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1. Native Americans - Passamaquoddy http//www.cast.uark.edu/other/nps/nagpra/nagpra.dat/nic0136.html native AmericanLiterature at U of O A good picture of a passamaquoddy mail pouch. http://www.nativeamericans.com/Passamaquoddy.htm | |
2. Native Americans: Passamaquoddy Indian Tribe and other New England Indian territory Maine native American Culture Historicalmaps and timeline for the passamaquoddy and other native americans of Maine http://www.native-languages.org/passamaquoddy.htm | |
3. Pleasant Point The Pleasant Point passamaquoddy Reservation also known as SIPAYIK is located on the downeast coast of Maine between the Also view our CONTACTS PAGE. native americans Against Drugs http://www.wabanaki.com/ | |
4. Fogler Library: Special Collections Native American Guide Special Collections Guides. native americans in Maine about Maliseet, Micmac, passamaquoddy, Penobscot Indians in Maine, Annotated by native americans. Cambridge, Mass http://www.library.umaine.edu/speccoll/Guides/nativeamerican.htm | |
5. The First Americans History Resources native American research resource links for high school and college students. History of native americans in West Virginia Paleoindian Tradition. passamaquoddy. Pennsylvania Indians http://www.snowcrest.net/jmike/firstam.html | |
6. American Indian Resource Page Links to sites on Maine native americans, Wabanaki, Penobscot, and passamaquoddy. Includes other American Indian resources and links as well. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/5156/nativeresources.html | |
7. Native Americans - Maliseet Maliseet Dictionary http//cnet.unb.ca/achn/dictionary/ Philip S. LeSourd sEnglish and passamaquoddy-Maliseet Dictionary. native americans Homepage. http://www.nativeamericans.com/Maliseet.htm | |
8. Native American Language Programs @ Buffalo Trails - Main Menu Audiotapes and workbook for Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Kiowa, Sioux, Cheyenne, Din©, Apache, Muskogee/Creek, Mohawk, Lenape/Delaware, Ojibwe, and passamaquoddy. Secure ordering, links. http://native-americans.org/languages/languages-index.htm | |
9. Native Americans: Maliseet Indian Tribe (Malecite, Malécites, Skicin, Maliseet Verb Morphology passamaquoddy Texts Maliseetpassamaquoddy linguistics books AmericanIndian Books Evolving list of books about native americans in general http://www.native-languages.org/maliseet.htm | |
10. Marilee's Native Americans Resource Excellent resource for children and teachers learning about native North American tribes, including culture groups, clothing, crafts, legends, recipes, songs, dances, games, word puzzles, Creation stories teach that native americans have been where they are Illinois, Iroquois, Kickapoo, Mahican, Maliseetpassamaquoddy, Mascouten, Miami, Micmac, Menominee, Mohawk http://www.ameritech.net/users/macler/nativeamericans.html | |
11. Awesome Library - Social_Studies passamaquoddy, Pawnee, Pehuenche, Penobscot, Pequot, Pima, Piscataway, Pocomoke, Pocumtuck, Pomo, Ponca, Potawatomi, Powhatan, Pueblo, and Puyallup. Nations of native americans http://www.awesomelibrary.org/Classroom/Social_Studies/Multicultural/Native_Amer | |
12. Maine - Native Americans Top Links Penobscot. native American Resource Page Links to sites on Maine nativeamericans, Wabanaki, Penobscot, and passamaquoddy. Includes http://www.search-maine.com/Society_and_Culture_Native_Americans.html |
13. Title VI - Grants For Native Americans - History Title VI Grants for native americans. Introduction. OAA Objectives REGION I passamaquoddy Tribe. REGION II http://www.aoa.dhhs.gov/AIN/t6history | |
14. Passamaquoddy Language Programs @ Buffalo Trails - Passamaquoddy Menu owned and/or licensed by native americans @ Buffalo Trails! No duplication forcommercial purposes allowed! Last modified passamaquoddy Language Programs http://www.native-americans.org/languages/language-passamaquoddy.htm | |
15. Encyclopedia Of North American Indians - - Passamaquoddy/Penobscot Croix River. The passamaquoddy and Penobscot Indians were among thefirst native americans to have contact with Europeans. The wide http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_028100_passamaquodd.ht | |
16. Other Authors Bibliographies On History, Native Americans And Maine native American references, a crossindexed bibliography American Friends ServiceCommittee, Cambridge, MA about Micmac, Maliseet, passamaquoddy, Penobscot and http://www.davistownmuseum.org/bibOtherBiblio.htm | |
17. 4th Grade: Native Americans - Reference Page Kmihqitahasultipon Program Indian Township Health Center (also providing the All My People passamaquoddy drumming music). native American Programs. http://gizmo.sad4.com/~ebartley/NativeAmericans/referencepage.html | |
18. Education World® : School Issues : Native American Schools Ponder, Assail Dropo native americans long have had one of the highest high school dropout rates of asthose in Maine Beatrice Rafferty School, on the passamaquoddy reservation in http://www.educationworld.com/a_issues/issues190.shtml | |
19. NativeTech: Native American Indian Games & Toys ~ Bundle & Pin Game Game image compliments of Waaban Aki Crafting, native americans have many uses forthe Woodland Indian game is called T wis , by the passamaquoddy natives of http://www.nativetech.org/games/bundle&pin.html | |
20. NativeTech: Native American Porcupine Quill Embroidery Exquisite Maliseetpassamaquoddy quilled birchbark containers were not often produced Ingeneral, quillworking flourished among native americans until the mid http://www.nativetech.org/quill/quill.html | |
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