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41. AriadneSpider: New Age/Metaphysics 4 Rating 0.00 Votes 0) Rate It Review It. Astral Society A free on-line community, with the goal of exploring and discussing metaphysics and parapsychology. http://www.ariadnespider.com/New_Age/Metaphysics/ | |
42. Wantedbooks.com Crisp and unread. Keywords New Age, metaphysics, SelfActualization, Visualization, parapsychology Spiritualism (ID BOOKS002447I). http://www.wantedbooks.com/booklist.asp?searchtype=keyindex&searchstring=435 |
43. Creative Changes | Self Hypnosis, Self Help, Tapes, Hypnotherapy, Subliminal Justice, Security Management, Security Administration, Private Investigation, Police Science, Police Administration, parapsychology, metaphysics, Religion or http://www.hypnosis.demon.co.uk/behavior.htm | |
44. Welcome To The Dream Zone! Meet Dr. Katia Romanoff, she holds Ph.Ds in parapsychology, metaphysics and World Religion which she received from American International University. http://www.thedreamzone.com/aboutus/ | |
45. New Page 4 I STUDIED EXTENSIVELY parapsychology, metaphysics, THE PARANORMAL, AS WELL AS THE OTHER MAIN RELIGIONS, SUCH AS HINDUISM, BRAHMANISM, CONFUCIOUSISM, TAOISM http://www.tribulationalinstitute.com/new_page_4.htm | |
46. You Have Already Checked Out Lightly Worn. Prev Address Stamp. Keyword(s) metaphysics, Supernatural, parapsychology, Curiosities, Wonders, 0895774704. Item Number http://www.vintage-books.com/cgi-bin/Perlshop/perlshop.cgi?ACTION=push&thispage= |
47. You Have Already Checked Out Lightly Worn. Keyword(s) metaphysics, parapsychology. Item Number I68131 Price $5.50 Order This Book Add item(s) to the Cart Stay On Page? http://www.vintage-books.com/cgi-bin/Perlshop/perlshop.cgi?ACTION=push&thispage= |
48. Columns Meet Dr. Katia Romanoff, she holds Ph.Ds in parapsychology, metaphysics and World Religion which she received from American International University. http://maconareaonline.com/columns/ | |
49. Parapsychology Many Lives, Many Masters Many Lives, Many Masters Psychiatry and metaphysics blend together in this fascinating book based on a true case history. http://anomalies-books.net/Parapsychology.html | |
50. New Age Parapsychology Secret This is one of the better books that brings science and the scientific method towards the area which has has been initially probed by the metaphysics community http://anomalies-books.net/New_Age_Parapsychology_Secret.html | |
51. "E" - OCCULT PRACTICES IN "REVIVAL" - A mother earth purifies herself. Syn. CNSCIOUSNESS, AWARENESS MOVEMENT. cf. parapsychology, metaphysics, MYSTICIM, CYCLES, EVOLUTION. http://users.stargate.net/~ejt/E.htm | |
52. The Astral Pulse - Who Understands Quantum Metaphysics? disagree with quantum metaphysics is not actually a critique of metaphysics. In closing, QM, like parapsychology, and the natural sciences (the staggering http://www.astralpulse.com/forums/topic.asp?whichpage=-1&TOPIC_ID=11283&REPLY_ID |
53. Why Metaphysics? with parapsychology. The paranormal and parapsychology are simply aspects of metaphysicsusing the term in its broadest sense.. http://www.indotalisman.com/whymeta.html | |
54. Reiki Rays Institute Amongst her academic achievements are a BA, Magna Cum Laude, in English from Upsala College, PhDs in parapsychology, metaphysics, and Holistic Therapies http://www.reikiraysinstitute.com/instructors.htm | |
55. Dprogram  Dan Mapes - Virtual Reality Check from areas like cyber culture, consciousness research, parapsychology, music and art. edge virtual reality design company SynergyLabs on the metaphysics of VR. http://www.dprogram.com/dan_mapesp1.html | |
56. Quest For Wisdom psychology, consciousness NOETIC SCIENCES founded by Edgar Mitchell parapsychology, metaphysics, MAGICK MORE PARANORMAL NEWS THE MONROE INSTITUTE THE MIND http://home-2.worldonline.nl/~leeuwlp/index0.html | |
57. Online Metaphysics Forums - metaphysics Studies. General metaphysics, 3, 13/08/2001, Admin. Metaphysical Phenomena, 10/03/2000, Admin. New Age. parapsychology. Channellers, 1/05/2000, Admin. http://nt.cia.com.au/chiaraco/www.onlinemetaphysics.com.au/forum/default.asp | |
58. Bachelors In Metaphysics metaphysics is also linked to the world of parapsychology, (eg) the investigation of telepathy, and a like. Similar in nature, some http://www.universalu.com/what_is_metaphysics.htm | |
59. Jean Charon/Metaphysics/Cosmology/Physics/Electrons/Black Holes Contents. Foreword 11. Preface 13 CHAPTERS One PHYSICS AND metaphysics 17. Spirit descendants. Nine MECHANISMS OF THE SPIRIT parapsychology 87. http://securehosts.com/fecha/charon_book.html | |
60. Jean Charon/Metaphysics/Cosmology/Physics/Electrons/Black Holes In 1959, however, he moved into metaphysics (while continuing to do his nuclear spirit is not only supported by hard science but also by parapsychology and the http://securehosts.com/fecha/charon.htm | |
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