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101. Pastels, Paintings, Drawings click to view. .. http://webhome.idirect.com/~ffarah/art.html | |
102. Smith, Bonnie Watercolors, oils, pastels, photos and digital prints. http://art.smithfam.com/ |
103. Art & Music Donohoe will cover techniques, different types of pastels and papers, and how to transport art materials into the field. Hiking level short walks, Ref, YOA 85, http://www.yosemitestore.com/Templates/frmTemplateP1.asp?SubFolderID=117&SearchY |
104. Lawrence Art Materials On-line Store Please note that all prices EXCLUDE VAT (Why?) Click Here for carriage costs Sennelier Soft pastels In the early 1900 s Gustave Sennelier developed the soft http://www.lawrence.co.uk/shop/catalog189_0.html | |
105. Art Pastels By George art pastels By George . Welcome to art pastels By George . An Exciting New Approach to Original art. By George An Inspired Fast Growing artist. art pastels. http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6msm0/ | |
106. Landscape Painting,The WESTERN ART Of Texas,PASTELS,p.2. Western art II pastels . Please check with my Galleries for available original oil and pastel paintings of western art that might not be on this website. http://www.hughcampbellwesternart.com/western_art2.htm | |
107. Art Explore Courses In Drawing, Painting, Sketching And Art Courses Throughout U Daily, weekend and corporate courses for beginners and experienced artists in painting, sketching, drawing, watercolours and pastels in England and Wales. http://www.artexplore.co.uk/ | |
108. ART-ATLAS.NET : Top > Artists / Artistes > Pastel Translate this page 9. Legacy Visions, Custom Fine-art Portraiture Detail Tell a Friend Fine-art portraiture in oils, pastels and charcoal by Ohio based artist Jim Beutler. http://www.art-atlas.net/browse.php?cat=96 |
109. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Used $7.50 Trade Paper List Price $10.95 add to wish list, art Workshop pastels (art Workshop) by Hazel Harrison Publisher Comments A stepby-step course in http://www.powells.com/subsection/ArtPastels.2.html | |
110. Home Fine art portraits by M T Brown. Works in oils and pastels. http://www.portraitsbymtbrown.com | |
111. Online Art Magazine - Live Studio: Pastels With Karen Utz as in this painting, an exercise from one of my art books. The entire piece was done with just the Nupastels The softer variety of pastels I typically save http://www.ebsqart.com/artMagazine/za_175.htm | |
112. Nanci Wright - Fine Art Collectibles, Gifts, Pictures To Decorate Your Home. Thumbprints Custom art Fine art scratchboard, acrylics, and pastels of wildlife and metaphysical themes. http://www.thumbprintsart.com/ | |
113. Custom Portraits - Family, Bridal, Child And Pet Portraits By Portrait Artist La Commissioned work in pastels. Includes gallery and pricing. Also calligraphy, photo restoration, and logo design. http://www.portraitsbylaurel.com/ | |
114. Penny Bearman pastels or oil. A portrait of yourself, your child, your relative or your pet. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Gallery/7789 |
115. Gilles Heppell - Pastels pastels of exteriors. http://www.chez.com/gillesheppell/ | |
116. Pastel's Art My pagan and mythical digital artwork. After doing so much digi'art the page took too long to load ) Digital art Index. Alien. Bionic. Cat's Eyes http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/shirley/96 | |
117. Arabian Horse Art By Lesley Ann Hartman, Specializing In Arabian Horse Paintings Essex Specialist in pastels and oil paintings of Arabian Horses, pets and wildlife. http://www.lesleyannhartman.com/ | |
118. Scotty Mitchell | Plein-air Pastels Pleinaire pastels of Southwestern landscapes. These works are a celebration of visual delights, all of which have been drawn on site. http://www.scottymitchell.com/ | |
119. The Pastels Home Page Articles, biography, bluffer's guide and discography. http://www.cogsci.ed.ac.uk/~jonathan/pastels.html | |
120. Painting Workshops And Photography Tours To France With Phil Levine Workshops In Outdoor painting in Paris, Brittany, Provence and La Rochelle, France with outstanding instructors in oils, watercolors, pastels and acrylics. Also Cultural Discovery Tours of Brittany. http://www.paintingfrance.com/ | |
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