial Minister Jynona Norwood, who lost 27 http://www.godlikeproductions.com/news/item.php?keyid=6880&page=1&category=22&sc |
97. Mellen Author: Moore , Rebecca Status Not Signed In. Register, Sign In, My Account, View Cart.Search By Title. http://www.mellenpress.com/emp/mellenpress.cfm?aid=1133&pc=10 |
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