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43. Peloponnesian War Athens and the Athenian empire versus Sparta, Thebes, Corinth, and other membersof the peloponnesian Confederacy 431 It was the first war in history to be http://www.laconia.org/gen_info_literature/Peloponnesian_war.htm | |
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45. The Outbreak Of The Peloponnesian War The Outbreak of the peloponnesian war Customer Review 3 peaked during the Persianwars; thereafter, as has since repeated itself numerous times in history. http://www.historyofmilitary.com/The_Outbreak_of_the_Peloponnesian_War_080149556 | |
46. History Of The Peloponnesian War :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius history of the peloponnesian war. Online Encyclopedia history of thepeloponnesian war is an account of the battles and conflicts http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/h/hi/history_of_the_peloponnesian_ | |
47. Peloponnesian War peloponnesian war. (431404 BC), war fought between whose contemporary account ofit is considered to be among the world s finest works of history, as the http://www.kat.gr/kat/history/Greek/Id/PeloponnesianWar.htm | |
48. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Peloponnesian War (Ancient History, Greece) - Encycloped AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information onPeloponnesian war, Ancient history, Greece. Includes related research links. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/P/PelopWar.html | |
49. KaganÂs The conflagration of the second peloponnesian war, the subject of ThucydidesÂhistory, can be traced to a spark on the periphery of Greek life, the city of http://www.ashbrook.org/publicat/oped/owens/03/kagan.html | |
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51. Peloponnesian Wars As a historian, Thucydides is famous for writing about the historyof the peloponnesian war, which took place during his lifetime. http://www.earth-history.com/Greece/greece-thucydides-biography.htm | |
52. Chronology Of Greek History After The Peloponnesian War SURVEY OF ANCIENT GREEK history 800146 BC. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Chronologyof Greek history After the peloponnesian war. 405 Annihilation http://www.1stmuse.com/frames/greek-chronology.html | |
53. Mike's History P 38 - Peloponnesian War. Thucydides. Introduction. The peloponnesian war. The great 5th4th century BC war between Athens and Spartaand their allies. Thucydides explains why he wrote his history, what he http://www.galileolibrary.com/history/history_page_38.htm | |
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