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21. Tennessee Board Of Probation And Parole: History 2002 New Interstate Compact on probation and parole was enacted by the general Assembly, which allows for supervision of adult offenders by participating states http://www2.state.tn.us/bopp/bopp_history.htm | |
22. Tennessee Board Of Probation And Parole FAQ's the views of the trial judge, district attorney general, the victims s behavior and attitude during any previous experience on probation and parole; and an http://www2.state.tn.us/bopp/bopp_faq.htm | |
23. SOUTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY-LPITS Department Of Probation, Parole And Pardon The South Carolina Department of probation, parole and Pardon Services is criminal offenders who have been placed on probation by the general Sessions Court http://www.scstatehouse.net/reports/n08aar97.htm | |
24. SC Code Of Regulations Chapter 130 Department Of Probation, Parole (a) The Courts of general Sessions may agency designated by law to provide community supervision to adult offenders on probation or parole, the Department http://www.scstatehouse.net/coderegs/c130.htm | |
25. American Probation And Parole Officer       Association Westchester NY probation Department Last update 10/29/03. Note To send email the format would be user@westchestergov.com The general e-mail is probinq http://www.westchestergov.com/probation/Telephone/Department Telephone Listing.h | |
26. Promising Victim Related Practices In Probation & Parole - Beginning First, probation and parole agencies have access to both general and offenderspecific information that could address victims need for information and concerns http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/infores/probparole/begin.htm | |
27. Job Classification:Probation And Parole Counselor II general STATEMENT OF DUTIES To conduct probation, parole, pardon and domestic relations case investigations to assist in the rehabilitation and supervision of http://www.dcyf.state.ri.us/jobs/pp_counselor_ii.htm | |
28. The Probation And Parole Service In Nacka-Haninge Welcome to the probation and parole Service in NackaHaninge. This page is intended for both special interest groups and the general public. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-66151/eng.html | |
29. General Index Entry 2003 Legislative Information. parole AND probation. »general Index, »Bills and Resolutions, »NDCC Sections Affected, »NDCC Sections Affected by Bill. Chapter. http://www.state.nd.us/lr/assembly/58-2003/session-laws/general-index/gi0227.htm | |
30. Careers In Alaska Corrections In general, minimum qualifications for training and certification under Alaska Police in Alaska as a correctional officer or parole and probation officer. http://justice.uaa.alaska.edu/rlinks/careers/ak_corr.html | |
31. State Of Maine Attorney General - Augusta, Maine What is probation? Is it different than parole? probation is not the same as parole, which involves early release from a sentence imposed. http://www.state.me.us/ag/faq.php?pods=84 |
32. General Acts Enacted During 1995 Special Session 1 general Acts Enacted During 1995 Session Special Session 1. Board of probation and parole Act powers of parole and probation officers relating to searches http://www.legis.state.pa.us/WU01/LI/LI/CL/ACT/19951.HTM | |
33. 3020 SUPERVISORY CONTROLS OF THIS POSITION. This classification works under the general direction of the parole and probation supervisor. http://www.co.douglas.or.us/hr/class_specs/class_specs_P/p&p_off_2.htm | |
34. PAROLE AND PROBATION . Supervision to offenders on parole, post prison supervision, probation and...... there are no County general Funds allocated for these services. Services http://www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/p&p/default.htm | |
35. MO Department Of Corrections probation and parole general Information The board is comprised of seven fulltime members appointed by the governor, subject http://www.doc.missouri.gov/division/prob/info.htm | |
36. PAROLE AND PROBATION COMPACT ADMINISTRATORSÂ ASSOCIATION National Conferences and Meetings Upcoming general Meeting. Boston, MA. Minutes from recent general meetings Boston Summer 2003 Providence Summer 2002. http://www.ppcaa.net/conferences/main.html | |
37. Class Specification a number of technical or administrative policies under general direction and in Experience Three years experience in probation, parole, social welfare, law http://nh.gov/hr/classspec_p/7101.htm | |
38. Class Specification and practices of juvenile justice (probation and parole). law enforcement agencies, juvenile parole board, collateral agencies and the general public http://nh.gov/hr/classspec_j/5462.htm | |
39. Benton County Oregon's Parole And Probation Absconders However, general information about absconders can be emailed to the Benton County Oregon Sheriff s Community The parole and probation Wanted List uses http://www.co.benton.or.us/sheriff/corrections/bccc/Absconders/ | |
40. Subchapter II. Probation And Parole Services participation in level IV and level V institutions, special conditions of probation or parole, compliance with those conditions and general supervision in the http://www.delcode.state.de.us/title11/c043/sc02/ | |
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