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41. Pennsylvania Code Cmwlth. 1995). § 67.1. general requirements. (a) In addition to the general conditions of parole or probation imposed by Chapters 63 and 65 (relating to http://www.pacode.com/secure/data/037/chapter67/chap67toc.html | |
42. Scottrelease could have a devastating impact on the ability of parole and probation officials across the along with 33 states and the US Solicitor general have urged http://www.communityinterest.org/friday_fax/scottrelease.htm | |
43. Inspector General Speech - March 6, 2003 Inspector general Social Security Administration. This effort enables SSA to suspend SSI payments to fugitives and parole and probation violators, and http://www.ssa.gov/oig/executive_operations/testimony_speeches/03062003speech.ht | |
44. Admission I. general INFORMATION general DESCRIPTION OF FORT LOGAN SERVICES AND SERVICE AREA. SENTENCES, HELD ON CHARGES, PENDING TRIAL, OR ON parole OR probation. http://www.cdhs.state.co.us/Text/ODS/mif/admissio.html | |
45. Brenda J. Erdoes, Legislative Counsel offices in Carson City and Las Vegas, at the Attorney general s Offices in Clark County Main Library, and at the offices of parole and probation in Carson http://www.parole.nv.gov/pubmeet/informstatement.htm | |
46. TITLE 07: CHAPTER 13 - ARTICLE 04 - PROBATION AND PAROLE GENERALLY (a) The department has general supervisory authority over state parolees and over probationers for whom the sentencing court requests supervision under WS 7 http://legisweb.state.wy.us/statutes/titles/title07/c13a04.htm | |
47. CID Regulations Concerning Bail Bond Producers Application And filing fee in accordance with section 38a11 of the general statutes conviction, release from imprisonment, or release from parole or probation, whichever is http://www.ct.gov/cid/cwp/view.asp?a=1262&q=254524 |
48. Section 479-190 Parole Or Probation, When Granted--cert it may seem advisable, grant a parole or probation to as exists to order conditions of probation, the court any dependent of the victim, or society in general. http://www.moga.state.mo.us/statutes/C400-499/4790000190.HTM | |
49. Section 217-655 Probation And Parole Board, General Dut Missouri Revised Statutes. Chapter 217 Department of Corrections Section 217.655 August 28, 2003. probation and parole board, general duties. 217.655. http://www.moga.state.mo.us/statutes/C200-299/2170000655.HTM | |
50. Glossary Of NC Department Of Correction Terms are strict, and these inmates are isolated from the general prison population in we counted an entry only if not also under parole when probation occurs. http://www.doc.state.nc.us/r&p/glossary.htm | |
51. Section-16 Probation And Parole will ensure the offender is scheduled with the local probation and parole office for obtaining a visual image. 2. Verification of general Orientation. http://www.doc.state.ok.us/Offtech/op160201.htm | |
52. SOLICITOR GENERAL ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENTS TO THE NATIONAL PAROLE BOARD She has worked as a probation and parole officer with the Department of the Solicitor general of Alberta and has been actively involved in community volunteer http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/releases/99-07-22_e.shtml | |
53. SOLICITOR GENERAL ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT TO THE NATIONAL PAROLE BOARD announced one new appointment to the National parole Board. to 1998, Mr. Coughlan was a probation officer with the Department of Solicitor general in the http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/releases/98-04-01_e.shtml | |
54. Iowa Code 1999SUPPLEMENT: Title XVI SPECIAL POWERS OF POLICE, GOVERNOR, AND ATTORNEY general 818 INTERSTATE SUSPENDED SENTENCE AND probation 907A INTERSTATE probation AND parole COMPACT 908 http://www.legis.state.ia.us/IACODE/1999SUPPLEMENT/XVI.html | |
55. Carl Reddick Officer of the Year American parole and probation Assn. District Attorneys Commendation. Class President - Oregon Police Academy. Attorney generalÂs Advisory http://www.gwcinc.com/creddick.htm | |
56. North Carolina Department Of Justice age;; For Correctional Officers and probation/parole OfficersSurveillance, be a high school graduate or have passed the general Educational Development Test;; http://www.ncdoj.com/law_enforcement/cle_cjets_law_enf_cert_correctional_officer |
57. Corrections, Probation, & Parole At Lake Michigan College Scholarship Opportunities In addition to several general scholarships that are available to students enrolled in the Correction, probation, parole program. http://www.lakemichigancollege.edu/dept/occu/program-text/human/corrections.html | |
58. JustWare Probation, Parole & Pretrial Services to the sentencing of probation, including interview, general probation, criminal history By far one of the greatest advances in probation, parole and pretrial http://www.newdawntech.com/probation.htm | |
59. JC33 - Probation And Parole Agent class code. JC33. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. probation and parole Agent. general Nature of Work Supervises offenders released into the community. http://www.state.sc.us/cgi-bin/ohr/viewclass?ccode=JC33 |
60. JC34 - Probation And Parole Manager I JC34. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. probation and parole Manager I. general Nature of Work Supervises and coordinates the activities of probation and parole staff. http://www.state.sc.us/cgi-bin/ohr/viewclass?ccode=JC34 |
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