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21. Parkinson's Disease PD Abstract of a paper Possible environmental, occupational, and other etiologicalfactors for parkinsons disease case-control study in Germany. Current http://james.parkinsons.org.uk/parkinsons.htm | |
22. Parkinson's Disease: Ask NOAH Lists PARKINSN A Worldwide Mailing List parkinsons disease Menu Neurology WebForumPostings (archived) Massachusetts General Hospital parkinsons disease http://www.noah-health.org/english/illness/neuro/parkin.html | |
23. Hardin MD : Parkinsons Disease From the University of Iowa, the *best* lists of Internet sources inparkinsons disease. parkinsons disease. parkinsons disease Pictures. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/parkinson.html | |
24. Health Report - 9/15/1997: Parkinsons Disease Parkinson s Disease Broadcast Monday 15 September 1997 with. Summary Find thalamus.But the tremor is a minor part of Parkinson s disease. The http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/stories/s266.htm | |
25. EMedicine - Parkinson Disease : Article By Jeff Blackmer, MD Parkinson Disease James Parkinson first described Parkinson disease (PD) in1817. Stern MB, Hurtig HI parkinsons disease and Parkinsonian Syndromes. http://www.emedicine.com/pmr/topic99.htm | |
26. Parkinson's Disease - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention An Active Web Resource for parkinsons disease Provides annotated resourcelistings, FAQs, care giver information, links and find a physician. http://www.healthcyclopedia.com/neurological-disorders/parkinson's-disease.html | |
27. Parkinsons Disease - Loss Of Dopaminergic - Essential Tremor - Amersham Health parkinsons disease loss of dopaminergic - essential tremor - Amersham Health. Accessfor medical professionals only. Information about parkinsons disease. http://www.amershamhealth.com/ | |
28. Parkinsons Disease - The Symptoms, Factors And Causes Information about parkinsons disease. Read more about the symptoms ofparkinsons disease and the major factor causing parkinsons disease. http://www.amershamhealth.com/parkinsons_disease/parkinsons_disease.html | |
29. Parkinson's Disease Message Board parkinsons disease new products and services. Aging Alternative Medicine BackCare Beauty Exercise Fitness Free Stuff Health Products Herbal Products http://www.healthboards.com/parkinsons-disease/ | |
30. Disease Category Listing (117): Parkinson's Disease Clinical Trials Parkinson s Disease. Alabama. Blackpool, Lancashire,United Kingdom; Cognatec parkinsons disease Patients with Dementia. http://www.centerwatch.com/patient/studies/cat117.html | |
31. Parkinsons Disease In South Africa Prominent People who suffer from parkinsons disease Please note that while weare providing the links on our WebPages for your convenience, we take no http://www.dyna.co.za/parkinsons.htm | |
32. The Neurobiology Of Parkinsons Disease, Part 2 The Neurobiology of parkinsons disease, part 2 further research and parallels toAlzheimers? Rani Shankar. parkinsons disease is thought to function similarly. http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro98/202s98-paper2/Shankar2.html | |
33. Genetics Of Parkinsons Disease And Related Disorders The Mayo Clinic Parkinson s Research Group is a worldwide leader in researchfor Parkinson s Disease. Familial parkinsons disease Pages. http://www.mayo.edu/fpd/ | |
34. "James", A Site About Parkinson's Disease Extensive information about this disease as well as where to go for support and what you can do to fight the effects. Some internet resources as well as general information. It is a project of the Adrienne Coles Memorial Trust. http://james.parkinsons.org.uk/ | |
35. Parkinson's: Information From WebMD A consumer health site for Parkinson's disease. Includes a caregiver section. http://my.webmd.com/medical_information/condition_centers/parkinsons/default.htm | |
36. Austin Parkinsons A support group for person's with Parkinson's disease and their caregiver's. Schedule's with location of meeting's,date's and scheduled speaker's. http://www.angelfire.com/tx/austinparkinsons | |
37. Parkinson's Western Australia Information about the disease, seminars, membership and contacts. http://www.quartec.com.au/parkinsons/ | |
38. AUSTIN AREA PARKINSONS Support group for the disease. Includes meeting schedule. http://www.angelfire.com/tx5/austinareaparkinsons/ | |
39. CNN.com - Health - Study Finds Family Links In Parkinson's Disease - December 14 CNN http://cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/aging/12/14/bc.health.parkinsons.reut/index.html | |
40. Functional Neurosurgery For Parkinson's Disease Can you help with our Familial Parkinson s disease project here? SURGERYFOR PARKINSON S disease. INTRODUCTION. This page contains http://medweb.bham.ac.uk/http/depts/clin_neuro/teaching/tutorials/parkinsons/sur | |
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