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1. American Academy Of Pediatrics Web Site The Academy invites children nationwide to participate in a contest to celebrate the upcoming 75th anniversary of the American Academy of pediatrics. http://www.aap.org/ | |
2. Archives Of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine Web site for Archives of pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine. http://archpedi.ama-assn.org/ | |
3. Pediatrics For faster access to pediatrics Online from these countries use this URL http//intlpediatrics.aappublications. org. Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland http://www.pediatrics.org/ | |
4. Untitled Document (ABP)Information about requirements and processes for certification and recertification in general pediatrics and pediatric subspecialties. http://www.abp.org/ |
5. EMedicine Journal - Pediatrics - Internet Medical Reference Library, Physician T eMedicine features upto-date, searchable, peer-reviewed medical journals, online physician reference textbooks, and a full-text article database in 62 medical specialties. This largest and most http://www.emedicine.com/ped/index.shtml | |
6. Childrens Diseases / Pediatrics (Hardin MD) From the University of Iowa, Internet sources in pediatrics, perinatology, breastfeeding, parenting, neonatal health, and children's health. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/ped.html | |
7. Department Of Pediatrics, School Of Medicine, Washington University In Saint Lou In Saint Louis featuring subsites for several divisions as well as information on the pediatric residency program. http://peds.wustl.edu/ | |
8. UM Evidence-Based Pediatrics Web Site From the University of Michigan with critically appraised topics, information on learning EBM and links. http://www.med.umich.edu/pediatrics/ebm/ | |
9. Nursing Continuing Education Topics In Pediatrics List of links to Continuing Education Units from various providers. http://www.nurseceu.com/pedi.htm | |
10. Medscape Pediatrics Homepage Free fulltext articles, daily medical news, continuing medical education credits, resources and databases. http://pediatrics.medscape.com | |
11. AAP - AAP Offers Advice On Communicating With Children About Disasters In response to the tragic events unfolding in New York and Washington, DC, the American Academy of pediatrics (AAP) would like to offer some advice on how to http://www.aap.org/advocacy/releases/disastercomm.htm | |
12. Indian Pediatrics - Home Page Welcome to Indian pediatrics Online, the World Wide Web extension of the official indexed monthly Journal of the Indian Academy of pediatrics. http://www.indianpediatrics.net/ | |
13. Untitled Document Information for residency applicants. Includes brochure, benefits, educational resources, list of residents and faculty, and photos. Located in New Brunswick, New Jersey. http://www2.umdnj.edu/pedrpweb/ | |
14. Pediatrics -- Table Of Contents (June 2004, 113, (6)) Experience and Reason. American Academy of pediatrics. Letters to the Editor Expectations for Antibiotics Implications for Public Health Campaigns. pediatrics 2004; 113 e385e394 http://www.pediatrics.org/current.shtml | |
15. Pediatrics: Infants, Children, Adolescents, And Young Adults | GeneralPediatrics Gastroenteritis CHOP Diarrhea HON - Infectious Gastroenteritis MEDLINEplus - Gastroenteritis Primary Care pediatrics - Gastroenteritis Virtual http://www.generalpediatrics.com/CommonProbLay.html | |
16. Pediatrics: Infants, Children, Adolescents, And Young Adults | GeneralPediatrics The General Pediatrician's View of the Internet(tm) Bright Futures pediatrics in Practice Bright Futures - Pedicases Computer-Assisted Learning in pediatrics Project (CLIPP) Hahneman University - MedEthEx http://www.generalpediatrics.com/ | |
17. Westside Pediatrics - Home Page Clinic provides health maintenance for children and adolescents. Biographies of physicians; immunization schedule. http://www.westside-pediatrics.com/ | |
18. Pediatrics In Review Visit pediatrics in Review en espanol! (More Information). Published by American Academy of pediatrics Published with the assistance of HighWire Press. http://pedsinreview.aappublications.org/ | |
19. Pediatric Parenting And Medical Information Subscribe to the About pediatrics newsletter. Search. pediatrics It's not too late to have your child enter the American Academy of pediatrics National Art Contest http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://pediatrics.about.com/&y=0263CCA75D75 |
20. Virtual Children's Hospital : Topic Index - Pediatric Patient Topics Articles about common childhood illnesses. For health professionals and consumers. http://www.vh.org/navigation/vch/topics/pediatric_patient_index.html | |
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