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21. Chester County Adult Probation The Mission of the Chester County adult probation and parole Department is to reduce crime by providing supervision of offenders and facilitating offender http://www.chesco.org/adprob/ | |
22. Adult Probation Chester County adult probation parole Department 17 N. Church Street, Suite 167 PO Box 2748 West Chester, PA 193800991 610-344-6290 Larry Scherff, Director http://www.chesco.org/adprob.html | |
23. Adult Probation Services FAQ The Nineteenth Judicial Circuit and adult probation Services are not part of the Illinois or Federal parole Boards or their offices. http://www.19thcircuitcourt.state.il.us/faqs/adtprb_f.htm | |
24. 1 Out Of 32 Americans Under Correctional Supervision following a prison term. By the end of 2002, an alltime record of 4,748,306 adult men and women were either on parole or probation. http://usgovinfo.about.com/cs/censusstatistic/a/aainjail.htm | |
25. FAQ - Adult Probation a parole officer (either state or federal, depending on the type of prison). What does the probation Department do to protect the community from adult offenders http://www.co.san-joaquin.ca.us/Probation/faqs_ad.htm | |
26. Adult Probation adult probation COURT SERVICES Unified Trial Court Investigations of individuals requesting sheriff s parole from county jail. placed on formal probation by the http://www.co.san-joaquin.ca.us/Probation/adult.htm | |
27. Adult Probation adult probation. CourtÂordered supervision of individuals over 17 years of age on probation or parole is a major function of this department. http://www.montcopa.org/countyoffices/adultprob.htm | |
28. Montgomery County - Adult Probation & Parole The mission of the Montgomery County adult probation and parole Department is to provide community supervision for offenders which affords them an opportunity http://www.montcopa.org/adultprobation/ | |
29. County Adult Probation Offices BEAVER (4) Mr. Edward J. Colonna Director, adult probation parole Services Beaver County Courthouse Beaver, PA 15009 724773-8600 FAX 724-728-0280 E-mail http://sites.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/PBPP/proboff.html | |
30. NORTH DAKOTA PAROLE AND PROBATION HISTORY Correctional Center, as of April 1998, the adult Services Division and Rehabilitation Field Services Division (formerly Division of parole and probation). http://www.state.nd.us/docr/parole/p&p_history.htm | |
31. Adult Probation And Parole adult probation AND parole Offices ALEXANDRIA (ALD)*. 1534 Lee Street. PO Drawer 1111. Back to Map. adult probation AND parole Regional Administrators. Headquarters. http://www.corrections.state.la.us/Maps/adult_probation_and_parole_offic.htm | |
32. |courts Adult Probation Parole Services adult probation parole Services Abstract adult probation parole Services In 2000, the adult probation and parole system underwent significant structural http://www.co.lancaster.pa.us/courts/cwp/view.asp?a=3&Q=389056&courtsNav=|6224|5 |
33. Adult | Special Programs Additionally, the adult Services Division utilizes special receive on a traditional probation caseload County parole and Electronic Monitoring (House Arrest) is http://www.countyofsb.org/probation/adult/special_prog.htm | |
34. Category: Adult Probation And Parole Division - Criminal Justice Resource Direct Category adult probation and parole Division. Location Top adult Corrections New Mexico Corrections Department adult probation and parole Division. http://www.cjjcc.org/directory/category.php?category_id=100 |
35. Listing Details: Adult Probation And Parole - Criminal Justice Resource Director Listing Details adult probation and parole. Listing ID, 809. Listing Name, adult probation and parole SocorroRegion III Bernalillo-District 13C. http://www.cjjcc.org/directory/program.php?program_id=809 |
36. Adult Probation Of Pima County THE MISSION OF THE adult probation DEPARTMENT IS TO SERVE PROTECT SOCIETY WHILE OFFERING SELECTED OFFENDERS THE Is probation the same as parole? http://www.sc.co.pima.az.us/apo/default.htm | |
37. BCCC Adult Parole & Probation BCCC adult parole probation Joe Borich 2475 W 1175 S Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 (801)9775440. http://www.usacops.com/ut/p84104/ | |
38. Jody Wood: BCCC Adult Parole & Probation Jody Wood BCCC adult parole probation Email me Visit Department. Jody Wood, Shift Supervisor, Bonneville Community Correctional http://www.usacops.com/ut/officers/1.html | |
39. ADULT PROBATION/PAROLE Crawford County adult probation/parole Department supervises and manages adult criminal offenders, aged 18 and older, for the Court of Common Pleas of Crawford http://www.co.crawford.pa.us/Adult_Probation/adult_probation_home.htm | |
40. NIC - Interstate Compact For Adult Offender Supervision In a 1997 NIC survey, states reported that over 115,000 adult offenders (3% of all active probation/parole cases) had been transferred from one state to another http://www.nicic.org/resources/topics/InterstateCompact.aspx | |
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