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81. Audubon Society Of Western Pennsylvania The Audubon Society of Western pennsylvania is a nonprofit agency dedicated to history library, and a environmental education Teacher Resource...... http://www.volunteersolutions.org/pittsburgh/org/217871.html | |
82. Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency pennsylvania higher education assistance agency. BEST Search the Web. Here you can get lot of interesting info about higher education! http://www.warnomore.org/pennsylvania-higher-education-assistance-agency/pennsyl | |
83. Afterschool Alliance PA 18503 570348-3456 570-340-6695 mphilbin@scrsd.org. State education Agency Contacts pennsylvania Department of education Your state has assumed responsibility http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/states/states_facts.cfm?state_abbr=PA |
84. Stairways -- Mental Health Services In Erie Pennsylvania This collaboration enables the agency to be responsive in Office of Vocational Rehabilitation and the pennsylvania Department of education. http://www.stairwaysbh.org/ | |
85. Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council The pennsylvania Turfgrass Council also promotes and awards;; provides educational opportunities for open dialogue with government agencies, private institutions http://www.paturf.org/ | |
86. CDL Reference - Pennsylvania Weblinks social services, education, voter registration, travel in the state, shopping, and much more. pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) http//www.phfa.org/ http://www.fclspa.org/cdl/reference/REF_pa.htm | |
87. Jewish Family Service Of Lackawanna County Pennsylvania Life education Our agency offers education and enrichment The JFS is an affiliated agency of the the Jewish Federation of Northeast pennsylvania, our trained http://jfednepa.org/jfs/ | |
88. ABLE Act 143 Of 1986 For The Pennsylvania Literacy Corps Program us to the Bureau of Adult Basic and Literacy education. for grants to support the pennsylvania Literacy Corps All currently funded provider agencies are in the http://www.able.state.pa.us/able/cwp/view.asp?a=1&Q=76051 |
89. Financial Aid & Scholarship Help pennsylvania. pennsylvania Higher education Assistance Agency 1200 North Seventh Street Harrisburg, pennsylvania 171021444 (800) 692-7435. http://www.blackexcel.org/fin-sch.htm | |
90. LITERACY.org: Staff/Partners Nations Population Fund (UNPFA) United States Agency for International ILI), at the University of pennsylvania/Graduate School of education, LITERACY.org http://www.literacyonline.org/staff.html | |
91. PHEAA - Educational Loans loans from our national Website aesSuccess.org. We also offer the following sources of educational funding, specific to students and families in pennsylvania http://www.pheaa.org/educationalloans/index.shtml | |
92. Bill Stevenson Dot Org: Education bill stevenson dot org. What's this got to do with badgers? April 25, 2004. Weekend Update. Howdy ho! Another weekend bites the dust, but at least this is the last one for a while that ends bringing http://www.billstevenson.org/news/education | |
93. AES - American Education Services AES helps you succeed by giving you the tools to plan for higher education and find money for school, as well as allowing you to manage your student loan http://www.aessuccess.org/ | |
94. Adoption Agencies & Services, Duke Center, Pennsylvania, PA, Superpages, Yellow SuperPages.com can help you find Adoption agencies Services business listings in our online Yellow Pages directory service. Here you can find yellow pages phone listings, directions, online http://phonebook.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Adoption Agencies & Services/S | |
95. Pennsylvania Deafblind Project that have been provided to local educational agencies. are available through the pennsylvania Deafblind Project and the are available for educational staff and http://www.pattan.k12.pa.us/svs/deafbp/Default.htm | |
96. LCCARE The Lancaster County Center For Autism Resources And Education's Pennsylv REGIONAL ADA TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AGENCY. MidAtlantic DBTAC TransCen, Inc. pennsylvania Special education Mediation Service (PA SEMS). http://www.angelfire.com/pa5/lccare/lccarersrcs/lccarerespalaw.htm | |
97. State Associations Of School Administrators Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Ca pennsylvania Association of Business Officials Mr. Jay Himes, CAE TEXAS. Texas education Agency Dr. Mike Moses, Commissioner of education 1701 North http://www.edu-cyberpg.com/Teachers/stateadmins6.html | |
98. Pennsylvania Education Training - Continuing Education, CEU Pennsylvania Adoptio all Categories. http://directory.adoption.com/search/Education_Training-Pennsylvania.html | |
99. Listings Pennsylvania: USA : Pennsylvania : K12 252 Waterford Street, Edinboro, pennsylvania 164122315 a regional educational service agency, provides leadership finance, management, special education, and http://listingsus.com/Pennsylvania/Education/K12/ | |
100. Pittsburgh Organizations, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide Business Chambers of Commerce Children s Clubs Community Development Community Peace Community Service Computer User Groups Disabilities education education K http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/organizations/ | |
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