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1. Welcome To Parkinsons Disease Society more Parkinson s Disease Society 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V1EJ. Registered Charity No. 258197 Legal information and disclaimers. http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/ | |
2. National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. National Parkinson Foundation Our mission is to find the cause and the cure for Parkinson's Disease. 100 Questions and Answers about Parkinson Disease", click below Well, Stay Well with parkinsons disease" is available at To order "Shaking Up Parkinson Disease" , click below http://www.parkinson.org/ | |
3. Parkinsons Disease Menu parkinsons disease 3/18/95 to 3/23/96. parkinsons disease - 3/23/96 to 1/27/97. ALERT! Please check out CALM-PD - http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/neurowebforum/ParkinsonsDiseaseMenu.html | |
4. Parkinsons Disease parkinsons disease Menu. This is a webforum to discuss and comment on parkinsons disease. Click here to Enter a new Neurology WebForum article Click Here to Read our Forum Disclaimer and Statement http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum/ParkinsonsDiseaseMenu.html | |
5. About Parkinsons Disease Support site with regular upto date information through their national magazine. http://www.parkinsons.org.nz/about_parkinsons.html | |
6. Differential Diagnosis Of PD And Parkinsonism Plus Syndromes Extensive article by Mark Stacy, MD J. Jankovic, MD at Parkinsons Information Exchange Network Online. http://www.parkinsons-information-exchange-network-online.com/archive/091.html | |
7. An Active Web Resource For Parkinsons Disease Provides annotated resource listings, FAQs, care giver information, links and find a physician. http://www.parkinsonsweb.com |
8. Bravenet.com - Free Websites, Free Guestbooks, Free Forums, ... Get A Free Websi Personal experience, poetry, and advice on dealing with her condition. http://barbscues.mybravenet.com | |
9. MoveMD: Patient Education From The CNI Movement Disorders Center A full multimedia, preoperative patient primer on subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation functional neurosurgery for the treatment of parkinsons disease. Sponsored by the CNI, it contains an audio/video and textual version to accommodate varying link speeds as well as hearing and vision impairments. http://www.megapathdsl.net/~coloradone/ | |
10. Parkinsons Disease Information From Parkinsons.org Parkinson's Disease Information. Home. FAQ. Trials. Resources. Contact. Parkinson's disease is one of a larger group of neurological conditions called motor system disorders. found evidence of the disease as far back as 5000 in identifying symptoms, the disease came to bear his name http://www.parkinsons.org/ | |
11. Britannia Pharmaceuticals Limited Manufactures products for small patient populations including opiate detoxification, parkinsons disease, Infant Respiratory Distress Syndrome, asthma and serous otitis media. Site also provides patient information to several medications. http://www.britannia-pharm.co.uk/ |
12. Living With Parkinsons Disease Main Frameset http://www.parkinsonsdisease.com/lwp/lwp.htm |
13. Born Preventive Health Care Clinic, P.C. > Home A private family health care provider. Specializing in parkinsons disease, acupuncture, antiaging, chelation therapy, allergies, laser surgery, cellulite therapy, joint pain. http://www.bornclinic.com | |
14. Parkinsons Disease 1 Can you help with our Familial Parkinson s disease project here? Parkinson s Disease. Parkinson sdisease, Progressive supranuclear palsy, Essential Tremor. http://medweb.bham.ac.uk/http/depts/clin_neuro/teaching/tutorials/parkinsons/par | |
15. CNN - Most Cases Of Parkinson's Disease Not Inherited, Study Says - January 26, CNN http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/9901/26/parkinsons.hereditary.01/index.html | |
16. Welcome To Sutter Gamma Knife Sacramento. Provides noninvasive, stereotactic radiosurgery treatment for tumors, neuromas, arteriovenous malformations, parkinsons disease and other brain disorders. http://suttergammaknife.org | |
17. APDA - R I Chapter - Home Page Official site of the Rhode Island chapter of the American parkinsons disease Assn. which includes links to general information, contact information pertaining to support groups, medical news and coming events. http://Parkinsonsdisease-Rhodeisland.org | |
18. Glaxo Centre Alliance Charities Parkinson's Disease Title. parkinsons disease Society. Charity No 258197. Contacts National Officeparkinsons disease Society, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ England. http://glaxocentre.merseyside.org/pds.html | |
19. Parkinsons Disease Society parkinsons disease Society. Charity No 258197. PARKINSONÂS DISEASESOCIETY ÂOur mission is the conquest of ParkinsonÂs disease http://glaxocentre.merseyside.org/parks.html | |
20. Parkinsons Disease Information From Parkinsons.org Parkinson s Disease Information, Parkinson s disease is one of a largergroup of neurological conditions called motor system disorders. http://www.wa.parkinsons.org/ | |
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