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81. South African Penguins Airlifted From Oil Spill CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/africa/07/04/safrica.penguins.01.reut/index.html |
82. Penguins The Secret Life of Linux penguins. http://home.t-online.de/home/Bernhard.Hailer/penguin/ | |
83. Kids Domain - Count The Penguins Count the penguins. My goodness, there are quite a few penguins here do you know how many? Click here to see the answer. http://www.kidsdomain.com/holiday/winter/games/penguin.html | |
84. Tux Reports :: ~Where Penguins Fly~ Focusing on GNU/Linux, Tux Reports provides reviews, commentary, forum discussions, HOWTOs for kids, and links to news from other websites. Earn your wings and learn to fly on your GNU/Linux system. http://www.tuxreports.com/ | |
85. Penguins The Penguin Thematic Unit Page by Retha Foxworth THEME penguins. Grade Level 3. Focus Students will explore penguins and expand http://www.libsci.sc.edu/miller/penguins.htm | |
86. NHL - Pittsburgh Penguins - CBS.SportsLine.com News, standings, statistics, and recent games. http://www.sportsline.com/u/hockey/nhl/teams/pit.htm | |
87. LetsGoPens.com - A Pittsburgh Penguins Site LetsGoPens.com is a Pittsburgh penguins NHL Hockey Site with Pittsburgh Penguin game reports, game database, player database, practice schedule, statistics http://letsgopens.com/ | |
88. PittsburghLIVE.com - PenguinsLIVE.com - Pittsburgh Penguins Hockey Coverage of the Pittsburgh penguins including features, opinions, scores, schedules, rosters, transactions, stats and discussion boards. penguins Archive. http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/sports/penguinslive/ | |
89. Adelie Penguins Provides information about this species of penguin. Information includes description, how they build their nests, and other interesting facts. http://www.siec.k12.in.us/~west/proj/penguins/adelie.html | |
90. Penguins For President? The Lighter Side penguins for President? Doc Searls is Senior Editor of Linux Journal. penguins for President? Login/Create an Account 201 comments. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=7239 |
91. Fact Sheet: Penguins Updated July 24, 1998. penguins. penguins are flightless sea birds of the Southern Hemisphere. penguins swim like other birds fly. http://www.asoc.org/general/penguin.htm | |
92. CNS: June 10, 2002: They're In Love. They're Gay. They're Penguins... And They'r They re in love. They re gay. They re penguins And they re not alone. They re in love. They re gay. They re penguins And they re not alone. http://www.jrn.columbia.edu/studentwork/cns/2002-06-10/591.asp | |
93. Scranton Times Tribune Local coverage of the baby penguins from paper covering northeastern Pennsylvania. http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?brd=2185&pag=460&dept_ID=418214 |
94. Falklands Penguins Falklands Conservation. Falklands penguins. penguins in the Falklands Species History. Fifteen million penguins live in the South http://www.falklands-nature.demon.co.uk/penguins/penguins.html | |
95. IPSC Home Page Has history, timetable and notices, photographs, individual achievements with information on the club and how to join. This westLondon teaching club is for children from 5 years old. http://www.ipsc.org.uk/ | |
96. PittsburghLIVE.com - PenguinsLIVE.com - Pittsburgh Penguins Hockey The TribuneReview Newspaper brings you news, stats, history and more about the Pittsburgh penguins Hockey Team. Updated daily (in the morning). http://www.penguinslive.com | |
97. Distorted Penguins favorite demo song is. Videos and Pictures coming tomorrow! Enjoy! (C) 2004 Distorted penguins Inc. DP GANG Stuff in the World. http://www.distortedpenguins.com/ | |
98. Youngstown State Women's Basketball penguins official web site with news, schedule, roster, statistics. http://www.ysu.edu/sports/womensbasketball/womens_basketball.htm | |
99. Penguins penguins. Research/Informational Types of penguins http://edtech.kennesaw.edu/web/penguin.html | |
100. USATODAY.com - Lemieux: The Best Is Yet To Come Reflections on Lemieux's performance and playing strategy after his return to the penguins. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/hockey/pit/2001-01-25-lemieux.htm | |
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