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1. Parole/Probation Law: Free Legal Information general parole and probation Questions. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN probation, parole, AND PARDON? WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR parole? http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/parole_probation/ | |
2. Chester County Adult Probation: General Information COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ADULT probation AND parole DEPARTMENT. probation, parole and Intermediate Punishment. probation. http://www.chesco.org/adprob/general_info.html | |
3. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Probation And Parole Statistics attainment of State and Federal prison inmates, jail inmates, and probationers to that of the general population. probation and parole Violators in State http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pandp.htm | |
4. City Of Dipolog City Parole Probation City of Dipolog Office of the City parole probation Officer CITY parole AND probation OFFICE. Mr. Allan B Investigation, Rehabilitation and Supervision/ general Public Services. Funds/Special Account http://dipolog.dipolognon.com/City Parole.htm |
5. 6634 - JUVENILE PAROLE AND PROBATION OFFICER State of Oregon DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Human Resource Services Division. JUVENILE parole AND probation OFFICER 6634. general DESCRIPTION OF CLASS. http://www.hr.das.state.or.us/hrsd/class/6634.HTM | |
6. 6632 - JUVENILE PROBATION/SOCIAL SERVICES OFFICER/ JUVENILE CORRECTIONAL COUNSEL The JUVENILE probation/SOCIAL SERVICES OFFICER/ JUVENILE youth or between family members in general. medical personnel, teachers, parole officers, cottage/camp http://www.hr.das.state.or.us/hrsd/class/6632.HTM | |
7. PAROLE AND PROBATION At this time there are no County general Funds allocated for these services. assigned to a caseload supervised by a parole/probation officer. The officer explains to the offender http://www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/p&p |
8. BUDGET DOCUMENT 101-GENERAL FUND 203-PAROLE AND PROBATION YEAR BUDGET DOCUMENT 101general FUND 203-parole AND probation YEAR 2001-2002 39 336 42 336 5-10-1101 parole/probation DIRECTOR 43 395 43 395 43 395 21 http://www.bakercounty.org/Budget/PDF/Parole.PDF |
9. What Does Someone Have To Do On Parole Or Probation? Searches Drug Crimes Drunk Driving Juvenile Law parole probation Violent Crimes It provides general legal information to help people understand their http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/parole_probation/parole_probation.htm | |
10. Probation & Parole - Corrections - Alberta Solicitor General Government of Alberta. Location Alberta Government Home Alberta Solicitor general Home Subject index Corrections probation parole. Home. Ministry. http://www.solgen.gov.ab.ca/corrections/probations_parole.aspx | |
11. CPPCA general nbspInformationMembershipLegislationCorr ectional nbspNewsConferenceAwardsCalendar nbspof The California probation, parole and Correctional Association was founded in http://www.cppca.org/ | |
12. Probation & Parole - Corrections - Alberta Solicitor General Corrections probation parole, Common Questions. Is there a difference between probation and parole? Is there a difference http://www.solgen.gov.ab.ca/corrections/probations_parole.aspx?print=true |
13. Bucks County Courts: Adult Probation And Parole - General Supervision County Courts information about Adult probation and parole The majority of clients placed on probation or parole supervision by the Court are supervised by general supervision officers who meet http://www.buckscounty.org/departments/probation/general_supervision.htm | |
14. Home Page Of The Kansas Attorney General Kansas law enforcement agencies and the general public more easily identify those who have absconded from parole and probation, Attorney general Phill Kline http://www.accesskansas.org/ksag/ | |
15. Kansas Attorney General Press Release Attorney general Phill Kline announced today that he has created a task force to who have failed to comply with the terms of their parole and probation. http://www.accesskansas.org/ksag/contents/news-releases/jul02padloc.html | |
16. How Much Time Will I Be On Probation Or Parole? WHAT DOES SOMEONE HAVE TO DO ON parole OR probation? It provides general legal information to help people understand their legal rights in 100 legal topics, but is not http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/parole_probation/probation_time_parole.htm | |
17. DGS Facilities By Location Advocate Group; District Court; Drunk Driving Monitor; general Services; MVA; parole probation; PreTrial; Public Defender s Office; State s Attorney. http://www.dgs.state.md.us/Facilities/locations.html | |
18. I. PAROLE AND PROBATION ADMINISTRATION Appropriations And I. parole AND probation ADMINISTRATION Appropriations and Obligations New general Appropriations 338,980 325,981 327,452 http://www.dbm.gov.ph/dbm_publications/nep_2004/bpms_files/DOJ-ppa.txt |
19. Advisory Legal Opinion - Parole And Probation And $10 Contribution To Ray E. Howard, Chairman, Florida parole and probation Commission, Tallahassee Prepared by Jerald S. Price, Assistant Attorney general QUESTIONS 1. Who http://myfloridalegal.com/ago.nsf/0/45f75bc29202c61d852566b700620f9e?OpenDocumen |
20. Advisory Legal Opinion - Parole And Probation Commission of the Director of the Division of Corrections, including the duty to serve as a member of the parole and probation Commission. Attorney general Opinion 075212 http://myfloridalegal.com/ago.nsf/0/36af4247c4efdc39852566b80064d30a?OpenDocumen |
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