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1. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Metaphysics Parapsychology There are 843 books in this aisle. Browse the aisle by Title by Author by Price See recently arrived used books in this aisle. http://www.powells.com/subsection/MetaphysicsParapsychology.html | |
2. Welcome To The EVOLUTION Of YOUR SPIRIT The Chiara College (pronounced ÂKee  araÂ) offers Certificate Courses in; Metaphysics parapsychology metaphysics Spiritual Healing Advanced Metaphysics http://www.anoint.com.au/evolve.html | |
3. American Association For Parapsychology interested in obtaining an external degree (BS, MS, Ph.D.) in Holistic Studies Transpersonal Psychology, parapsychology, metaphysics, Clinical Pastoral http://www.parapsychologydegrees.com/ | |
4. Metaphysics A more modern interpretation of metaphysics includes psychic phenomena in all its variations including parapsychology the scientific investigation of these http://www.self-realization.com/meta.htm | |
5. Paranormal/Metaphysics Page Paranormal, Alternative science, Theology, metaphysics, Mysticism, God, Extraterrestrials parapsychology. Exceptional Human Experiences Network. Scientists' Transcendant Experiences. Cognitive Sciences Lab. University Of Metaphysical Studies. Active Stream metaphysics http://www.ultimatemidi.com/Paranormal.html | |
6. Welcome To The Chiara College Of Metaphysics Classes, correspondence courses and workshops in parapsychology, metaphysics, spiritual healing, and music and spirituality. Also lists discussion groups, products, newsletters and course descriptions. Located in St. Leonards, New South Wales, Australia. http://www.chiaracollege.com/ | |
7. Parapsychology: I Married The Wizard Of Oz The Ionasphere. parapsychology. I Married the Wizard of Oz! Our Adventures in parapsychology, Paraphysics, and metaphysics. by Iona Miller, ©2001. http://www.geocities.com/iona_m/parapsychology.html | |
8. American Association For Parapsychology parapsychology deals with the spiritual man. This spiritual branch of psychology was known to the Greek philosopher Aristotle as the science of metaphysics. http://www.parapsychologydegrees.com/what_is_parapsychology.html | |
9. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Mechanical Engineering. Media. Metal. metaphysics. Microsoft Reader eBooks. Middle East Featured Titles in metaphysicsparapsychology Page 11 of 41 http://www.powells.com/subsection/MetaphysicsParapsychology.11.html | |
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13. Independent & Interdisciplinary Studies - Including Metaphysics & Esoteric Studi releasement, transpersonal hypnosis, and electives from the CIU course modules in contemporary spirituality, esoteric studies, metaphysics and parapsychology. http://www.unicalamus.org/school_iis.htm | |
14. Quick Guide To Distance Degree Subjects Independent Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, parapsychology, metaphysics, Esoteric Studies, Regression and Reincarnation Studies, Shamanic and Primal Studies http://www.unicalamus.org/degrees_subjects.htm | |
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