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21. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Native Americans Of North America native americans of Middle and South America. Perceptions of native americans.articles about groups and tribes. Abenaki. Paiute. passamaquoddy. Pawnee. Pennacook. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761570777_10/articles_about_groups_and_tribes.htm | |
22. EasyFunSchool - Native Americans: Tribes Of The USA - Article Archives - Free Un Abnaki passamaquoddy Algonkian Penobscot. more information, you might be interestedin visiting any of the over 800 listings for native American tribes, nations http://www.easyfunschool.com/NATribes.html | |
23. The Northeast Consortium For Native Americans of native americans in the northeast. For more information contact Irvin Rich,HCFA irich@hcfa.gov. Members. Tribes Wampanoag, Maliseet, passamaquoddy/Indian http://www.usm.maine.edu/conhp/necna.htm | |
24. The Northeast Consortium For Native Americans of native americans in the northeast. For more information contact Irvin Rich,HCFA irich@hcfa.gov. MEMBERS. Tribes Wampanoag, Maliseet, passamaquoddy/Indian http://www.usm.maine.edu/~lclemos/nativeamerican/necna.htm | |
25. Colonial House . Behind The Scenes . Native Americans | PBS It is my hope that we passamaquoddy/Penobscot show the audience the relationshipbetween an English colony and native tribes of my area. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/colonialhouse/behind/native.html | |
26. American Indian Forum passamaquoddy Mailing List melissa1 4/24/04 Texas/Cherokee Document I foundInteresting Donna Delgadillo 4/23/04 Info on native americans with european http://www.genforum.com/ai/ | |
27. KIDS Report March 30, 1999: Native American Culture for teachers and students who are doing a report on native americans. each of thefour Maine Indian tribes Maliseet, Micmac, Penobscot, and passamaquoddy. http://www.madison.k12.wi.us/tnl/detectives/kids/KIDS-990330.html | |
28. American West - Native Americans More than 100 other passamaquoddy tribal members are on waiting list for native americansupport Group Support Group for native americans of New York City re http://www.americanwest.com/pages/natghost.htm | |
29. The Social History Of Native Americans As A Whole In The U.S. The history in general of native americans in the US as a whole. passamaquoddyGirl By Mary Ellen Socobasin, passamaquoddy, 6 April 1995. A poem. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/41/index-ae.html | |
30. New Resources who is interested in learning some of the passamaquoddy language.Great sheet picturesand short accompanying biographies of important native americans in 1974. http://www.uvm.edu/~uvmcwe/naam0404.html | |
31. Native American Paugusset Connecticut; passamaquoddy Maine; Penobscot Maine; Peoria Illinois, nowOklahoma; use in North America, even amongst native americans themselves, many of http://www.fact-index.com/n/na/native_american.html | |
32. NATIVE LANGUAGES PAGE Omaha Ponca Added 6/13/98. passamaquoddy Language Materials Added 1/11/00;updated 8/2/03. Turkish Language and the native americans Added 2/8/99. http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/natlang.html | |
33. Wauu.DE: Society: Ethnicity: Indigenous People: Native Americans: Tribes, Nation Wauu.DE Society Ethnicity Indigenous People native AmericansTribes, Nations and Bands P passamaquoddy. http://www.wauu.de/Society/Ethnicity/Indigenous_People/Native_Americans/Tribes__ | |
34. Passamaquoddy - Ethnos - Books About The Passamaquoddy People passamaquoddy is the name of a tribe of native americans who live in the stateof Maine in northeastern New England, and in the Atlantic province of New http://www.almudo.com/ethnos/Passamaquoddy.htm | |
35. Browse Films By Subject - Video Forum: Native American Edition native americans Washington. Navajo (Southwest). Ojibway (Subarctic). Ojibwe (Subarctic).Omaha (Plains). Oneida. Onondaga. passamaquoddy. Penobscot. Pottery. Powwows. http://www.nvr.org/vidforum_content.php?pro=native&sec=vid&subsec=sub |
36. Title VI - Grants For Native Americans - History these programs continue to ensure that essential services are provided to AmericanIndian, Alaska native, and native Hawaiian elders passamaquoddy Tribe. http://www.aoa.gov/AIN/t6history/default.htm | |
37. Native Peoples Magazine: May/June, 2001 "Pathways: The Native Ways Of Maine" a substantialand often overlooked-community of native americans, the Wabanaki (Peopleof the Dawn), consisting of the Penobscot, passamaquoddy, Maliseet and http://www.nativepeoples.com/np_may-june/mj01-pathways/mj01-pathways.html | |
38. Native American Gospel Resources Jesus Christ and His Words, the Bible to native americans in culturally Lakota, Lenape,Mayan, Mohawk, Muskogee, Navajo, Ojibwe,passamaquoddy, Salish, Tlingit http://www.ethnicharvest.org/peoples/nativeamer.htm | |
39. Bureau Of Elder And Adult Services - Maine - Native American Indian Grants And S To find out about services available to MaineÂs older native americans, contactone of the following passamaquoddy Tribe at Indian Township. PO Box 301. http://www.state.me.us/dhs/beas/resource/nais.htm | |
40. Society, Ethnicity, The Americas, Indigenous, Native Americans, Arts And Culture Legends of New England Charles Leland s rendition of various Micmac, passamaquoddy,and Penobscot tales, including both native and non-native elements. http://www.combose.com/Society/Ethnicity/The_Americas/Indigenous/Native_American | |
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