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Peoples Temple & Jonestown Mass Suicide: more detail | ||||||||
21. New Religious Movements, Mass Suicide, And Peoples Temple New Religious Movements, mass suicide, and peoples temple Scholarly Perspectiveson a The first definitive, scholarly study of the jonestown tragedy a http://www.mellenpress.com/emp/mellenpress.cfm?bookid=1292&pc=9 |
22. JIM JONES, JONESTOWN, AND JESUS CHRIST a month, they would practice ritual mass suicide which Jones of Hearing the Voicesof jonestown Putting a The peoples temple began with a man preaching Christ http://davidsisler.com/11-14-98.htm | |
23. NEW RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS One was New Religious Movements, mass suicide, and peoples for a Second Look at jonestown,is perhaps voices and viewpoints concerning peoples temple and the http://www.und.edu/dept/library/Libpub/nrm's.html | |
24. Facts About The Children Of Jonestown persists in erroneously calling these deaths a mass suicide. . the children who diedin jonestown were wards negative report about the peoples temple until New http://www.holysmoke.org/cos/peoples-temple-deaths.htm | |
25. Scientology --- Scientology / Jonestown Connection: Sensitive FBI Documents Foun The two attorneys were present as peoples temple lawyers when Rep Calif.) made thefateful trip to jonestown in November and then Jones led a mass murdersuicide http://www.holysmoke.org/cos/scientology-jonestown.htm | |
26. People's Temple In 1977, over 1000 peoples temple members including Jim Jones Jones became paranoidthat jonestown was under attack to commit a revolutionary mass suicide began http://camel2.conncoll.edu/academics/departments/relstudies/290/newage/peoplest. | |
27. The People's Temple The macabre mass suicide and murder was directed by factfinding group that had justleft jonestown. three American newsmen and a peoples temple defector were http://www.gbs.sha.bw.schule.de/peoples_temple_wpost.htm | |
28. Jonestown and scores of bodies. Guyana, jonestown was the site where some 900 members of theCalifornia based peoples temple died in a selfimposed ritual mass suicide. http://www.farmington.k12.mn.us/3ap70s/jonestown.html | |
29. Peoples Temple, EV And CAC appointed to defend Larry Layton, the former peoples temple member who Leo Ryan atthe airstrip outside jonestown right before the mass suicide occurred http://www.ex-premie.org/best/Peoples Temple EV and CAC.htm | |
30. Jim Jones And Jonestown Bibliography, Indiana Division Jim Jones and the jonestown murders and mass suicide. L429s Title Seductive poisona jonestown survivor s story of life and death in the peoples temple. http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/www/isl/indiana/jimjones.html | |
31. LII - Results For "jonestown Mass Suicide, Jonestown, Guyana, 1978" http//www.npr.org/programs/specials/jonestown.html Subjects Jones, Jim, 19311978 peoples temple jonestown mass suicide, jonestown, Guyana, 1978 Created http://www.lii.org/search?searchtype=subject;query=Jonestown Mass Suicide, Jones |
32. L.A. Freelance Journalist, Now In Hiding - MPH, 11/28/78 knew about the horror of jonestown, the peoples temple and Jim of slave labor conditionsat jonestown, the madness of Jones, mass suicide drills, armed http://www.maebrussell.com/Jonestown/L.A. Journalist Lindsay in Hiding.html | |
33. Salvation And Suicide questions about the meaningful history of the peoples temple may be in recognitionof the 25th anniversary of the mass suicides at jonestown, this revised http://www.indiana.edu/~iupress/books/0-253-34324-0.shtml | |
34. Jonestown Mass Suicide Remembering jonestown, NPR interview with mass suicide survivor, Laura JohnstonKohl Alternative considerations of jonestown and peoples temple, San Diego http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/J/Jonestown-mass-suicide.htm | |
35. CBS News | Recent Cult Massacres | March 31, 2000Â 17:26:02 Federal officials called the deaths a mass suicide, but Branch 18, 1978, in jonestown,Guyana, more than 900 wound in the head, led the peoples temple in San http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2000/03/31/world/main178621.shtml | |
36. Books: Me And Mr. Jones (Tucson Weekly . 11-09-98) Survivor s Story of Life and Death in the peoples temple, by Deborah part of Guyana,913 members living in the jonestown commune commit mass suicide. http://weeklywire.com/ww/11-09-98/tw_book1.html | |
37. CNN - Jonestown Massacre Memories Linger Amid Rumors Of CIA Link - November 19, escaped the jonestown massacre, met at a mass grave for The people of jonestown wentto racial harmony and social justice preached by peoples temple leader Jim http://www.cnn.com/US/9811/19/jonestown.anniversary.01/ | |
38. Jonestown Mass Suicide - Jim Jones mass suicide In Guyana. Jim Jones and The People's temple. Good Advice. This was a Christian destructive, doomsday cult founded and led by James Warren Jones (19311978). Jim Jones held degrees from http://www.francesfarmersrevenge.com/stuff/jonestown | |
39. People's Temple - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia People s temple. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The People s temple was acult that is best known for a mass suicide at jonestown on November 18, 1978. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People's_Temple | |
40. ON THIS DAY | 18 | 1978: Mass Suicide Leaves 900 Dead of brutal beatings, murders and a mass suicide plan but Leo Ryan s delegation arrivedin jonestown on 14 taking with them about 20 People s temple members who http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/november/18/newsid_2540000/2540 | |
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