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61. PEER MEDIATION FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN PULASKI COUNTY SCHOOLS peer mediation is a great tool to teach students the importance of good communication skills especially in handling conflicts with other students. http://www.pulaski.net/newspage/singlea.asp?ID=73 |
62. Peer Mediation Future Plans To extend to Redcliffe Elementary. Our peer mediation student leaders will model/teach 4th and 5th graders. Aiken School District. http://www.myscschools.com/reports/mchred9.htm | |
63. Peer Mediation Workshop Description the 12 core skills of a peer helping training how to design a curriculum for mediation and conflict techniques that energize training;; when to teach and when http://www.mentors.ca/PMT.html | |
64. Peer Mediation Students and staff members at Colonial Hills School are trained in the peer mediation Process. This process is designed to teach children strategies for http://www.worthington.k12.oh.us/schools/colony/Peer_Mediation.html | |
65. Article: Peer Mediation In The ClassroomÂA New Initiative For The State Bar Of The peer mediation program, adopted by the State Bar of MichiganÂs LawRelated Education Committee, uses a prepared user-friendly curriculum to teach http://www.michbar.org/journal/article.cfm?articleID=128&volumeID=11 |
66. Conflict Resolution And Peer Mediation - Middle And High School Guide Volume II To teach students the relationship between culture and sexrole stereotyping. peer mediation in the schools is a program that involves students serving as http://www.njsbf.com/njsbf/student/conflictres/middle_high.cfm | |
67. Conflict Resolution And Peer Mediation - Elementary School Guide Volume II contained in Volume I, which include I messages, active listening, anger management, win/win guidelines and peer mediation. For instance, I like to teach. http://www.njsbf.com/njsbf/student/conflictres/elementary.cfm | |
68. House In The Wood Summer Camp And Retreat Center peer mediation Floater (1 opening) teach peer mediation skills and supervise peer mediation program. Able to adapt to changing job responsibilities. http://www.houseinthewood.org/Jobs/Summaries.htm | |
69. Isd#361 | Fhs | Peer Mediation the ENABL (educate now and babies later) program, which teaches students to postpone sexual involvement, they teach the ENABL And also, we do peer mediation. http://www.isd361.k12.mn.us/schools/fhs/peer_mediation.shtml | |
70. Education/Prevention Through the skits we teach students about indirect as well as direct forms MAAV was instrumental in launching a peer mediation Program at Melrose High School http://www.maav.org/eduprev.html | |
71. MRMS Peer Mediators Why does a school need a peer mediation Program? To provide students with a positive way to resolve their conflicts. To teach students to respect diversity. http://www.rcs.rang.k12.va.us/schools/mrms/guidance/peer mediators.htm | |
72. The American School Board Journal: August 1998 ERIC Express Lines that are in different stages of putting in place a peer mediation program designed This curriculum should have a scope (what to teach) and a sequence (when to http://www.asbj.com/199808/0898expresslines.html | |
73. SADD Mediation schools using this process recruit and train students interested in being peer mediators. Guidance counselors or other trained professionals teach the young http://www.saddonline.com/campaign/mediation.htm | |
74. Peers For Peace (Metro Times Detroit) group in our group, so they can learn the process and teach their friends. . feel itÂs less likely to happen here because of our peer mediation program, he http://www.metrotimes.com/20/11/Features/newPeers.htm | |
75. CRInfo Search Results html by Wendy Schwartz This guide describes the many ways to teach bias reduction peer mediation for Integrated Abled Disabled Students in Poland http//www http://www.crinfo.org/v3-masterresults.cfm?Title=CRInfo Search Results&conflict_ |
76. Guidance of kindergarten, which I teach on a weekly basis. Upcoming school wide themes to be taught in the classroom for 20032004 school year peer mediation for all http://www.springfield.k12.vt.us/schools/parkstreet/guidance.htm | |
77. AZ Attorney General: Teens find solutions. In peer mediation, it is not important who is right or wrong, but to teach the students how to get along. The peer http://www.attorneygeneral.state.az.us/ChildrensPage/teenpeer_mediation.html | |
78. Reach To Teach | Reach To Teach Reach to teach is a partnership between the University of Cincinnati College There are also internships in peer mediation or teaching about Postponing Sexual http://www.mwg.org/production/archive/reachtoteach/reach/ | |
79. Reach To Teach | Reach To Teach: My Job Shadow Journal Cooperative Discipline and peer mediation were evaluated in twelve public schools over a threeyear What did the CPS s conflict resolution program teach? http://www.mwg.org/production/archive/reachtoteach/reach/shadow.html | |
80. ÂEffective School Mediation Programs This training session will teach you communication and problemsolving skills such as listening, analyzing, restating issues THE GOAL OF peer mediation. http://www.hba.org/peermed.htm | |
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