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Pende Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail | ||||
1. Africa Indigenous People Baule africa, african Anthropology General Resources. By peoples. Mangbetu Manja Mbole Mende Mitsogo Mossi Mumuye Ngbaka Nkanu Nok Nuna Oron Owo pende Pokot Punu San http://www.archaeolink.com/africa_indigenous_people_baule.htm | |
2. The Institute Of African Studies: Faculty Biographies Politics of Nonindigenous Merchants in africa and Asia " (forthcoming particularly Nigeria, as well as Caribbean peoples and cultures entries on pende art for africa The Art of http://www.columbia.edu/cu/ias/bios.html | |
3. YANZUM Village Art Masks & Statues YANZUM Village Art. Masks. Masks have been used for eons by the indigenous peoples of the world for many purposes such as curing illness, fertility rites, initiation rites and even to combat witchcraft. y8851 $ 65. pende mask, Congo is a beaded face mask from west africa. 9" diam. http://www.yanzum.com/masks-etc-pg1.htm | |
4. Democratic Republic Of The Congo / DRC (Kinshasa) An annotated guide to internet resources on the Democratic Republic of the Congo. aequatoria.be/archives_project/ africa Focus. Articles on Congo made in Zaire (Kuba, pende, Salampasu, Songye, Tshokwe, Yaka Cambridge, MA, "helps indigenous peoples and ethnic groups http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/zaire.html | |
5. African Art On The Internet An annotated guide resources on african art. Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, pende, Suku, Tabwa, Woyo, Yaka story architecture, Islam and indigenous african cultures, Shawabtis and 20 major peoples" from West and Central africa http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/art.html | |
6. German Anthropology-Online P. passage rites 40 pende 25 performance 19 photography and pilgrimage 40 tradition in africa 23 traditional Uduk 25 UN and indigenous peoples 3 unconscious and http://www.anthropology-online.de/Aga/IndexK.html | |
7. Welcome To Africans-art.com Ngandela. Nok. pende. Punu. Sande. Senufo we must consider both perspectives the indigenous as well as the Western nonwriting, pre-colonial peoples of africa. To illustrate my point http://www.africans-art.com/index.php3?action=page&id_art=360 |
8. Sixstroke.com Books On African Art - Tribal Art Of Africa africa, including Egypt, and to survey the art history, rather than the cultural traditions, of african peoples Art of the Central pende Morocco celebrates the indigenous arts of a http://www.sixstroke.com/books/art/african_art.htm |
9. Africa South Of The Sahara - Culture And Society Luba, Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, pende, Suku, Tabwa twostory architecture, Islam and indigenous African cultures site for her course peoples and Cultures of http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/culture.html | |
10. World.klup.info, The Human Database! in northeast and southwest Religions indigenous beliefs 35 Ouaka, Ouham, Ouhampende, Sangha*, Vakaga Nations, Nationalities, and peoples Region) Independence http://africa.world.klup.info/ | |
11. Books On African Art - Tribal Art Of Africa rather than the cultural traditions, of African peoples. pende by ZS Strother Central pende masquerading, Zaire in Morocco celebrates the indigenous arts of a http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/art/african_art.htm | |
12. Musées Afrique indigenous Knowledge in South africa Nkanu, Yaka, Suku, Holo, Mbala, pende, Mbuun, Dinga Aquarelles de Joy Adamson peoples of Kenya http://www.unil.ch/gybn/Arts_Peuples/Ex_Africa/ex_Af_musaf.html | |
13. Plato's Statesman: Being Of Th Socratic Commentary - Platos P Damaged Parents: A pende, Society, Politics Philosophy, History, Health, Family Lifestyle, Art, Architecture Photography, africa General, Art, Art of indigenous peoples, http://www.www-book-maniacs.uk-infoguide.co.uk/247.html | |
14. MAYAVASE.COM A Paper On Friction Drums And The Ancient Maya One, the tigrero, is a nonindigenous implement, probably akin to the in central africa such as the Chokwe and pende of Zaire, and other peoples of Zaire http://www.mayavase.com/frictiondrum.html | |
15. Aniso.com , Esti's Goichman Sculpture Gallery Informative web site...... to many examples of fine indigenous jewelry Nalu, Namji, Ndebele, Nok, Nupe, pende, Punu, Senufo peoples and Cultures of africa http://zeevgoichman.tripod.com/inspiration.html | |
16. ANC DAILY NEWS BRIEFING MONDAY 26 AUGUST 2002 PLEASE NOTE This m KuduWestern Cape and the $600m pende/Temane-Gauteng changed under the new political dispensation for the indigenous peoples of South africa, who still http://www.anc.org.za/anc/newsbrief/2002/news0826.txt |
17. African Art On The Internet Luba, Lwalwa, Makonde, Mbole, Mossi, pende, Suku, Tabwa twostory architecture, Islam and indigenous African cultures displays from 20 major peoples from West http://www.artisandesigngroup.ws/museums/africa/africa.htm | |
18. SIRIS Image Gallary Pessi Pelle Pessi, pende Bapende pende Bapende, Pondo Basuto, South africa South africa, Swahili Swahili. of the earliest images of indigenous people worldwide; and http://sirismm.si.edu/siris/naaLot97africaculture.htm | |
19. Africa Indigenous People Resources Bangwa africa, african Anthropology General Resources. By peoples http://www.archaeolink.com/africa_indigenous_people_resourc.htm | |
20. African Tribal Art Books (tw3)(afr1Page1) magnificent photographs of the indigenous peoples) (Keywords Culture history Zaire, Yombe, Vili, Teke, pende, Tshokwe, Kuba members of the Meru people on every http://www.tribalworldbooks.com.au/afr1Page1.html | |
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