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61. The Union Free School District Of The Tarrytowns Links For Teachers and educational material and the sites are ranked ABC teach This site provides anendless number of studentcentered activities. , On-line pen Pals Use ePALS http://www.tufsd.org/0102/linkpages/teacherlinks.htm | |
62. Craddock Elementary School social issues); UMI (full text periodical databases going back extensive list oflinks to sites oriented toward Kids on the Net (pen pals, elementary schools http://aurora.stark.k12.oh.us/miller/teacher_sites.htm |
63. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - Educational Resource Lists education teacher; includes time management, pen pals, and much Search Tools afew searchable databases of educational 700+ Great sites a wealth of links http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/edres.html | |
64. EDUC500 other countries and cultures for email classroom penpal and project FilamentalitySites - Report out. dot bullet databases and Spreadsheets - What are they for http://www.pusd.info/teachers/dhogan/educ500/default.htm |
65. Meeting Place Network - Matchmaking Sites of one of the largest photo databases on the Atlanta Matchmaker penpals, matchmaking,chat, e-mail, 65,000 Free Astrology Single sites In The Zodiac Universe http://meeting-place.net/matchmaking.shtml |
66. Deutsch 531 Linkseite German Search Engines and databases, as well other countries and cultures for emailclassroom pen-pal and project E pals Teachers can fill out an on-line form http://www.lsa.umich.edu/german/hmr/531/ | |
67. ESL /Language Studies stories, quizzes, games, listening exercises, overseas program links, pen pals andforums. a CALL cookbook, a megalist of CALL sites, stuff for databases. ERIC. http://w2.vu.edu.au/library/infolink/hmov/esl1.htm | |
68. The Jewish Week PowerPoint presentations or emailing pen pals in Israel equipped with extensive Jewishtext databases and a to block student access to inappropriate Web sites. http://www.thejewishweek.com/bottom/specialcontent.php3?artid=670 |
69. More (Favorite) Web Site Links From Douglas Boynton Quine Kidscom pen pals and online graffiti wall; Mad Scientist to search a network oflibraries and databases; Technology for K-12 hundreds of reference sites; http://www.quine.org/more.html | |
70. Smart Computing Editorial You can also monitor their conversations and see which sites they have Digital CityPen pal. It uses databases and message boards to connect kids and adults http://www.smartcomputing.com/editorial/article.asp?article=articles/archive/cfo |
71. Links Page 1 The different links range from databases, crosswords, and vocabulary to bilingualism ESL/EFLLearner sites. pen pals are a great way for L2 speakers to learn new http://www.geocities.com/johnnymullens/linkspage.html | |
72. Adult Education Webliography & Listservs Weekly idiom, email key pals, links to other sites. cultures for email classroompen-pal and project Search Library of Congress databases and online catalog http://www.readiowa.org/ae_webliography.htm | |
73. AAP - The Internet And Your Family exchange email with on-line pen pals and learn Directory of many sites for childrenof all ages loc.gov Includes historical collections, databases, and access http://www.aap.org/family/interfamily.htm | |
74. Cumberland County, PA InfoTrac The GaleNet and InfoTrac databases are provided directory of hundreds ofweb sites for children It includes games, animals, pen pals, and information http://www.co.cumberland.pa.us/ls/cclsRESOURCES.html | |
75. Teacher Sites Class Projects Home Homework Help Just for Fun Library Information News sitesOnline databases Parent sites Search Engines TES Home. pen Pals. Poetry. http://www.tyngsboroughps.org/TES/Library/teacher.htm |
76. ThinkQuest : Library : Geography & Travel you ll find links to web sites about the Students learn that writing and databasescan be contact between real people through penpal messageboards, electronic http://www.thinkquest.org/library/cat_show.html?cat_id=10 |
77. Sites For Children Families site is where children can make pen pals and create ALA (W) ALA Cool sites for Kids(W) The Over 400 searchable databases including the Ellis Island website http://www.real-world-solutions.org/calvin/child.htm | |
78. Webliography.html collected sets of lesson plans, fun sites, and math plans; helping students do electronicpenpal-ing; job searching; searching online news databases (eg UP http://alri.org/pubs/webliography.html | |
79. Dallas Dating Service The worlds databases for Dallas and the world forwarding ads services at my competitorssites in Dallas dating personal ads phoenix email pen pal, top dallas http://www.just-just-just-dating.com/dallas_dating_service.html | |
80. Great Technology Sites projects with other classrooms as well as pen and key pals. on a variety of technologytopics including hardware, software, databases, and technology http://web.bsu.edu/00smtancock/EDRDG430/430greattechsites.html | |
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