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81. Probation Parole Training Calendar For, Adult Probation Parole, Juvenile Probati probation parole correctional training for adult probation juvenile probation staff, juvenile detention corrections officers, probation law enforcement and http://nteusa.org/calendar/3rdquarter.html | |
82. Probation & Parole - NHDOC services. Integrity. Respect. Professionalism. This pamphlet provides a brief description of adult probation and parole in New Hampshire. http://www.state.nh.us/doc/pandp.html | |
83. Story: The Portland Connection - Feb 04 2004 01:13PM Until recently, they didn t. Often the Multnomah County Community Justice Department s Division of adult probation/parole/PostPrison Supervision relies on http://www.govtech.net/magazine/story.php?id=87476 |
84. Adult Probation parole can include day parole, full parole or statutory breaking a condition of a probation order, please 6675555, or contact the adult probation Services at http://www.justice.gov.yk.ca/prog/cor/prb/ | |
85. Adult Community Corrections adult Community Corrections also administers the Intensive Supervision Program(ISP), a specalized form of adult probation and parole lasting 9 to 18 months. http://www.cor.state.mt.us/About/AdultCommunityCorrections.asp | |
86. Adult Probation Division - Northampton County Court adult probation Department eased the prisonÂs financial burden and overcrowded population by paroling inmates early. Among those eligible for early parole http://www.nccpa.org/divs/adultpro.html | |
87. |Hunt Co Probation/Parole Office probation/parole Office. The probation Department works directly for the Court of Common Pleas Huntingdon County. There are two divisions Juvenile and adult. http://huntingdoncounty.net/hunt_co/cwp/view.asp?a=1212&Q=441199&hunt_coNav=|316 |
88. American Probation And Parole Association - Probation Information - Parole Info The American probation and parole Association is an international association composed of individules from the US, US territories and Canada actively involved with probation, parole and community http://www.appa-net.org/ | |
89. Social Workers run support groups for family caregivers or for the adult children of in occupations with similar duties include the clergy, counselors, probation officers and http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos060.htm | |
90. Adult Parole adult parole is responsible for the supervision of persons paroled from the Interstate Compact for the Supervision of Probationers and parolees to reside http://www.doc.state.co.us/commcorr/adultparole.htm | |
91. Latest News - One In Every 32 Adults Now On Probation, Parole Or Incarcerated PRESS RELEASE. Wednesday, August 20, 2003 Bureau of Justice Statistics, USDOJ. One In Every 32 Adults Now On probation, parole Or Incarcerated. http://www.november.org/stayinfo/breaking/1-32Prisoners.html | |
92. Training The Adult Learner Course Corrections Staff, Parole, Jail, Probation, Ju Training the adult Learner Course Facility Training Officer correctional law enforcement correctional agencies training. Our correctional trainers are all http://nteusa.org/flyers/48.html | |
93. DPP Purpose and Duties. The division through its employees supervises the conduct of parolees and adult probationers. The division uses http://www.dpscs.state.md.us/dpp/ | |
94. Adult Offender Supervision, Interstate Commission For (Maryland Entry) it. The Compact regulates supervision of adult parolees and probationers who transfer from one state to another. Administration http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/msa/mdmanual/38inters/html/01adult.html | |
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