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61. Department Of Community Justice- Adult And Juvenile Supervision And Probration S This unit provides general probation services to nongang involved youth of services with Oregon Youth Authority parole/probation Officers, educational advocacy http://www.co.multnomah.or.us/dcj/supervision.shtml | |
62. Community Resources 4349. Marion County parole probation general (503) 5888492. Marion County parole probation Victim Advocate (503) 588-8041. Polk http://www.cityofsalem.net/~police/DVRTcommunityresources.htm | |
63. General Services Administration (GSA) Inventory Of Owned And Leased Properties GSA Building Stats. probation AND parole OFC. BLDG 2330 NORTH BROAD ST. DURHAM , NC 277043004 DURHAM COUNTY For information on properties http://www.iolp.gsa.gov/iolp/BuildingInfo.asp?bID=NC2256 |
64. General Information - Inadmissibility Issues In general, applications for Approval of Rehabilitation, and Temporary Resident time since the last offence, reports from parole or probation officers, the http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/can-am/menu-en.asp?act=v&did=1008&mid=11&cat=563&ty |
65. Dallas Texas Parole Attorney Probation Lawyer Alan C. Kazdoy. general Information. http://www.lawyers.com/kazdoy/generalinfo.jsp |
66. CJ 561, Probation, Parole, And Community Corrections - Chapter One. The general functions of sentencing are to promote greater be supervised by probation agencies and probation officers, while parole officers and http://www.aju.edu/cj561_1.htm | |
67. Session Information - Subject PAROLE AND PROBATION general Assembly Home Page. Session Information. Complete Bill Listing. parole AND probation. Page last loaded 05/25/2004 010953 AM EST. http://www.in.gov/apps/lsa/session/billwatch/billinfo?request=getSubjectLinks&ma |
68. San Diego Attorney Samuel Spital Former Deputy Attorney General Probation Office Nursing Home Occupational Safety Health Act (OSHA) Employee Occupational Safety Health Act (OSHA) Employer parole probation Partnerships Personal http://www.spitalaw.com/profiles/2858375 | |
69. NCPA - Study #233 - Privatizing Probation And Parole of the criminal or any private bondsman cared enough to risk their own money on the candidate for probation or parole, why should the general public risk that http://www.ncpa.org/studies/s233/s233.html | |
70. APPA's 29th Annual Training Institute - Orlando All APPA workshops, intensive sessions, general sessions, resource expo and receptions will take place in the Orlando probation; parole; juvenile justice; http://www.appa-net.org/institutes/orlando/brochure/default.htm | |
71. Probation And Parole , general Division probation Geographical Division United States. Â, Library Structure Library of Congress Subject Headings parole United States. http://isbndb.com/d/book/probation_and_parole_a02.html | |
72. Attorney General Lockyer To Be Elected President Of The National Association Of ve encountered is required to register as a sex offender, is on parole or probation or has outstanding arrest warrants. As Attorney general, Lockyer created http://caag.state.ca.us/newsalerts/2003/03-066.htm | |
73. Correctional Populations In The United States 1980 - 1993 The Nation s parole population had 13 years between 1980 and 1993, the probation population grew the percentage of blacks in the general population increased http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/GovPubs/corr93.htm | |
74. 2002 NAICS To 1987 SIC, Public Administration 921190, Other general Government Support, 9199, general Government, NEC. 8322, Individual and Family Social Services (Government parole and probation offices). http://www.census.gov/epcd/naics02/N2SIC92.HTM | |
75. NSLA - Archives & Records - Nevada Executive Branch Agencies the Attorneygeneral met semi-annual to consider applications for clemency. The State Board of parole Commissioners consisted of a chief parole and probation http://dmla.clan.lib.nv.us/docs/nsla/archives/archival/exec/pardon.htm | |
76. GGA - SB 44 - Corrections, Parole And Probation Officers; Retirement; 25 Years S that under certain conditions, persons employed as correction officers, parole officers, and probation officers may Georgia general Assembly Webmaster http://www.legis.state.ga.us/legis/2001_02/sum/sb44.htm | |
77. Division Of Personnel for the courts and the Board of probation and parole and supervises offenders who are on probation or parole requiring general community supervision or http://www.oa.mo.gov/pers/joa9044.shtml | |
78. Prison Talk Online Having problems (or need info) with probation, parole or Community Corrections Supervision Lets talk about it here. probation, parole Supervision. Last updated at 0155 AM May 3rd, 2004 http://www.prisontalk.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=bc25f52ab24956c17ee5cf9c8e03 |
79. ND Job Class Description the transfer of parolees and probationers within the maintain documentation of hearings regarding parole violations and of by the ND Attorney generalÂs Office http://www.state.nd.us/hrms/comp/specs/5xxx/5104.htm | |
80. Adult Probation And Parole Department - Lehigh County Court Of Common Pleas Adult probation parole Department 455 W Hamilton Street Allentown, Pa 181011614 (610) 782-3933 Fax (610) 770-6754 Other Adult probation parole Dept. http://www.lccpa.org/depts/adultpro.html | |
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