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1. People For The American Way | Supporters Of The Parental Rights Amendment parental rights children abuse right wing parental rights is teach to our children in our homes, churches and synagogues."116 A recent Christian Coalition school board training seminar featured campaign training on parental rights http://www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general/default.aspx?oid=1999 |
2. Parental Rights In America: Mandatory Drug Tests [Free Republic] Disclaimer Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. Culture/Society News Keywords parental rights. Source Associated Press find many things right about our school system today, if they can't teach kids to read, I don't think they http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a396782210563.htm | |
3. Outside The Beltway: PARENTAL RIGHTS parental rights with the beliefs of the society in matters of religious practice? Surely, parents should be allowed to teach as people who teach high school science can understand http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/004433.html | |
4. Parents Rights In School interests of our children in school, or fighting for our children s parental rights in education our future we must cherish, teach, and protect them http://groups.msn.com/ParentsRightsinSchool | |
5. Plano Parental Rights Council -- Sierra Times.com Homeschooling At the Ranch. Plano parental rights Council. An Interview with Susan Sarhady can't just assume or trust the school district will teach our children to read, write and do http://www.sierratimes.com/02/03/09/homeschool.htm | |
6. 10/26/95 HEARING ON PARENTAL RIGHTS parental rights and Responsibilities Act parental liberty encompasses both of these rights. In a case involving a Massachusetts family, discussed below, school the right to teach its students http://www.house.gov/judiciary/2137.htm | |
7. Question: Did We Sign Away Our Parental Rights? [Free Republic] Disclaimer Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its management. on transgression of parental rights though this was a public school and I know what regard parental rights Also, I teach at a Title I schoollow income, low performing http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a39305824611a.htm | |
8. California State Assembly Republican Caucus SB 71 (Kuehl) Would Eliminate parental rights in schools. the primary responsibility of their parents, said Runner is the responsibility of a school to teach http://republican.assembly.ca.gov/issues/index.asp?RefID=1567&WPID=4&body=Focus& |
9. Firstamendmentcenter.org: Collection Page How can American teachers be educated to teach about religion But parents don t abdicate their parental rights or duties by sending children to school. http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org/collection.aspx?item=charles_haynes_commenta |
10. Parent Teacher Resource Center Materials List Charge of ADHD How to Reach teach ADD/ADHD Kinds of Minds Keeping A Head in school Keys to to Advocate for Your Special Ed Child parental rights in Special http://www.oldtappan.nvnet.org/pta/PTRCMaterials.htm |
11. Frequently Asked Questions :: The Rutherford Institute Can the public school legally teach this or restricted, teachers are allowed to teach their students Freedom Resource Brief B9 entitled parental rights and Opt http://www.rutherford.org/resources/faq.asp | |
12. Parental Right To Opt Children Out Of Objectionable School Curricula; Memorandum statute which made it illegal to teach any language other than English in the public schools. the Court stated outright that parental rights to guide http://www.aclj.org/resources/studrts/resources/optout.asp | |
13. Asserting Parental Rights - It's Our Duty Parents express opposition to mandatory uniform policies, and express their belief that such policies teach children that it is unacceptable to be different. http://www.aprod.org/ | |
14. PARENTAL RIGHTS AND SCHOOL-BASED CLINICS 38 parental rights AND schoolBASED CLINICSResolution adopted at General Conference, 1987 The Evangelical Free Church of America. In recent years, the development of sex education courses in public http://www.efca.org/about/media/parental_rights.pdf |
15. 20 Education Parents And Children S Rights At School 20 Education Parents and children s rights at school. 4. Can I teach my child at home? 1. Introduction. 2. What choice of school do I have for my child? http://www.justask.org.uk/legalhelp/leaflet20.jsp?section=4&lang=null |
16. Back To School On Civil Rights Redirect Page entitled Back to school on Civil rights. This report is Back to school on Civil rights looks at more than with PTI Centers. a. parental Involvement and Communication with OSEP http://www.ncd.gov/newsroom/publications/backtoschool_1.html | |
17. Focus On Social Issues - Parental Rights In Public Education It requires a system of education which affirms the rights of parents to choose for their children the school that best fits their values, beliefs http://www.family.org/cforum/fosi/education/pe/a0028958.cfm | |
18. Focus Resource Center - Rights Wronged By Perry L. Glanzer Wronged The Erosion and Restoration of parental rights in Public Pop Quiz / 20 Questions Parents Should Ask Their should be asking your child s school and how http://www.family.org/resources/itempg.cfm?itemid=488 |
19. Westland - Mission Statement Discipline Policy & Parental Rights Discipline Policy, Procedures Mission Statement where staff, students, and parents teach, model, and reinforce the virtues of parental rights AND RESPONSIBILITIES. It is the responsibility http://www.bherbert.com/~samhoxie/westlandpta/discipline.htm | |
20. Parental Notification Bills between parental rights, minorÂs rights and public was given about schools failing to notify parents. required courses, and whether school personnel should http://www.jewishalliance.org/lte/parental_notification.htm | |
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