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Parole & Probation Juvenile: more books (62) | ||
81. Parole And Probation Hosts Sex Offender Training who is a nationallyrecognized lecturer on the topic and who supervised adult and juvenile sex offenders for Please page parole and probation Deputy Chief http://www.dmvnv.com/news/99-181.htm | |
82. AK DOC; Div. Of Probation & Parole release from custody before or after conviction or juvenile adjudication. through its annual regional trainings and its probation and parole Officer Academy http://www.correct.state.ak.us/corrections/communitycorr/Victim.htm | |
84. Criminal Justice Faculty probation supervisor, juvenile probation officer in juvenile services organization administrator for the Nevada Division of parole and probation and also http://www.tmcc.edu/crj/faculty.asp | |
85. The Job Site JUVENILE PROBATION/PAROLE SPECIALIST II Tell a friend about this job juvenile probation/parole SPECIALIST II (17423). Requisition Number 46117423aa County of Vacancy http://www.thejobsite.org/jobsearch/jobdetail.asp?ReqNum=461-17423aa |
86. Probation Officers's Week 2002 Nationwide, these officers supervise more than 4.5 million adults who are on probation and parole and with more than 600,000 juvenile offenders who are under http://www.supreme.state.az.us/media/archive/POWeek2002.htm | |
87. Title 34 - Chapter 121, STATE PROBATION AND PAROLE BOARD (HEADING: PL 1983, C. 4 from parole (REPEALED) §1678. Certificate of discharge (REPEALED) §1679. Records forwarded to State Police (REPEALED) Subchapter 5A juvenile probation http://janus.state.me.us/legis/statutes/34/title34ch121sec0.html | |
88. American Probation And Parole Association - Probation Information - Parole Info The American probation and parole Association is an international association composed of individules from the US, US territories and Canada actively involved with probation, parole and community http://www.appa-net.org/ | |
89. Probation Parole Suicide Prevention Update Correctional Training Corrections Sta Police Trial and Expert Witness Services. Jail, Corrections, probation Trial Consultation. Public Safety Clipart http://www.nteusa.org/flyers/184probation.html | |
90. |courts Office Of Juvenile Probation Office of juvenile probation. Introduction Office of juvenile probation. David Mueller, Director (717) 2998161 FAX (717) 295-5992. http://www.co.lancaster.pa.us/courts/cwp/view.asp?a=472&Q=389322&courtsNav=|6224 |
91. Juvenile Probation juvenile probation. Chester County juvenile probation 326 N. Walnut Street PO Box 2748 West Chester, PA 193800991 Phone 610-344-6295. http://www.chesco.org/jvprob.html | |
92. Job Classification:Probation And Parole Counselor II to assist in the rehabilitation and supervision of all criminals and delinquent and wayward juveniles entrusted to the probation and parole Service by the http://www.dcyf.state.ri.us/jobs/pp_counselor_ii.htm | |
93. Parole And Probation Lawyer: LegalMatch Legal Topics parole and probation. What is parole? Supervision that begins after Do you have a question about parole or probation? If you have any http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/parole-and-probation.html | |
94. Prevention Programs Juveniles are then given a tour of the prison, which entails the main yard The tour also includes a debriefing at the Adult parole and probation Office with http://www.churchillcounty.org/jpo/prevention.htm | |
95. Deschutes County Government, Oregon - Parole And Probation Violators Deschutes County goverment. You are here Government » Departments » Adult parole and probation » parole and probation Violators. http://www.co.deschutes.or.us/go/government/departments/adult-parole-and-probati | |
96. Deschutes County Government, Oregon - Adult Parole And Probation Government Find out more about Deschutes County goverment. You are here Government » Departments » Adult parole and probation. http://www.co.deschutes.or.us/go/objectid/5B555F88-BDBD-57C1-93ED040B8FA7FCB4 | |
97. Minnesota Statutes 2003, 13.84 and that are on individuals who are or were defendants, parolees or probationers of a or respondents to a family court, or juveniles adjudicated delinquent http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/13/84.html | |
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