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81. Pediatric Surgery Home Page, KMU The surgeons at Kagawa Medical University pioneered hepatobiliary surgical techniques that are now utilized worldwide. Special interests are related to the hepatobiliary-pancreatic system including choledochal cysts and pancreato-biliary malunion. Other fields of interest include gastro-intestinal motility disorders and surgical nutrition. The full-text of journal articles are published online. http://www.kms.ac.jp/~psurgery/index.html | |
82. Johns Hopkins Pediatric Gastroenterology Home Page The Division specializies in the evaluation and management of gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional disorders from infancy to young adulthood. (Baltimore, Maryland) http://orchid.hosts.jhmi.edu/pedsgi/website/index.cfm | |
83. YOUR BABY TODAY J. Klish, MD, is Professor of pediatrics, Head of pediatric Gastroenterology at Baylor College of Medicine and Chief of the nutrition and Gastroenterology http://www.yourbabytoday.com/experts/klish/ | |
84. Herbs, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Childbirth And Children's Health Information on prenatal, postpartum and pediatric health. Topics include herbal medicine, nutrition, and natural parenting. http://www.motherandchildhealth.com | |
85. Marvin MediSoft TPN 2000 Home Page Offers software for ordering newborn and pediatric Total Parental nutrition (TPN). http://www.marvinmedisoft.com | |
86. Position Papers - Cisapride A Medical Position Statement of the North American Society for pediatric Gastroenterology and nutrition. Discusses the risks and benefits of this medication for treating gastroesophageal reflux and other conditions. http://www.naspghan.org/sub/cisapride.asp | |
87. Clinical Services - Gastroenterology/Nutrition Statement of purpose and professional biographies of the group's physicians. http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/gchas/div/gi.htm | |
88. ACTS Chiropractic Center - Dr. James W. Salmi - Tacoma, WA Includes nutrition counseling, patient education, athletic assessment, pediatric care, xray facilities on site, stress reduction, and rehabilitation. http://www.actschiro.com/main.html | |
89. Pediatrics At The Basin A pediatric practice treating children from birth to adolescents. Information on parent education and nutrition supplied. http://www.pedsbasin.com/ | |
90. DrGreene.com - Caring For The Next Generation Provides thorough answers to pediatric questions. Topics include bedwetting, ear infections, eating/nutrition, potty training, and sleeping. http://www.drgreene.com/ | |
91. The Eletronic Journal Of Pediatric The Electronic Journal of pediatric Gastroenterology, nutrition and Liver Diseases. http://www.e-gastroped.com.br/ | |
92. Welcome To NASPGHAN The North American Society for pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and nutrition advances the understanding of the normal development and physiology of http://www.naspgn.org/ | |
93. Virtual Children's Hospital : Dietary Textbooks by Specialty. Dietary. All Textbooks pediatric Patient Textbooks pediatric Provider Textbooks. pediatric Patient Textbooks. A Beginner's Guide to a Healthier Diet. Dietary pediatric Health Prose. General http://www.vh.org/Patients/IHB/Peds/Diet/PedsDiet.html | |
94. Nutrition For Children Proper nutrition in childhood can reinforce lifelong eating habits that contribute to your children's overall well being and help them to grow up to their full potential and a healthy life. Information to help provide your children with proper nutrition. Fast Food nutrition Facts. Learn more about fast food so Eggs and Child nutrition. I am worried about my kids http://pediatrics.about.com/cs/nutrition | |
95. Virtual Children's Hospital : Dietary Textbooks by Specialty Dietary. All Textbooks pediatric Patient Textbooks pediatric Provider Textbooks. pediatric Patient Textbooks. http://www.vh.org/navigation/vch/textbooks/pediatric_patient_dietary.html | |
96. HTML REDIRECT European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and nutrition (ESPGHAN). http://www.meb.uni-bonn.de/espghan/ |
97. Division Of Reproductive Health Redirect Page Assisted Reproductive Technology Reports Unintended Pregnancy Safe Motherhood Women's Reproductive Health Infant Health Racial Ethnic Minorities Scientific Technical Assistance Global Perspectives Publications http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/drh/datoact | |
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