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61. Louis L. Manderino Library Go to Cal U Home Page, LOUIS L. MANDERINO LIBRARY California Universityof pennsylvania 250 University Avenue California, PA 15419. http://www.library.cup.edu/ | |
62. Pennsylvania Library Jobs For Information Professionals And Librarians pennsylvania Library Jobs. Additions to or comments on this page? Job BanksThe pennsylvania Library Association now has an online jobline. http://www.lisjobs.com/states/pennsylvania.htm | |
63. About The NPLN Union Periodicals Catalog Union Periodicals catalog represents a cooperative venture between two northeasternpennsylvania consortia, the Northeastern pennsylvania Library Network (NPLN http://npln.library.net/ | |
64. Genealogical Society Of Pennsylvania - Library - pennsylvania and its border states including microfilmed church and cemetery records,some of which are not readily available elsewhere. Hours Our library is http://www.libertynet.org/gspa/library.html | |
65. Genealogical Society Of Pennsylvania - Library - PA Cards Mormon Library Salt Lake City, Card Catalogue, PA, Beaver Library(Cemetery Records Columbia Montour Cos.), Cemetery, Columbia Montour,PA, http://www.libertynet.org/gspa/other1.html | |
66. Pennsylvania WWW Library Directory pennsylvania (482). Harrisburg. pennsylvania Library Association;Peoples Library of New Kensington; Pequea Valley Public Library; http://www.webpan.com/msauers/libdir/usa/pa.html | |
67. German Society Of Pennsylvania Library Project the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of pennsylvania. InFebruary 1998, the library was closed in order to begin renovations http://www.germansociety.org/libraryproject.html | |
68. Northeasten Pennsylvania Library Network NPLN is pennsylvania s oldest consortium of academic, public and speciallibraries, serving the residents of Northeastern pennsylvania. http://www.npln.org/ | |
69. The Masonic Library And Museum Of Pennsylvania Web site features a nice collection of materials, especially those related to Benjamin Franklin and http://www.pagrandlodge.org/mlam/ | |
70. Masonic Charities Annual Report Library And Museum Throughout 2000, The Masonic Library and Museum of pennsylvania applied moderntechnology, techniques, and professional skills in its everchallenging work http://www.pagrandlodge.org/freemason/ar00/lam.html | |
71. PSLA, The Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Its members are advocates of high standards for librarianship and library mediaprograms in the public, private and parochial schools in pennsylvania. http://www.psla.org/ |
72. FHG Library, West Chester University, Home Page TCLC Tri-State College Library Consortium TCLC is a consortium of librariesin Southeast pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey, and Northern Delaware. http://www.wcupa.edu/library.fhg/ | |
73. Pennsylvania State And Local Government (Library Of Congress) State Government. Commonwealth of pennsylvania WWW. Go to Libraryof Congress Library of Congress Help Desk ( February 22, 2002 ). http://www.loc.gov/global/state/pa-gov.html | |
74. Pennsylvania Library Colleges And Universities pennsylvania Library Colleges and Universities. Our Database CurrentlyIncludes 8 pennsylvania Library Colleges and Universities. http://www.uscollegesearch.org/pennsylvania_library_colleges.html | |
75. Zeal.com - Site Profile For University Of Pennsylvania Library - The Online Book University of pennsylvania Library The Online Books Page Profile, Edit value75. Title, University of pennsylvania Library - The Online Books Page. http://zeal.com/website/profile.jhtml?cid=149169&wid=925788 |
76. Pennsylvania Library Association Annual Conference September 26 pennsylvania Library Association Annual Conference September 26, 2000.CERMUSA s Distance Learning Resource Center prototype, which http://www.cermusa.francis.edu/publications/Pennsylvania Library/default.htm | |
77. University Of Pennsylvania Library Catalogue University of pennsylvania Library Catalogue. The Library of the Universityof pennsylvania has a good collection of early journals. http://www.scholarly-societies.org/history/penncat.html | |
78. Library Theft Act LIBRARY THEFT ACT. LAWS OF pennsylvania SESSION OF 1982, Act 19829518 PS § 3929.1. No. 1982-95 AN ACT. HB 671 Amending Title 18 (Crimes http://www.einpgh.org/ein/mtleb/theft.html | |
79. HSLDA | Pennsylvania Library Mural Stirs Up Controversy August 27, 2002. pennsylvania Library Mural Stirs Up ControversyRenovations in the New Cumberland, pennsylvania, public library http://www.hslda.org/hs/state/PA/200208270.asp | |
80. Institute On Disabilities | Assistive Technology Lending Library pennsylvania S ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LENDING LIBRARY. What is Assistive Technology? Whatis pennsylvania s Assistive Technology Lending Library? http://www.temple.edu/instituteondisabilities/atlend/ | |
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