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Parenting Twins & Multiple Births: more books (34) | |||||
41. Multiple Birth Freebies 5263967 to receive your twins-quads gift Games Baby Names Baby Coupons multiple BirthFreebies Portrait Jan-April 2003 Newsletters General parenting Arts and http://www.momsview.com/multiples.html | |
42. Twins Realm - Parents Page Tamba (twins and multiple births Assoc United Kingdom) is for all parents withtwins, triplets, quads, quins, sextuplets or more - 100s of local clubs are http://www.twinsrealm.com/parents.htm | |
43. InteliHealth: of twins Clubs, which will refer you to a local chapter of their parenting supportnetwork. Call them at (800) 2432276. Center for Study of multiple Birth, http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIHW000/25370/25991.html | |
44. Parenting And Parenthood Information - Parenthood.com network of caring and sharing multiplebirth families Including an active multiples-onlybulletin board, latest Tips for parenting twins Written expressly by a http://www.parenthood.com/links_display.html?cat=31 |
45. RP - Test Page multipleBirth.com Medical social research, parent articles insights. twins multiple Birth Association Information and mutual support networks for http://www.rexanne.com/baby-siblings.html | |
46. Home, Family, Multiples: Parenting For pages devoted to the parenting and raising of multiple birth children. If yoursite has general info on twins that is of use to people who are NOT parents http://www.combose.com/Home/Family/Multiples/Parenting/ | |
47. Parenting Twins Links - Suite101.com twins Magazine twins Magazine is a unique publication geared to the multiplebirthfamily. It lends support and professional guidance to parents, as well as http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/5731 | |
48. Babyworld - Features - Survival Guide For Parents Of Multiples Visit babyworld s twins and multiples discussion forum for support from otherparents; Tamba, the twins and multiple births Association, can be reached at http://www.babyworld.co.uk/features/twins/twinsurvival.asp | |
49. Babyworld - Features - Multiples On The Move why twins occur, whether they will be identical, coping with a twin pregnancy andparenting twins; Tamba, the twins and multiple births Association, can be http://www.babyworld.co.uk/features/twins/mulitplesonmove.asp | |
50. Family Fun Family Health - Twins Triplets Multiples Prenatal Education and Bereavment Support for multiple births families from LyndaP Haddon. Advice, information and stories for parents of twins, triplets and http://www.family-friendly-fun.com/files/twinstripletsmultiples.html | |
51. Website Links Manitoba Families of multiples; Mississauga Parents of multiple births Association;Mothers of Super twins (MOST); Mom2Many.com A site for Parents of multiples http://www.multiplebirthscanada.org/english/links.php | |
52. Locate An MBC Chapter sarnia@multiplebirthscanada.org; Stratford multiple births Association, Stratfordstratford@multiplebirthscanada.org; Temiskaming Parents of twins, New Liskeard http://www.multiplebirthscanada.org/english/chapters.php | |
53. The Multiple Births Foundation - A Vital Resource To Professionals And Families demanding multiple birth babies can be. The reality is that often parents abilityto cope is dramatically reduced by the problems that accompany having twins, http://www.multiplebirths.org.uk/ | |
54. Parenting Twins & Multiples twins to Quints The Complete Manual for Parents of multiple Birth Children AUTHORNational Organization of Mothers of Twin, Rebecca Moskwinski (Editor) ISBN http://www.bookfinder.us/Family___Parenting/Parenting/Parenting_Twins___Multiple |
55. Parenting Multiples Family Home For pages devoted to the parenting and raising of multiple birth children. If yourWeb Site has general info on twins that is of use to people who are NOT http://www.interactiva.org/Dir/I/English/Home/Family/Multiples/Parenting/ | |
56. Links A unique site providing support and resources for parents who experience www.twinlesstwins.orgServing in support of twins (all multiple births) who suffer http://www.freewebs.com/climbstl/links/ | |
57. Irish Multiple Births Association The Irish multiple births Association is a young Association, whose and to act asadvocates for parents and their families of twins, triplets and higher http://homepages.iol.ie/~erogers/imba.htm | |
58. Wauu.DE: Home: Family: Multiples: Parenting Inc. Official site; a nonprofit, nation-wide support group for parentsof twins and higher order multiple birth children. http//www http://www.wauu.de/Home/Family/Multiples/Parenting/ | |
59. KinderStart - Pregnancy And Birth : You Are Pregnant : Multiple Births Irish multiple births Association The Irish multiple births Association is and toact as advocates for parents and their families of twins, triplets and http://www.kinderstart.com/pregnancyandbirth/youarepregnant/multiplebirths.html | |
60. Links multiples Mall Shopping, support and more. twins Magazine is a popularmagazine created with multiple-birth parenting needs in mind. http://www.marvelousmultiples.com/Links.htm | |
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