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81. Children & Family Offering information about parenting and child development as well as fun games and resources for kids. http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/children-and-family.asp | |
82. Principles Of Parenting. The publications in this series are part of a total parenting programemphasizing understanding, guiding, and encouraging children. http://www.humsci.auburn.edu/parent/ | |
83. Parenting Resources For Educators And Teachers Publications, games, posters, videos and other curriculum aids. http://www.parenting-resources.com/ | |
84. Parenting In The Home Office An article about how to survive and succeed with a home business when you have young children. http://www.thelaboroflove.com/forum/anndouglas/3.html | |
85. Parents, A Community Of Fun, Humor And Sharing The Lighter Side Of Parenting. Free Weekly Newsletter! Email address http://www.parentinghumor.com/ | |
86. MedlinePlus: Parenting Search MEDLINE for recent research articles on  parenting. Healthy parentingInitiative Information for Military Personnel and Their Families (Dept. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/parenting.html | |
87. Tubal Reversal - Tubal Ligation Reversal By Dr. Levin Located in Louisville, KY, Dr. Levin provides surrogacy services since 1979. http://www.babies-by-levin.com | |
88. Web Hosting Provided By HosTek.com This site COMING SOON! Web Hosting for this site providedby . . . . Web Hosting, FREE Setup First month FREE Affordable http://www.parentingteens.com/ | |
89. Parenting The Large Family - Suite101.com Issues that mothers with a large family face including orgination, money management, time savers and the ability to have a sense of humor. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/large_family | |
90. Canadian Parents Online - Parenting Community And Family Information Guide Connect with other parents for support. Features helpful articles, chat, discussionboards, product recalls, ask an expert, and parenting library. http://www.canadianparents.com/ | |
91. Generic Template Palm Beach County Florida doula provides birth doula services, belly casting, postpartum care, attachment parenting, breastfeeding and natural family planning support. http://www.babydreams.8m.com | |
92. Green Party Of Simcoe North Empathic parenting. website of the. Canadian Society for the Prevention of Crueltyto Children. Our Online parenting Course. Test Your Knowledge! http://www.empathicparenting.org/ | |
93. Family And Parenting Resource Guide -- Save Money, Shopping, Sweepstakes, Parent Guide to information, products and services to meet the needs of today's families. Categories and links include parenting, money saving tips and offers, finance, education, games and activities for your family, timesaving tips, consumer information and safety, recipes. http://www.parenthub.com/ | |
94. KidSource OnLine - Parenting Index for articles focusing on parenting tips, advice from child care to discipline. KSLogo, parenting. Child care, General parenting. advertisement. http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/pages/parenting.html | |
95. IntuitiveParenting.org Information, resources and articles about natural childbirth, cosleeping, family bedding, breastfeeding, nursing, attachment parenting, and generally nurturing infants, babies, toddlers, and children. http://www.intuitiveparenting.org/ | |
96. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies UKparents Your parenting lifeline, onlineA unique parenting lifeline with lots of information and expert adviceon pre-conception, pregnancy, labour and birth, babies and toddlers. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=5712 |
97. Hi Fellow Travelers On This Road Called LIFE, (PARENTING HUMOR) parenting humor by Mary Priester. http://www.adoption-research.org/humor.html | |
98. Parenting Learning Friends Activities Health Safety Kids Culture Family Life ChurchLife Life in Our House Holidays For Mom Dad The Joy of parenting Humor http://www.christianitytoday.com/parenting/ | |
99. The Aware Parenting Institute Home page for The Aware parenting Institute founded by Aletha Solter, Ph.D., authorof The Aware Baby, Helping Young Children Flourish, and Tears and Tantrums. http://www.awareparenting.com/ | |
100. P A R E N T I N G | M U L T I P L E S | G U I D E A mom of fraternal twin girls shares information on parenting multiples. Pictures, pregnancy information, tips and recipes. http://www.MiracleExpress.force9.co.uk/twins/ |
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