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81. Adrian Parker: PA Member XXVII International Congress of psychology, Stockholm. European Journal of parapsychology, 16, 2329. Book chapter in parapsychology and Clinical psychology. http://www.parapsych.org/members/a_parker.html | |
82. Matthew Smith: PA Member The coverage of parapsychology in introductory psychology textbooks 19902002. Journal of parapsychology, 67, 167-179. Smith, MD (2003). http://www.parapsych.org/members/m_smith.html | |
83. LSF 108 PARAPSYCHOLOGY: SCIENCE OR MAGIC Section 7 Science and pseud-science. 11.4 research methods in psychology Feldman, pg. 41-71. . 11.7 the case of parapsychology Alcock, ch. 6. http://www.berea.edu/PSY/Messer/Paranormal/ExSyllabi/Anderson_David.htm | |
84. Energy Psychology Health Mind and body Acupuncture Emotions New Age / parapsychology psychology Physiological psychology New Age (Self Help) . http://topics.practical.org/browse/Energy_psychology | |
85. NYPL, Occult Sciences And Parapsychology Research Guide parapsychology, the branch of psychology which deals with the scientific investigation of paranormal or psychic phenomena, is collected by the General Research http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/occult/ | |
86. Books > Subjects > Society, Politics & Philosophy > Psychology & Psychiatry > Pa DVDs. parapsychology Top selling. 1. Crossing Over The Stories Behind the Stories - John Edward Prices from £9.44. http://www.priceclash.co.uk/books/9433 | |
87. Introduction To Parapsychology Introduction to parapsychology. by. Michael Daniels PhD What is parapsychology? parapsychology is the scientific study of phenomena as the legitimate study of parapsychology. http://www.mdani.demon.co.uk/para/parintro.htm | |
88. CHANNELING AND THE PRESENCE PHENOMENON. Psychology Or Parapsychology? psychology. On a subject like this many areas remain to be explored, as the relationship with the psychological phenomenon of multiple personalities. http://www.xs4all.nl/~wichm/presence.html | |
89. Parapsychology: Parapsychological Association Home Page parapsychology psi phenomena psychic psi psychokinesis telepathy psychic phenomena out of body experiences paranormal ganzfeld intuition occult consciousness multimedia ESP PK psychic healing psi http://www.parapsych.org/ | |
90. Counseling -- Personal And Professional Counseling; Transpersonal Psychology, Cl She has a Masters Degree in Clinical psychology, a Masters Degree in Transpersonal psychology and a PhD in psychology, was the Director of Clinical Internships http://members.shaw.ca/finkleman/counsell.htm | |
91. Psychology ParapsychologyUri Geller can YOU bend spoons with him? Practical psychology Magazine Procrastination Research Group PsybernetikaCanadian psychology Magazine http://members.tripod.com/~RWallsTeacher/index-2.html | |
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93. Dr. Charles T. Tart Home Page And Virtual Library Tart has two email lists you can subscribe to, for The Archives of Scientist's Transcendent Experience and notices of general interest about transpersonal and related topics. Click here for more info! http://www.paradigm-sys.com/cttart | |
94. Psychologie Actueel Home Actueel Over de FMG Onderwijs Onderzoek Voorzieningen Bibliotheken Zoeken, Login, UvA home, Actueel. Agenda. Onderwijs Psychologie. Onderzoek Psychologie. http://www.fmg.uva.nl/psychologie/ | |
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