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21. Grants - January 28, 2002 coop ext, Worthley, T. USDAForest service, $15,000, 10/01-6/02. ISI, Timms-Ferrara,L. University of pennsylvania, $2,000, 11/00-10/01. http://www.advance.uconn.edu/2002/020128/020128gr.htm | |
22. US EPA Software For Environmental Awareness extension service www.uaf.edu/coopext/ace.html pennsylvania Department of EnvironmentalProtection www.dep.state cooperative extension service www.ext.vt.edu http://www.epa.gov/seahome/farmasyst/states.htm | |
23. SELECTED LIBRARY CALL NUMBERS 168 Minnesota. 180 Ohio. 183 pennsylvania. 194 Wisconsin. 201 Canada. 205 SpanishAmerica. ext. services. 544.3/.M5 MSU coop. ext. service. 544.5 Other Countries. http://www.msuplants.com/ref_info/LIBCLASN.htm | |
24. Assets Across America: State Asset Networks of Arkansas coop ext. The site provides information on after school activities aswell as youth service opportunities available in the area. pennsylvania http://www.ctassets.org/aaa/statenetworks.cfm | |
25. I-une.com: Education > Cooperative Extension agricultural businesses and consumers in pennsylvania and northeast US of AlaskaFairbanks cooperative extension service State outreach www.uaf.edu/coopext/. http://dir.i-une.com/Science/Agriculture/Education/Cooperative_Extension/ | |
26. Curing And Smoking Meats For Home Food Preservation Minneapolis, MN Minnesota extension service, University of pennsylvania Firm RecallsLebanon Bologna Nationwide. www.uaf.edu/coopext/publications/freepubs/FNH http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/publications/nchfp/lit_rev/cure_smoke_ref.html | |
27. Friends Of The NRA Grants Ozark Public Schools. Ozark Youth Shooting Team. Union County 4H Shooting SportsClub. University of Arkansas coop. ext service 4H. Yell County 4H Shooting Sports. http://www.nrafoundation.org/friends/states/grants.asp?state=Pennsylvania&show=A |
29. Alternative Crops Alternative Crops Links. Click on a crop below to learn about its culture and marketing in the state shown. State cooperative extension agents compiled most of the information presented in these links. Mississippi State U. coop. ext. Agronomy Pubs Alfalfa Montana State University coop. ext. Pubs. Montana List. pennsylvania. Forage. Alfalfa U. of Illinois coop. ext. Field Crops http://plants.usda.gov/cgi_bin/alt_crop_rpt.cgi | |
30. A Links Page To Gardening And Landscaping Horticulture Solutions Illinois coop. ext. Entomology New York State IPM Ohio Stateextension Entomology Penn State Entomology pennsylvania IPM Homepage Pest http://www.donnan.com/links.htm | |
31. Maine CAPS Update   September 20 3. Invasive and Exotic Pest news relevant to Maine. Insect pests Pine Shoot Beetlefound in 2 new pennsylvania counties (5 PSB found Don Barry, UMaine coop. ext. http://pmo.umext.maine.edu/aphis/caps-update-2002-09-20.htm | |
32. Dr. Charles McClurg coop. ext. The Maryland Orchardist The Farm Chronicle pennsylvania Vegetable GrowersNews Good Fruit and Vegetable Grower, New South Wales, Australia Penn http://www.agnr.umd.edu/users/hort/mcclurg.htm | |
33. Recent Extramural Funding Control Program), Sheppard, Gary, coop ext Southwest, $8,216, 7 molesta Busck) inPennsylvania Peach Orchards, States, USDA - Forest service - Northeastern Research http://research.cas.psu.edu/ExtramuralFund.htm |
34. Related Weed Science Websites (12/14/98) Alaska, http//www.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/html/publist North Dakota State, http//www.ext.nodak.edu pennsylvania,pennsylvania State U, http//weeds.cas.psu.edu. http://www.wssa.net/wsinfo/links.htm | |
35. PA DEP Geographic Information System Software Grant Program coop. ext. people from each organization will receive two days training on the useof ArcView software by instructors from The pennsylvania State University at http://www.dep.state.pa.us/external_gis/GIS_Information.htm |
36. Stream Releaf Tables A Heritage for the 21 st Century Conserving pennsylvaniaÂs Native BiologicalDiversity. PA Fish Boat Comm. $15/copy/Also available from PA coop. ext. http://www.dep.state.pa.us/hosting/streamreleaf/tables.htm | |
37. Members Of WIN Wyoming Prof., UW Division of Kinesiology and Health, Laramie Donna Birkholz, MA, FCS Educator,UW coop. ext. service, Sheridan County, Sheridan Linda Boeckner, PhD, RD http://www.uwyo.edu/winwyoming/members.html | |
38. Educational Link Thinning Successes and Failures Dr. Timothy Elkner, Penn State coop. ext., moderator;Louy Kuntz, pennsylvania; Dwight Mickey, pennsylvania; Bob Clark http://www.cccnj.net/~njshs/educationallink.htm | |
39. Publications coop. ext. Sev., HO45. (free) Agriculture Communications service, Media DistributionCenter, 301 S. 2nd Street, Lafayette, IN, 47901-1232 (Ph 800-398-4636 http://www.ristcanyonvineyards.com/growinfo.html | |
40. 1998 Boll Weevil SERA-IEG Attendance List Charles Allen. UA coop. ext. service. PO Box 3508. Monticello, AR 71656. DonaldR. Johnson. UA coop. ext. service. PO Box 391. Little Rock, AR 72203. http://cipm.ncsu.edu/ent/Southern_Region/SAAESD/member98.htm | |
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