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61. Native American Culture Timeline | Maine PBS's "HOME: The Story Of Maine" In Paris, she found audiences more appreciative of authentic native American dancethan in and fishing licenses to members of Penobscot and passamaquoddy tribes http://www.mainepbs.org/hometsom/timelines/natamtimeline.html | |
62. Native American Genealogy Navajo Indians by Edwardy, William M. - Electronic Text. native Web. New MexicoTime Line. North American Indian - Population Records. passamaquoddy Literature. http://members.amaonline.com/nrogers/native.htm | |
63. Indian Tribes Of Maine native tradition brings the Penobscot from the Southwest. Conjointly with the passamaquoddy,they have a representative at the sessions of the Maine State http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/maine/ | |
64. Native American Music Living Languages of the Americas Maliseetpassamaquoddy Dictionary Manitoba MaterialsNahuatl Nahuatl Nahuatl Home Page native American Language Center native http://www.georgiejessup.com/links3.htm | |
65. Native American Music MOHEGAN. Mohegan Tribe Mohegan History native American Mohegans MOHICAN. passamaquoddy.passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point PAWNEE. Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma http://www.georgiejessup.com/links4.htm | |
66. Native American Newsletter @ Buffalo Trails - Newsletter - 01-26-2001 optout of receiving future mailings at any time by following the unsubscribe informationat the end of Email you receive from native americans @ Buffalo Trails http://www.native-americans.org/newsletters/native-american-newsletter-jan26-iss | |
67. Native Nations native American Population Statistics US Census statitics for 1980 and1990 compared for native americans; native American SocioEconomic http://cobalt.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~krkvls/NNation.html | |
68. Maine Native American Links www.penobscotnation.org) passamaquoddy Tribe at Pleasant Point (www.wabanaki.com)passamaquoddy Sovereign Nation (www Other Interesting native American Sites. http://www.davistownmuseum.org/linkNatAm.htm | |
69. Native American Lore Index Below are links to several stories of native American Indian Lore from If you havea story of native Indian Lore you Origin of Medicine Men passamaquoddy 46. http://www.ilhawaii.net/~stony/loreindx.html | |
70. Untitled Document TShirt Exclusive Audio-Forum design features native American greetings in 14 Kiowa;Lakota; Lenape; Mohawk; Navajo; Ojibwe; passamaquoddy, Salish; Tlingit http://www.audioforum.com/nativeamerican.htm | |
71. Native American Indian Bear T From North American Products featuring the myriad tricksters of Southwestern and other native American oral traditions. theCheyenne daredevil, to Glooscap of the passamaquoddy; here in http://www.suckercreek.net/Native-American-Indian-Bear-T.html | |
72. Frequently Asked Questions, Northeast Region Native American Liaison Program Onondaga Nation, Nedrow, New York; passamaquoddy Indian Township Reservation, Princeton ourregion, please contact Northeast Region native American Liaison DJ http://northeast.fws.gov/nativeamerican/faq.html | |
73. Native Americans Since 1973, native americans from the four tribes of Maine, particularly the Passamaquoddytribe, have been important members of the Lee Academy student body. http://www.leeacademy.lee.me.us/People at LA/Native Americans.htm | |
74. Maine Office Of Tourism - Maine's Native American Heritage traditions of the historic Micmac, Maliseet, Penobscot and passamaquoddy tribes.Click here for information on Maine museums featuring native American Art and http://www.visitmaine.com/seasonal/summer/heritage_heritage.php | |
75. Native Longhouse and native Lore Stories, artwork, photography, Free Photo Greeting Cards, nativeAmerican legends and history of the Cherokee and passamaquoddy, valuable links http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=nativelonghouse;action=list |
76. MCNAA Contacts or validity of any of the groups as bona fide native American tribes, tribal IndianTownship passamaquoddy Tribal Council, PO Box 301 Princeton, ME 04668 207796 http://www.mcnaa.org/contact.html | |
77. Native American Home Pages - Nations MOHEGAN. Mohegan Tribe Added 2/28/98; updated 6/13/00; Mohegan History Added 7/3/00;native American Mohegans Added 9/10/98; updated 1/31/00. MOHICAN. passamaquoddy. http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/nations.html | |
78. Fayetteville High School Library Native American Folklore Index MicMac passamaquoddy, Kuloskap the Three wishes, Race withBuffalo, 135, 398.2/Rac. Miwok,Creation of the Human Race, native American Art and Folklore, 162, 970.004 http://www.fayar.net/east/library/ourlibrary/nativeam.html | |
79. Wauu.DE: Society: Ethnicity: Indigenous People: Native Americans: Languages Cheyenne, Diné, Apache, Muskogee/Creek, Mohawk, Lenape/Delaware, Ojibwe, andPassamaquoddy. Secure ordering, links. http//nativeamericans.org/languages http://www.wauu.de/Society/Ethnicity/Indigenous_People/Native_Americans/Language | |
80. Introductions To Native American Cultures - Essay Video Forum: Native American E valuable because they portray the American Indian in a For this reason, Abnaki TheNative People Of look at the Maliseet, Micmac, passamaquoddy and Penobscot http://www.nvr.org/content.php?pro=native&sec=essay&subsec=4 |
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