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21. Pennsylvania State University Libraries Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries, Research Library Group. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/ |
22. Science & Engineering Libraries Selected web sites, resources guides, and ereference resources for chemistry, engineering, math, physics, and astronomy. http://www.library.upenn.edu/scitech/ | |
23. Access Pennsylvania Tuesday, May 04, 2004. The Access pennsylvania Database a project of the pennsylvania Department of Education and the Office of Commonwealth libraries, was started in 1985 as a way to provide a union catalog across the State of pennsylvania. Academic and Special libraries participate in the Access pennsylvania Database project http://www.accesspa.state.pa.us/ |
24. LIBCAT: US-Pennsylvania Bibliographies. Glossary. U.S. libraries. Select State. Alabama. Alaska. Arizona State Library of pennsylvania. http//www.statelibrary.state.pa.us/ libraries/site/default.asp http://www.metronet.lib.mn.us/lc/list1.cfm?statex=Pennsylvania |
25. LibDex - The Library Index Geographic Countries USA pennsylvania. Academic. Albright College F. Wilbur Gingrich Library. Allegheny College - Lawrence Lee Pelletier Library. Allentown College of Saint Francis de Sales. Alvernia College. American College - Vane B. Associated College libraries of Central pennsylvania. Berks County Public libraries http://www.libdex.com/country/USA-Pennsylvania.html | |
26. Pennsylvania Department Of Education Includes information on the department, teaching in the state, education reform initiatives, libraries, teacher certification, school profiles and employment. http://www.pde.state.pa.us/ | |
27. Library Use Only Access to online electronic resources for users of member school and public libraries in pennsylvania. http://www.powerlibrary.net/ | |
28. Pennsylvania State University - Map Library Collection information and links to online GIS resources. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/maps/ |
29. History: Andrew Carnegie And Carnegie Libraries Biographical material, photographs and details of his benefactions in pennsylvania. http://andrewcarnegie.tripod.com/ | |
30. Commonwealth Libraries Pennsylvania Public Libraries By County pennsylvania Public libraries By County Abstract pennsylvania Public librariesBy County Adams Lackawanna Allegheny Lancaster Armstrong Lawrence Beaver http://www.statelibrary.state.pa.us/libraries/cwp/view.asp?a=11&Q=79040 |
31. Pennsylvania Citizens For Better Libraries Activities, awards, membership information, newsletter. http://trfn.clpgh.org/pcbl/ | |
32. Commonwealth Libraries Pennsylvania Public Libraries By County pennsylvania Public libraries By County Abstract pennsylvania Public libraries By County Adams Lackawanna Allegheny Lancaster Armstrong Lawrence Beaver Lebanon Bedford Lehigh Berks Luzerne Blair http://www.statelibrary.state.pa.us/libraries/cwp/view.asp?a=11&Q=79040 |
33. CSRL Home Page Established in the Department of Library Science at Clarion University of pennsylvania. Seeks to extend knowledge relative to the nature and role of rural libraries on a national and international basis. http://jupiter.clarion.edu/~csrl/ | |
34. Indiana University Of Pennsylvania - Libraries Dr. Rena Fowler. Dean of IUP libraries Email Rfowler@iup.edu. StapletonLibrary, Room 203 Indiana, PA 15705 USA, Revised on 01/22/2004. http://www.lib.iup.edu/ | |
35. Carnegie Mellon Libaries: Research: ArchArch: Architecture Archives Aims to document the architects and architecture of Pittsburgh and the tristate region of western pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and northern West Virginia. http://www.library.cmu.edu/Libraries/ArchArch/ | |
36. Indiana University Of Pennsylvania - Libraries -How Do I... The Administration Office of the IUP (Indiana University of pennsylvania) Librariesis open during the academic year from 800 am to 430 pm Monday through http://www.lib.iup.edu/depts/admin/admin_web_2.shtm | |
37. The Rest Of Us Will Be Forgotten, Never Judy pennsylvania librarian finds that libraries and Judy Garland equals fun. http://judygarland.blogspot.com/ | |
38. Three Mile Island Recovery And Decontamination Collection Database of videotapes, reports, and photographs that were generated during the 19791990 cleanup and recovery of the Three Mile Island 2 (TMI-2) nuclear reactor. From the Engineering Library, pennsylvania State University. http://www.libraries.psu.edu/tmi/ |
39. Historic Pittsburgh of Western pennsylvania at the Heinz History Center, and the Carnegie Museum ofArt. The project represents a model of cooperation between libraries and http://digital.library.pitt.edu/pittsburgh/ | |
40. PALINET - Libraries Shaping Tomorrow These institutions include libraries, information centers, museums, archives, andother of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, pennsylvania, and West http://www.palinet.org/ |
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