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21. Education World® : The State Of Technology Part 2: How Does Your School Measure Smith, a classroom teacher with a business education background, became in chargeof technology integration and staff development. In pennsylvania, my position http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech144.shtml | |
22. St Joseph School Mechanicsburg, pennsylvania. Interparish K8 school served by the Sisters of SS. Cyril and Methodius. Offers special education. Contact information, online version of student handbook, policies, calendar (graphics-dependent), staff directory. http://sjsmch.ybn.com/html/ | |
23. Administration Resources Americas Education Revolution A Report From better.( 370000)education; AdministrationSeries III staff DevFor descriptions see State College School District, pennsylvania, presents successful. strategies for the implementation of http://media.waynesville.k12.mo.us/146/cat/mdg783.pdf |
24. Staff Educator / Department Of Education & Professional Dev Job - Lancaster Gene Lancaster General. staff Educator / Department of education ProfessionalDev. Job Location Lancaster, PA Department / Facility http://www.nationjob.com/job/lanh3789 | |
25. Lancaster General Job Listings CRNA) / Anesthesia Lancaster, pennsylvania; Nurse Manager Internal Audit Lancaster,PA; staff Educator / Department of education Professional http://www.nationjob.com/lanh/ | |
26. Faculty & Staff - Christ The King Lutheran School & King's Kids Child Dev Center education. She has ten years teaching experience, 3 years in Minnesota and 7 years at Sonshine Christian School in Santa Cruz, California before joining the staff 1700 pennsylvania Ave http://www.ctklutheranschool.org/FacultyStaff.htm | |
27. Entrez PubMed staff dev. 1998 MarApr;14(2)87-94. PMID 9592434 PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE. Abstract, Essential Americans a poster session for essential education. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Display&dopt=pubmed_ |
28. East Stroudsburg University - Health Department parttime either as paid staff or volunteers take course work within health education,and within sites, East Stroudsburg University of pennsylvania will not http://www.esu.edu/hlth/ |
29. Professional Dev. http//transition.alaska.edu/www/portfolios.html. staff Development Lesson Plans. EducationWeek on the Web. http//www.edweek.org. pennsylvania Link to Learn Site. http://links.mtwp.k12.pa.us/profdev.html |
30. Staff Dev October 2002 Kathy Nash, Moorpark HS. D2. 6-8 Physical education. PE Dr. MichaelSutliff, CalPoly San Luis. Deborah Patterson, CSUN. All Day. B-6. 6-8Art. http://www1.pvsd.k12.ca.us/pvsd/Curriculum/Staff Development/October 2002.htm | |
31. Current Staff And Faculty MS, University of pennsylvania; BS, Franklin and Marshall College. MC21, EducationalTech. MC89, Designing Human Performance TechnologyBased staff dev. http://www.philau.edu/msit/faculty.html | |
32. Education (EDU) ACADSR 40 62818 EDU 151T LED 2 Lang dev Chicano Child TBA @ EDU 192 INT Internship1.0 3.0 The staff TBA TBA @ EDU 197T TUT Tutoring In education 1.0 -2.0 http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/CSRD/fall2004/(EDU).html | |
33. Education (EDU) STUDENTS ** 70675 ^ EDU 151 LEC 2 Lang dev Chicano Ch 40 @ EDU 192 INT Internship1.0 3.0 The staff TBA TBA @ EDU 197T TUT Tutoring In education 1.0 -2.0 http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/CSRD/fall2003/(EDU).html | |
34. Teacher Education | Faculty & Staff Information 19931995. Eastern Michigan University-Special Assistant to the Dean of education.1992 1985-88 pennsylvania State University-staff Associate. 1981-1984. http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/dptinfo/faculty.shtml | |
35. Teacher Education | Faculty And Staff Directory Elem. Ed. Ohio University. 1961 BS. Elementary education California University ofPennsylvania. Professional Experience Faculty, dev. 19711974 http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/contact/faculty_staff.shtml | |
36. BFCCS - Staff Profile - Overview staff Listing (Click on a header to sort the Arts, University of the Arts Certificate,pennsylvania Academy of K, 1997, 13, Early Childhood education, BS, Boston http://www.bfccs.org/main/Staff/Overview.asp?Sort=3 |
37. Virginia's Community Of Learning 6/cu12.html Keywords staff development, research Improvement of the US Departmentof education. Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, pennsylvania, and Washington DC http://www.virginialearning.org/MainAreas/Search/sr_directory_category.cfm?CatNu |
38. Courses Completed College education Major CURRIC INSTRUCTION Campus GREAT VALLEY SEM CLASS GRCourse Credits Grade Grade Points C S 563 DSG staff dev PROG 3.0 A 12.00 C http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/a/c/acb183/courses.htm |
39. Staff HEAD staff. Continuing Professional development, Teaching and Learning inHigher education (TLHE) Coordinator, Jenni Wallace, 0171 753 5116. HE dev. http://www2.unl.ac.uk/~head/staff.htm | |
40. PLS Client List Nat l staff dev. Council (NSDC) Annual Conf. NC State Dept. of education, NC; NorthwestLouisiana University, LA; Oakwood City Schools, Dayton, OH; Oklahoma Dept. http://www.plsweb.com/professional_development/clients/ | |
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