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Pen Pals Family Science: more detail | |||||
41. F.U.N. News - Unschooling Newsletter If you would like to support the family Unschoolers Network, the Customers, ImproveYour Foreign Language Learning with penpals, A World Issue 8 - science. http://www.unschooling.org/funnews.htm | |
42. NBOM Pen Pal Project NBOM pen Pal Project, NBOMpenPalProject@groups.msn.com, Earlene, Oregon, Camping,Fishing, Movies, family time(lots of it), SNOW, science, and this wonderful http://groups.msn.com/NBOMPenPalProject/volunteerlist.msnw | |
43. Surfing The Net With Kids: Pen Pals The best pen pal sites for kids, teachers and families, from the United Feature Syndicate. PreK and K. science, Animals. Link to Us does not provide pen pals for individuals, they shine at http://www.surfnetkids.com/penpals.htm | |
44. The Butterfly WebSite Pen Pals Index . A pen pal program for folks interested in butterflies, birds, insects, and nature. pen pals. We're sorry to say that we have discontinued the pen pals section due to Internet copyright 1995 http://butterflywebsite.com/penpals | |
45. The Autism Spectrum Email* Pen Pal Registry I have many interests (painting, reading, science, history) and I an only child whowould like a pen pal of near who is from a Christian family (including but http://www.isn.net/~jypsy/penpal6.htm | |
46. Surfing The Net With Kids: Electronic Pen Pals The best pen pal Web destinations for families (from the United Feature Syndicate), rated, reviewed and organized by topic. PreK and K. science, Animals. Link to Us Related Games. pen pals http://www.surfnetkids.com/penpal.htm | |
47. The Autism Spectrum *Snail Mail* Pen Pal Registry Your New pen Pal Melanie Schuhardt. as different spiritual practices and religions,science, national geographic nature and hanging out with my family and people http://www.isn.net/~jypsy/penpal.htm | |
48. SAPE - Penpal Meetings parents were relieved to know that she d be just a few hours from her pen pal family. Iam enrolled in police science and my goal and ambition is to become a http://www.michander.com/sape/meteng.html | |
49. Family Safe Sites Kids Health familyfriendly, doctor-approved health information Kids Space Findpen pals from around the even while teaching health, science and technology. http://www.contentwatch.com/learn_center/family_safe_sites.php | |
50. Cyber Friends Pen Pals - People Places - Children Family Cyber Friends and pen pals Traditional education includes http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/children-and-family_people-and-places_cyber-frien | |
51. Bugs Insects - Animals Pets - Science Nature - Learning Playing - Children Famil Join the club, find pen pals or sign up http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/children-and-family_learning-and-playing_science- | |
52. Brownie Troop #420 Chapel Hill Home Page We are pen pals with a Girl Guide troop in Australia, the 1st science really can befun We encouraged our families, friends, and school mates to participate in http://www.azmetro.com/gssites/420bhome.html | |
53. All.info: Society And Social Sciences / Relationships And Family / Chats And For You are in Society and Social Sciences / Relationships and to Jess Farms We are aChristian family of 7 in Tokyo Tokyo Friends Find Japanese pen pals and pen http://all.info/directory/Society_and_Social_Sciences/Relationships_and_Family/C |
54. August Pen Pals self respect and confident, hard working, interested in computers and sciences. Lookingfor-in-a-pen-pal. enjoysthe outdoors, spending time with family. http://www.cyberdatinghomepage.com/august03penpals.htm | |
55. Pen Pals Page 1 Hello I was the first pen pals listing when it was healing for other members andtheir families and indeed a fouryear program at a Spiritual science Centre. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/johnstevenson/pen_pals_page_1.htm | |
56. SurfNChattanooga, Tennessee it limits their time, the sixthgrade science and history The pen pal project culminatedin a field trip to and Devin Rooks have turned a family dream into a http://www.surfnchattanooga.com/index.cgi?&&&&135 |
57. Ford Classroom They are thankful for their family and friends! topics like metrology, ecology, lifesciences and physics. that came from Mrs. Warner s class pen pals came in http://www.wrcs.k12.mi.us/frdclasroom.html | |
58. The Family Travel Network Whenever we ve visited a science museum in another as much fun talking with otherfamilies we met there s an opportunity for some new penpal relationships or e http://www.familytravelnetwork.com/articles/kdz_science.asp | |
59. Family Fun Links about animals in the zoo or click over to the science museum. plus send him email,view his address book and pen-pal center, a Snap Teen family Scene Find http://lubbockinfo.com/FAMILY/ | |
60. Books : Social Sciences : Sociology : Marriage & Family Romance on a Global Stage pen pals, Virtual Ethnography Magazines, , SocialSciences, , books Social Sciences Sociology Marriage family. http://www.crimsonbird.com/cgi-bin/m.cgi?j=social_sciences-11291 |
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