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81. 10-Second Tips : The Winter Olympics The olympic Spirit thrives at the paralympics, Special olympics and Youth SportsPrograms, where athletes of all shapes, sizes and ability level are winners http://myhome.prodigy.net/help/learn/tips/tips0218.html | |
82. Paralympics paralympics. are olympic type games for disabled athletes, held in the olympic years Inthe sport of volleyball, there are two competitions, standing and seated http://www.volleyball.org/paralympic/ | |
83. Sport Canada - Canadian Olympic And Paralympic Results - 2000 Sydney Paralympics 2000 Sydney paralympics Medal Performances by Canadian Athletes.Athlete Name, Sport, Disability Group and Class, Event, Place. Adams http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/sc/result/2000-sydneypara_e.cfm | |
84. Sport Canada - Canadian Olympic And Paralympic Results - 2002 Salt Lake Winter P 2002 Salt Lake Winter paralympics Medal Performances by Canadian Athletes.2002 Athlete Name, Sport, Event, Place. Patterson Scott, Alpine http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/sc/result/2002-2saltlake_e.cfm | |
85. Welcome To Invacare - News Hollonbeck and his partners in Vie, all of whom are veterans of the paralympics,Olympics, collegiate or pro sports marketing, believe they have something to http://www.invacare.com/cgi-bin/imhqprd/inv_news/newsArticleOnly.jsp?s=0&passedC |
86. London 2012: The Paralympics The world s second biggest sports event. is to the Paralympic Movement what Greeceis to the Olympics. in 2000, 132 countries took part in the paralympics and a http://www.london2012.org/en/country/paralympics/ | |
87. London 2012: Paralympics venue the olympic Park tennis centre - would be built specifically for the paralympics.With the UK s long and distinguished involvement with sport for the http://www.london2012.org/en/bid/ParalympicsTheBid.htm | |
88. The DRM WebWatcher: Sports & Recreation - Paralympics IPC, news, past and current games, winter and summer sports, calendar, and more.Official Site of the 2002 Olympics Salt Lake 2002 paralympics Everything you http://www.disabilityresources.org/SPORTS-PARALYMPICS.html | |
89. New Beijing,Great Olympics-olympic 2008 paralympics. you are in home olympics 2008 Venue Competition Venues olympicSports Center Gymnasium. Our Vision Venue olympic Village paralympics, | |
90. New Beijing,Great Olympics-olympic 2008 Name olympic sports Center Softball Field (completed; will be renovated)Location the olympic Green Sport softball Distance from | |
91. New Zealand Sports News - Nzatthegames - Paralympics: Martin, MacCalman Head Str The Athens 2004 paralympics are in September, starting three weeks after theOlympic Games finish and will utilise the same venues and games village. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sports/sportsstorydisplay.cfm?storyID=3566503&thesecti |
92. Powerlifting For Athletes With Disabilities 1994 saw an increased level of competition as did the 1996 paralympics in Atlanta SinceOlympic sports tend to be better funded and capable of hiring staff, the http://members.axion.net/~igregson/benchpress/ |
93. Zeal.com - United States - New - Sports - All Sports - Sports Reference - Events A great resource for United States New - sports - All sports - sportsReference - Events - Olympics - paralympics - paralympics Athletes. http://zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=577921 |
94. ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games For the first time in the history of the olympic Games, all the Aquatics events willbe held in one venue, at the Athens olympic sports Complex OAKA olympic http://www.athens.olympic.org/en/sports/index_para.html | |
95. :: Xinhuanet :: ---- :: New Beijng, Great Olympics" :: China s Nonolympic sports National Games Set to be Quadrennial (10/08 1626). China sNon-olympic sports National Games Attract 54 Delegations (10/08 1626). http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/olympics/arena.htm | |
96. JuneauEmpire.com: Sports: Paralympics Hope To Feed Off Olympics 02/26/02 I think people sometimes think that the paralympics are more what the Olympicsused to be pure sport, said wheelchair racer and crosscountry skier http://www.juneauempire.com/stories/022602/spo_paraolympics.shtml | |
97. 2002 Olympic & Paralympic Education 2002 olympic Education Utah Education Network http://www.uen.org/2002 |
98. ATHENS 2004 Olympic Games Athens 2004 Tennis Sport Event, », Water Polo Greek Cup 2004, », ISSF World Cup.», Athens Slalom Racing World Cup 2004, », olympic Games Qualification Tournament, http://www.athens2004.com/page/default.asp?la=2&id=8 |
99. Become An Olympic Athlete - Compete In The Summer Olympics If you have ever dreamed of becoming an olympic Athlete, it might surprise you to know that no matter how old or out of shape you are right now, your dream could come true. In this guide you will http://www.dreamjobs.tv/olympics.html | |
100. Paralympics Athens 2004 Accommodation - Rent Houses It is the philosophy of the Paralympic Games to stick to the rules ofOlympic sport as far as possible. Schedule of paralympics by Sport. http://www.gr-indexer.gr/paralympics.html | |
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